ete but f au fig glo IêrUs- arhig al 0:57 p.m D.oas 25 01 ugir ____________ '7 Ill. 2 oz.37l m s IT, kt nid &«. Dailu andi mSbaa i MIO .CMUIL i laubp Mne c a 6aoI> ! liinmeplm"d hiuRfW5 aiaiaaia di bod 'o Sow ou9ilr Lstr IyswsOl*g ~d0f Ui, and nusiWf wh0 ýpmfd iway lx.tq 2gfêeNeohiotHoepuhiu.1ecoanbcf- n 25, 1001. Piai grandffllt for . Dai Hnd 3*gaeu boiJ 111 orolan #dt and t en ad MIS, Cleno Bayant Gr-a.Ai W1BaiS. ot U~.IeN. W*A bqt and k*. oaiia I -,bfnsly f-o tfShilùng. I.01k 10 Dr ut. NOWIIOI an Thoughab of hun aM a~y ne. on iamHosw. Oays c*ýf al wo-comm' cor us. du 08 mal g hin hirnci Hoçia. Piens may Mait du. woun aidhoaled. 30t hepkIo kam 0* menais ALlAIt ILAMCH MM - (Paansaf y et 4m. l' OsfUtin MW "e! conceiedi db)Onabrayioh ir2 . Il0, d*uc:ah4lm pi%. Fat nmuuu.a dl=dY.Ooibu 81 'JUo aid Jm i.; MoahrMvanh-a kWn, in her 8 Opl a., aIu a àiO uole adi h5.dai dlfo caicur Wio'd' 01W O Robat graoldo Liair a.j..»u 9 L a bit) her fIo q Iam ote R EfBRANCES in " . oa f tit<a, AMd hi silo.b bit haïr biotm Afro kwm X, fA141o1 DiOg<hlHoopital Foundaîo are (Spke>, bit Nu gatilrnCia»ds (mm- app<Ocialed.; R"bi Ud>. Laîato. Steon and her 911a- WEILLWNCQ0 C*fLIILL- hI hn momoa c gion uiny. Abo plsvi M, 1* amy - uuad~ nuaat e niama WMIN ai iOm bsfd avuy Jauaay 1. igea - dii.Prdunmeed by LevAoluldg om twOdior aid smBo. unga SOivutUli iald An intecis9ont mmnd on Tuaaday. Doouinwé 31al, lut ut 11 Ç.m. Wuls .you oad émm MdI<oul Furmai H"i MlWin. InfaienrOt Vai wer, ocm ol a kimd Evorg.os Cemotay, MhiRtg In MaiioaY A wMteil mnmbeod. BWai« ,. dno mmd 4a mades I du Hwtoi Ouy I. elad Jasai Cernlaava Mener Audllay or hi lie dilly oIW!"dje yor Ch". 45 Anivum e LICOCO. MOIUE À I di RoIMm.riaf M ao,. NVNSR ~doq a8aN~aV Osoomor 281 . Ti.sdro of klug anti Jas Toa mWo1iMle, h 1 @lDibLmccq of io t m" ile aI W"s Mmil end lueis 1Io epa hoflaL te ho a Rogmult Laolq. Louhig moldii, of hp, bld i fiWC Of 1 511 ainliorma Il aill be C-U0f csi e»win, Héar ls ai c OWAW helti au Swaya. Jaiuaa 5. 112 eti li Marion Mdii hlad of Faion fak. Voi MdaitMa Hi Fisonx m 1a,3 i-pm. 659-79U, ai aid tvsl PdilooGupl. moiua ttýy14grandohlhrsi aid 11 greai- wsé ny Mous. ~ ~ 7 514 Min8W&NOhin frni74in Tliwotby. Flânerai Si.Fsa, aySENIOR CITIZnS CLUB M la h*lir pot 1092, et 2:00 pin. iatmen vîges kme ouni Januay à, 1002 ai the Royal cenig.. amelo. Canada Lagion, on Chlst et 12:30 pan. Ail MOO , HA aailo. arenh vuli ti aMiisti dp roeMid y cf iMlilton fion (Jtâm> mon aof d " Boumo, Wglnua psychic Fair anti Mm. WUlam (BooM.> Tmudpma o! Uppoi Lonsti y i orandebhldtren anti 6 gîca fla j I ariaa et ~ a by e rad, id4 WJ més iosi MaieW m in ma Rosas pmmai, SaSl n Catial Clwrcf, Tudky. Dosmbar 31et ai So.Ji.I 12:30 pinm hiuorinntEvrgra.o Cemql.ry, if julj. 10 MiSint Arangoimnni througb the MCK&,a. su Jani 2 Fumsai Haon, 114 Mali fS o . ilI~s Amat. -dlS4 9 e.rsie Fqunera(9-ome 114 mamsffruu maiin, Ontario 878-4452 Cosplet FunralPlaningTHE OFF(CE OF Coiplro unra Plnnng THE CANADIAN CHAMPION Pepaym-aâan e"mila jon WILL BE OPEN ON No.jaymst ~I1o ONDAYS UNTI66 P.M. ! TO SERVE YOUR LàI CLASSIFIED NEEDS .iWoâ ïffMilM* am»M 95 =mà O9 * ¶14we fa a t' a your otassiftd Hotlhme qLASSle HouRS- J Cl"IuIded aDiop& Caia. plat Ttsaeday il am FAX 87"-943 .4LLARmmmàgEFL EÎrote aad Oadisana h.publi-absr assume. no ft»i.1o litblity fP typIo-tra bia opy MÀmiin. by ti, a= Qum d daN co ar. Crupîud t *0 - or <arusn 1ad l0,.s usi i pi . =b ohm phitoo dot. O ) ovo Skimî T11 78IE arewo o 4LVY T Go oc 1.001<gg -MAJ TêE IDWOOD FOR SAL. Benoî. mdi and mdl Goo CGN VAC . 16 aigUh bia>oed SILO. feS. <ast $70,878- ~ ~: PIEOOOSALE -AUi saaaelsd. Nrt ~ 00 ~ '0' Hadiood ' $70 per lae <Md kidés delmiy 0o0 e0 nd' G.S.t. Cai, RAY McKINNON G CG LANDSCAPING. 6170-001. * o. * wa ME noUrMnf fAUoWOOO. Mnxd u.oauuid hu*ibMdu andaih li 12 ln. or té 66 LoS «i. luigd. 0-crir (illic <md aid w >MYt LO$T bOOr aldos Rowait.* 'OIiaf. Doame- <mdi lor P p or déliffl. Ouipd bu**h Nu 20. Finit Lu. »Wi 5 aide roati. May bu wo<d avon 4alp d lân 5mb audiai fo t*and.Flua.cd87481 or. 864-2137W. a u*iU.(S.>59U.03 ~fied NOTIE TO MALTON WATER AND WASTEWATER RATEPAVERS 1992 WATER AND WAST.EWATER RESIDENTIAL RATEPAYERS (Ail Rates Are Monthly> Mme foliovAng rit çohedul ulill apy te &WtbI*s -oWdee on o ~ aJnuary leit, 19n. <%ERVICE CHARGE sine of Wute Miter Ail Are MUnkcpIIu Base at Welter -W" J/ 20man 3/4')aor lss 4. 10 S 526 25mm 1") 7.10 9.17 31i 11/4") 10.81 13.98 5Mm (1 11i21) 12.64 16.36 63mm (2»1/2 I) , 44.27 57.391 761Tm <3) . 53.62 693 lOl1mm <4") 92.70 .120.19 j152mm (6") 237.87 308.41 203aim (8>382.98 496.66 254mm (10") 478.87 620..94 USAGE CHARGE PERICUBIO METER ew Wellslebr 0 - 46m3 3278o 42.47e 47m3 - 60m3 36.06 c 42.470 6lai3- 460m3 36.060 nic m3lm&8above 32.78.0 n/c Nois: Thors aili be o eWasteviats, Surcharge aonuumplon parLdsla undi in OScOL of5CMW par adl 1992,WATER AND WASTEWATER C.OMMERCIAL/INDUSTrRIAL RATrEPAYERS < Ail Ret.. Are MoMMhY) orae The toiiowing rate ichedule wilU aWpy tg ail bUis W rmd n o ale Iafllry li, 199. SERVICE CHARGE 0i f Water Miter Ail Aie Muaicpaitie Bas Rae MOIer Waiteler 2Ommn '3f) ortessi $ 4.10 $ 5.26 25mm 1 ) 12.48 18.76 31lmm 11/4> 17*8 26.79 38mm, 11/2") 20'53 309 50Omm 2") 44.89 67.33 63mm- 2 1/2") 66.46- 99.75 76mm a' 79.97 120.06 lOlmm .4Ï 13E.78 205.30 152mm ý6" 347152 521.71 203mm 8" 558,32 .838.10 254mm 10") 697.64 1,046.99, USAGE CHARGE PER CUBIO MÈTER Maer Wamtewate 0-46m3 327< 42.47t 47m3 -~60m3 36.06 e 42.470 61 m3 - 460mh3 36.060 42.470 46tm3 &abave 32,78oe 42.47e IOTE: Since the 1992 rates are effectlveas 0f January 1,.1992 wate r md wastewater blNngs etiending mbt 1992 wll no* bu pro-roted In, ho marne manner et hydro-elecil billngs, L.e. 1991 ratems wIll be pplied to comsmoion- prior ta January 1 ýl992 and the 1992 rates herealer. M