~Th*,CmuadiaChaniu à KOIpkUIIt. nû n k6 ocksDo nu a-Wt s onyëa&M eoletrSedn Wug Jwo, a Weil % WXS Phpmofpth centre d hroug k I vebuldWig à dm, t .usrCt ebii and y ffi*hhof pW cor <IsM ing ur sa, In Mil o gnnga n. dcs Milton municipal oundhilSq musto» on themubect. And we apprecatu <bu reservations so far voloedi by, several. councillors, Mo~l ohn Challinor, Curry Droo!oe and Marion Howar. aàout j>rooeedling even <o drawpln fouhs w itemmn.,p final Mr. Cullnorlor instance, lu focusmed on à sens.e of fis- cal restraint when Il comes to bis purspective on municipal gowernrnn. He's gone as far as <o propmu <lut Milton consider a lax frueze for 1992. Givun <lut, Wfeels c:~ strained tô bold bock on spunding the $13511M çrmarke for plans to bùalld pluse twr,, at least4sntli <bat 2pense can bu wulghed &&ainsi other budge prilus in Marrit Côunclillors Hioward .end Brosfel *he àme way, and tbe fiscal caution uxhbited by ail tbree is understandable, laudabu ven But if uve ts are <o beviewed in alo Igern coýntext, what purposu Is served by delay? Irs upl mcey co- struction prices will get mucb butter or interest rates go mudi lower. Also, Milton ls in a sound fiscal position as a munici 1 in terms of the dubt i< now carrnes and wiIl as- sume wlth tw new structure. Thwes a good citai of punt-up aemnd for tbu Zentre - in onu form or aoue t)be on <bu drawlng board for enore than a decadu.~i aot $1 .A million in funding for plus. two lus alei3 been set oside, so iri avallable Ii-: e-diatly. Erring on the side of caution wlth taxpayers' mo eV is T ustaIly praiseworthy. And If tbere's anytbn <bis country and <hlm province need at tbu moment itla more fiscal prudence. 9 But Milton con build <bis <bing witbout undue lurdslipT to residents. tW cannot forsue cirmcumastances <lut should derail the initiative lni 1992. In faimum we must point out <bat <bu couiclilor b oppose mpunding $135AD0 on plans for pluse two are againskSony <lut aith<is stage - spendlnit money wltbout ; eingthe overaU budget numbuts <lut wIll bu available ln March I< may wuil <urn out, urdikely as It mounds SlvenC current economie ofidltlons, <lut khome sme councillors wll bu r@àssured wIum i l the figures corne in and col <oTi 4uiidth'newtving. irs aceed <lut <lM facllty wll neyer bu a municipal rnonuy7makur. Such tblngs èren't in any commity and ! are not truly judged by <lur'financlal yardstck anywayc j1w truemasure of tereuon lWestenbwill buthe d use the centre is put <o by resdents?ând we trust <lut use -will bu extensive. In a werst-case scentrno, if ýounciI opts <o delaà a Tua because of the recesmlonary burduns on residients we w'4li du11 able to accept <lut as a dedmsion mode ln goud conscience u by people guluy worrimd for the future beusue of <bue puet.Bt =we uiluv o mmnt muet oonmuser "0 ,eecuuaury Iaith in ltseif <o proed2 with <bis worthwillea Looking- baék effle f@dma aii Km Oah 'ages-of the'Past n e Y e a r A M *j , u W o e l r w m a u q o Comoev hram a OUit of d Mp.im% M whl u pm> lk«O lau -ogN vouid Uiai C"uaIeN~M.Lu a la lm P, wu dm bO ILiLmIfuigW Ch*ll du c=a~ =la. Tle âlmOi bMU à -"q liaiav~qal à«m O& .. I. 42Ita =Mnq M ;a;uO M laidm NS mam ofi dus ia'un "20 Ago -a a-- à ai % b suff noeopp.aii sars dk4IagIvimi hwin u b~ CIl Aa FAN*. bu* b»- -e=ii , 1w ci dIbu'~ ~ ~ ~~h dout wi.l ai bw aHl. uio ou. theauS la la Naakwsu 14 u am lia h g t- Udu M«- p d » bai of ahOul dM . bC u Ot.i m lmd.~ WWA b paid .nphWb a iat mu& wu om of wàk polo&. 1Up bI ddo Fd h-iYwMA MuNWit lI> WW1 Com bu biWq Md à àmu&mm . - - d$*vdja -m p ailla. u s .Wu a h b & bau w u hM l'y Steve Mle M~MslO u» câàài.ly hané- P-Ni~~WA MWu ft ToudhUI3 W'U4I CLAý àhwlàAwqwm dMOiM %,Mt - lu 112 lit ilagb q xWhflut