I r~ * 5qq -f. f. ~-. - anid. THE RAC 1 ON!! ýftoWsÎ New4.f Oee r. ot. *the DIv1ision'aI Cbafrmgen. .WoCan SoiIthe.ý b BNtA LAS ~LOK TODAY AHI HLPkYa J FOURfM TE&4\WINjT$ECHALLC-NGIEI ~~hv1tyn~~ BahWiéi IA Qmm WH«YWPLL iN,? STAY TUNEDII Caitii. Compuign office il878*211 - Ewg. 190 or 150 1i i Wi TO ORDER BLOCKS AT $ý0Ô.OO EACHi I ~~~TOTAL:______I I Pluie m*ew my lex recoe ut 10; U' 1lAdêmeM 1------------------- --------- A. cinqus >bI. #0 Tomn o0 Niom Pqamet Mu.t4cnpyoW~rMm Ct'qynmmyb PWq daleft MP 16Dçenbo s3>191. S.~l en anclqss f: ~*ofm*to% P.O. dux 19OO Maion " &nas 1'IT486 *~~~~~u efs.fip0st #W Ibwn>e q& Happy New Vearfrou our stf emnagmant Fdpddriv set aieo bu **m.t th" S~p *0.ppa3fdoUIIUUa &"-M Mm.lcamuit Sm m i he k. p ir I edII forh q00IWl1* wu* w~àp ~e ûG hnk nla37nq 1.Mhn~Iaa* holdyaaun et s*i lo i.TwaMhI ut Q bpdy u cn îiil It à e* 0 Wa dI~ iI. pu u pscifdaiewu eo1 Ltus Ç7oofcfr9 ou 9'ou've earnéditW ]Break away from your kitchens and lét yourself be treated at Jack Tanners Table torqight. With -a sPeclal friend you wilI enjoy our relaxed, festive atmosphere at an iiimate fireside table., Select from'unique D3laclkbôard SpcýIas preparecl daily undevithe dlirection of.our Cordon bleu cheù If fine dinlng j» one of voig favourite past times, then you must réserve sorne #~m with us. - * IRýservatiéns~<eomnfd 853-3440 *1 -'i