Pur: Réaders -\Write forcontrbutlng to our food drifr Deîr Edtiter Oin MotaIt cf lte Mil1- Ion Rfre Defrmet we would lke te thaslt the communlly for the. goeeiow donations of, foeod and othor item for rteneey dette8ouit ftrslannpal feood drive. '-Due te the overwhelming ruspnsé, tomortrn*iy more afflii, oft îewn were sot covereti due te, dose resîtrklions. The. amn;e of food cins~ in 3air-bm If you were mlssed, ýou cati 5 LI dro off ypmar ite4js ad 1h . nt PIeSation On Iwo~ Avenue. elt le gratltylng. during these t ugM ,tconotnk limes, that you, te cîtîzn eto Millesn, openéd your beatiand made doeatlons su that oters could ,have a happy Chbristmas Season. Scasoesgreetisg from the statf et the MiltonVircDeprtnn. * MIDoeh Fkoffuhtei- Cfub tjappy NOwYear. ,their valuabie effort Ocar ljitor~ 1 weuld lIkr te take titis 'opportunity te lthaok ail tht' valusteer drivers; captains and cati- vasws, and ail utherr voluitteen ter, their eclleat 61 stance and su4r I truly hpe th ey w9l continue with their dedkictin ethismtorirni- potnt catpe. Wishing ev ýyn&at lLnd, hap pinces in the New Yeer. on behaife thte Miltpn Unit et thme caiadiafi CancerSoy. RSS0ngeIM *Sillmd Bar and Deami le 1 MAIN AT. E. If MMY emIl 8M4ARON PRESSE L.N.; LL.. Barrister &Solidt(or w45i~ntreet -Milton' naî * 376-4656 *FAMILY LAW JDIVORCE or Facial 'tissue Poeiut Sufler 6/1 . Sg Musahroims *1 etiatM *Aa01-ea "a' -Wmaq Steaks or* Roaste 3o97 Whi#e1. Brep6, io n5 u iamns e meaus IIjumewou bmàîrI ! n -~~~~~ Dryn'i t . ~ - iCOMEDY NIGHT SPI;TICKET F~9Y,~AY~1 li. WEDDINGIS ARwe b- 7 -ý. < ~\4 *-, IXD famlly roots remaff»n desplt9.iosa of historlc home Us.. i fO e 1ltr theebyd Dixos farnlly. sorie ducat. Oetmm El Ptent' eumn dats atill liv. on and operale tigtA- etOc. 0 nt MFiht to g=mpve. - 0 n-hn toelc home on llhons ftad ends4,Q Jhr n lmmn wktit déimolition~' by ItbKelly, Nov. im Me yt aato u ---n- ---anks tc, lii Patiencen and anJ4pla -myfhelr ducat. Rot Kelly for writ1ng itbout the. y ylatuti tlilthhl rljo tamll theslnhoauo eth Ti. enlitton of thîs grandod shhl of astt1 Ce ive 'boni wî g t'ee lh uarome by 9bid (ti- main Stiesi £"0I 'W .. the deaendants oefh me hinuly twstn due Nird and. Fourt Us liv4nl te Milton affl no w-ln (lieU Thomnpson Risd mmd bate Its sevsnlt¶ generation. Th. houa. Sjaowththkway). was compllsad in' 181 bý John John flJxo Jt. rried ïatbd Qten Sr, anmd his soina William, Ford and Wkfad on the. jothI *nd Jacols b, ad Elijah. The hmuse yas fi11h LIes cf lbaaJr Tbwmhp, knower, îtoeg !ltIt the 200-mces -d 10ep OU8 pumh*Wi Urne- tarrni ai cediwe and was tu s en alonWao-sUl i tured in ffie f 1877fton County $P-u R"mt a.'4L ilxe 1.1 a saon Towltmhl for hm mort, Wllluig Atlas - 555 s . amasa A. Dixon. Wlllm'i mmt, Lemnd ý TIts line- od i hoime waa unme-. Northwtikerliâtnd, Burend, was d Tbe OUÉM srWilliam, <bachde t Gy, 'long weUh. Lemsm'i àmll> - quallsd in the Milton ena. TIhe e. seoum~mtl 11n Yata gar boml ln 182 tock ovoe tIa.4ne le tiess4 et LInuhm "41 tutUi ,gant home oremll vocrnm;in =i Twmhp on tht maux ian a 1872, A nephtew ot William Uacb'i,e 196t Loens' doomama lt on cludeli a sindieg black w*tut 1821. John D",6 worlted meitIt mon), 14a1w> Dixos,= J ]nelal~ and cverltaoldng,Itmsan Hl taircîtm pint Md tittenué wccd- Jasper Martini te "imr due land tor tact ln - 1925. htmag ar work,,! x3fo cengs, delI»dpli- thé BIIote Stued eeet and. the Spnmcsals wua molid oe et 4te'ý lb. àS iMn * siincercly, tiank tri ollf-may mrc, of tomen site which mess te beom* Mil- Othon, tssily i n a sI, ils atms t.A/ýZ ss>caly, boug CSrlgs ter. o(antl ml ni.,Tii. ton. Thé. Dbmpe ant thé Mà4rIIns H5cvey's d"t Io 1%0<. colin Buat Stc Atlsmbomugh, ~eeew* onpey ai~t m sitd.. nh elr tantl ' John Dionm was a achool trumhe am Tcmcgw foc hue firelfflef- 1962 by ile: and Mary wll,the tii. latterRart ofet tI - tury Whsn on th. frit Million Selmool Bourd tiorts te ltave tii. Id homme dsalg onlychage e 1.r- igl nerior -the. Dixoua ilid thè Hllsdae Mill wtmlci led -to, th building ,of nati am prmov"s aahisolca bein g sIemdte f 'lrepIace, <n"r Barr)teJseMtiJ. Milton'# firal l achoci. Sons landmilis Aloo thansik te, the Town weiemas -adjaceeto the kitchen. 'In addition teterivlseinl ThomasandElli hc~*dlwnc MUta torth èfloed fto i mve The hco.rmlu epefc h uee lndustmg "i m h 4AU.lton, (Dhtd 0 àlImon, ad Sprcedalesavud frottdemclhlou. *toditlort util. the mister, etfrny aiamauatu-l 0 Mathmçan & Dxo«t> TlIonxm-lalmâr Prmaps S =radlw Zcaw o 1,9/1991 when hYdre was tursêd, rnc(na aISticual = d nca i nmvaf t Walkerln, Elijah lu vals - mas ilgm shn mi ffby. the. owners, 1h. hoiea aet orohrfrt a.ln .y(ahe1or tse-ved as a founding LACAC commuttee f 11h adeumts boardeli up,ýand the iet'table v'an- corepairn Iruiteo ethe Mothodist Omlurch, fundng and encouMjsm toenm- dalisin bean-' LAC*C (Lec4&Ar- joan marrieli jane Bell Cher fam~ no.w St-Plaul'i United Chucchi wss su re that Milton d os;t luise chitectural CosaWrvaîonf"Adwry dq the landfor. Bel schooI t preident et Miltos Faîr; Pmmst anyn eof ils . itrlotutiidnfUa. Commeittel and the Towen of Mîhon pY Wr and BDpI! ScIteol UÀns atre h asm .d. 1 5 Illh Si.iTa* made rniny,attemfpts lé coettul thé îiYtoaid litier nanxýd for her (amni *rvad agOident of Milton Fae luenm tk o destru.ftmon. Jolin and Jane ha mee ea n h Ss ayo ihots -Mea (CNi*"fNI «" ~ - joh n Oso a aive et Alnelck ttee daeghters. taL s ee b~kse a tarnd # i F J9