Get ready -to shift into low gear after Christmas k ChntltwIais mm ay gosseand Indiel m.mîag:oéa=fa wte whatthe New Yesaîil Habout. Lat- rne,u= in the hl bsxim of ' th<e mentri ln$ cm, ohmct Mt ai1nt.Igm h#olm 15 t the 'old' and buing in the ras In. a r, hair nbbun'. io c&ught up sa t:dayrt.l ihta sifr K dPIv .L Y bout thet itris kg., s iwerinhg, Smw'. ltwigsttmajutiîwkofinmdcir t %get that our CMI Bege i% 'tu ism l OLl.. refuyvatiîi adoatng wihou? 1mporný 1 rryln.hve h ia~ tck tobit pisata Wmlh Ott rewrhacscloicîdoi ls o i.~H hlniRswin ur Cchild- rosumdW uandjnwwtg New Pm.parathn Earry in the day ovc, IChrtZm7ei' t . t thes 1a- YN%; 3 hod 4u thî loife New Yý layzl neitp nwap'dîs pae O f~îu todav JOIfnS et ri1h5' lof oeuus avawidM <lit pwh' ri thnge anid idépt we miat, and rtludh wth5 arfml, tenO.s tpomo illi t pawdeii wllpaçi uiait wc moànnente Iullowtng R d iitn. d csativitv. lpfimiiid wtth water. hi'. .1 .1t ofettk bU ithtovn anr mflat.d balon ltltovt tiai amr uni4u. q ou. tîtc"ti-le and with Thty make us moite and they in -trnicmcmby thisonce. Need: one infWetd rund baik;oti. 4and meiay ut, the kids and aditlî ,,aaýW r tirth fu fokiwngptswide u. with tnçptration for out str a perfect time to wallpapefrstc.i sîpaf utewipapui. utîl love it. It willlufataday te , i' rires nes C ulmlyahrn maW your faulya&Waieofttime w th pin. Fil tlse finihesd pissata wuth dry io plan sassid. Thse neIt day, and Uic' îî tht'..' uc, c.i,rtk arrd In on ou n I uds the caleidlar and the ckocklflme i% cotns, ballons. stickc'rs 1çum, puncture aid tm'tove the b.lltý, cwth a sma¶ewg eicr pur rint. tissu. paptt. k'ýathrî. t à lctltovr *rapm plot o (h mai card% Clitter stilc'r, r; grit ai w411, Wsen si ha, oi oratcd traite à umo imall hiI' ira, the top af the pitta lt a ta%'% îding t ue h sicîlc tii i tkIsn vu!- assi wit the ititauit men.ionvid Actiityt At vout Part'. tr ttebt'a- lion -hâtif the pîruata %hes' il',m, Ict' of toott Evrt".net h' ta k- a tUtts trving tu break i(t Jidi'I,î ~1 ~ 'j~ ~ ' ssith a bixwn or hickev% itwk Momories la pleturest mctasunng, aid viuil dixinminâa titîn idi follotiing dirntions Salt Domut Mistuir -2 cui fleur. 1 cup of miatei, and 1 up * cil ifui.t Krcoad îînfttdirît togc, ' with band, 't'u wat1t iltt I.. th o% Phmvdoh. You will mlst, nortd soimi phtocir voui famîilv at pLa i oni a ipical o ttab i uauri and uihite l'repmrat.on Rll oui tt'c 'ait diitgt atout :Mth l in îtb t,.t fuitegi, ,Ia' o cati 4o ci a'r t., l... ut tat, irm .,me t' U Ï phot-' in a 1sg . lihtlv imaller ?han the 1b turcx can i glas, hact the phtti the tint,,' nt the sait tough u,1I -'l, Fiild t he i gep oer th bc p t t r' tii p,"S Jowi .Ith a tik aid i ah z htti thangl'.t haIl i ci aid add&it ma1m.1l trlr .1 tl 'ai . bot.,' the J11g ILI. picttau ait ail ai 1W t J 'grix until hardi, about 1 tir * FAINT Writ vous tilei aid date'ion ltt bai wh àmarkt MliiiTh: UNi Wifi ru, git tur Grandna or a = LAM OR m @ pt a idnt att.'. Chtaa i Coumot Those Good Doeds. Reinfowcs coturalnt, h'raphliti Nov* bro tîîl. hordtî taS boa.rd, rulet. penc and cravuins Prisparaitiont Mlae & calAiar scith sihattd séde of thei mlru Ont thar 4L id otite dlowtn mv. jol, ariutid the houethat sou chli tari dov.ach day The pI" ihould h. eay. toits - si la 7illidample. mai mv btsd. hruts i su % th Iai'. thlnidtîa, the calepdis Talk atbout the Newc 'kiti lité mn. t v ,wthingiand ta doathtns i àneeia fli,.th'otuna time ptitctd kir the câod O.'oi btoard F.r %milletchilsisi à .w.,k f Coud INvdi may te asil they cati handIt f3w..r1jIlge2 lo ue Actuvt. Each dav have, tht thil WOP mark Iff ehtpjb udo.thtli uml cars uicw kt or craymts ta maki- il .asimiaaiamotnt m tong Retferenu languagt d.esaip- mentî.tfrg ntîngn .lî. or. CANADAS MU~ PAMN B&WAUMMR~t VAWE. N"- M'ain paper. cîd Chrisirnas IV urds or pécrhs' tut faim nai %* writeis Pwpm.ton: I'ttv chiltitsn li talls om~r'a,~,~k hait' th.'m d.ria1pt'u.n a jue tre b.ron~I tuct, ùZ .M h oldi<ift papier orcads 525 T * AU * ~ * t:M vinsi' somatise temu vr'ie IV~I 'OI'IU ~wrt,1t ftu, adti and childtitt v Chtmtnma. ptuvidsd à nsiý uppoi. MWL. ~ A.4 Pl' 5~Ji > ~j4 Plituntro the w"aI lamilv tu ut dtswn and tune kitta or crdi ué 'TheCIoeM gc'wdPafhrn M tV~yimn.w. aaia~i ~ e... <, ~tôtoth.. oii. the itotdY. Chatir C<6tM n e - ao » or vw i#uartot havs eratd a lot and tbO.tciyi haws a Iitittlabut