THE ýT J WEll 'E AREAY PASSING ON THE DUTY-REMOVED PRICES- ON OVER 250 ITEMS! The import-duty removal recently onnounced b>' the Fedleral gavernment means that some retailers wiII be able ta pass aon lower costs in a few man*is, wben they bu>' new inventory. BUT CONSUMERS DISTRIB9UTING US PASSINO ON THE DUTY SAVINGS IMMEDIATELY ON OVhR 250 fTEMS. Our new Spring & Summier catalogue is just being distributed. Wi*vsit, we are including a lIst aF every item, on ever>' page, tot will be reduced when you buy it at cnsuers. SECAUSi IT'S OUR DUTY TO MAKE SURE YOU ALWAYS OIT THE1 LOWEST YXCIS - GUARANTEED. CONSUMERSl DISTRIBUNG 901B Steeles Avenue, East