MiI<owneý Realty. Corp, SoId m» ihons sic« ý1963 *22 Ontario St. South 87>-2365 JOAN E. oD LAWRUQ4C fl Mu e.~uusius nui. 1140U, B 1E NE FiAST* . To view this three bedroomn homo, rnsliod foc. mom. gpod-sized mit-in klichen,rgmat, movo lu con- diio, wdeSà appýilancea and gnuch more. For comploete detils FN.ka 'THIt TOWNHOUSE 1 LTURNAT" N~o condo OS@ li tiU tfio-boroom, ail-brick semi, situated ona &quiet Meet in mature o»e of 116M. iving ampf have bien renovtI in open ,concept wllh extensive use 0f hardwood floirs. Askulfl $149.900. For your. p<ivaeeWing à«l for 8ettY. 0GOGOUS BUNGALOW, In Doraet Paét wlth thfee bodrooms. oit-in kitchen, attachol marage, pool1- sizod lot, comnpltely tirishod roc. roomf with fiCeplace. Shows beaut- lifIly. Phono Betty for in appoint- ment. R0W!M OF SALE 1 le~iIinome properties, zoning. 17 rental unie. Gros incom $52,000.00. Gdod financing avallable. Priced at 24,80 sq. fI.WZ M i fmra actory. 3.M0 $4 ft. d*ies, boaing 1nd dive indoons. Qulk accesao 401. For Lesse $sq. Il. rYa ci"er CommercialaMd risidoctia lncarne proporty. Soid anclior tenants, prirne location. Gross incarne $7i,000.00. Pie for quldk sale $595000.00. i _________________ G A R Y vflOMAS AIan Brookcs................................ ...87540m7 Gail Pwllen ...... .... .... -.... 87"1;0l Freda L.awrence ...............-................ 0 Maurice Mlljour....... 1 .......................8476.4577 40udr.y Neweli .....................8......33.... W ayne W arliez .... 87........-............... Lina '.*rrer .. .... ..........................8-04 Ron .ur................. ...............8-33 Phil PresidSe.................. .. .............. 878-924 Richard Hmian ......................70.......... C.aroî MNt Broks ......................... i....... ....75.0067 Llndiey MLaWn ...................8..265.... IatrlnaWaton ........s...................... IOwner Jean S'rowden ....... ................... a......87~5 Mike Morgan .......... ..........................87-0 Pa4~87Page T lOr 8...544-....8...3. Betty Ingle ......................................... 2- It MBcN@1I ....................à ....... ...... ...8" Clayton 749acIoenbrook ... ................. 8754"71 Sharon ~ ......... e ...................... 04w John~ <J.P.) Per ..... ...848.... ...i......... JoAnl E. Taettrw ....... j . ..............8-17 sSott 13BPrio.....e.. ...... ..................8746 ,_NaýUyn .........................-. 874 Ai Volpe..... ......................................aag~ -J- Proker g