0 1 0 MAYUK 5r 3UUNI1L NEW YEAR'S ILEVE The. Mayor end Mm %of Counol cordially Invite the Citizons of taatnd the. Annual Net»Year*sLeVoetob sud b.twSn.1:3O p.m, and13:30 p.m. on Tuesday, Januay 1, 1991 In the ~ IIpTown Hall tollowâd by fatrashmna1 Mul<Fater Hall. - Mayer G. Krmntz Rare OpiutyTo Savt Moe s ~ ~ ~ ~ H -1i aa.q'St. - * .dCi - I The last 1990 C ,vKcoits an Preludes. *Milton Hond RI-M7t,4747 Major peewees nip, Brampton toý capturé regional Silver SUick Th n ap p ew e AA % 'tante lte Cne had t ouble wîtl t leul~ UiM'4m: h auoi I n amot pocer air in the Oshawa tourna. hi-oo wînnîng t d :7ît h al ahu.ge sitele in ybkta am rt~~~ Hlu ywiy opatu Chîrgi~couy mdhavfiga fne iaîtin prnd th ta5vwthg ihontpatte2Oh nnul Oshti Centcile 4e~e ithlli - faatfT~noRd i~ Toosu4mmitlit the otiietdiva., kilt n a oend plate an lThe tram bas ny bas ttrgethoe ln the chapolll gnetnltCnraLaueihik, tIse Red ngs tho th hibtJu aagdt mned an ht penlli mestotea nirn pigo thMlL' sent ts¶tt aI~ u torn ennte rga thid boye lndlndally Nati faild hitke antg .j Silver Stick qudilifitir they masg. htrdtr s oaîokrt h ueotptîWertypoiuniii l7galnsehle llwIIgIm~lJiir~ aacly con~ linh firn to .Sanderioti n terfmtcontent l Iey bats Wltuty 7the defndng Ontario tipped inaL dtiil13 te Norih York Cantadiens ta à 3-3 tic doublet Au i champ#os towered ovea firit for a goal thatlSd lo htf1w1 it lThe Harricmmel led 3-d by the 7.24 'the mkife r4 n the ilaiton sq~a Asah tn .ttvi itnga mark ici the second but wiih 2:47 lcit tlght match ensucil, Ta.A *ot,:lngiilh a ar i -a - in tihi gaine the Canadiens stiid à tMhe fini peno th ls plyod Haltoif fans hail lra ale mon. cmne*uak. bp nuld ec them in e h deIcorel niig cad aIheýr ug, Up hopea snhen, uter 1 cilo~r con<cst wig foor teconde nnnaininfi. %âh 56 seconds lir Whitby scor! rote misses, tw flood ncoerg Îflir- ~ Marc L'ouchet ývf f Haydar and which could teell have brun tht tunktics te whlstIed doten in the Danpy Davitd:q rc d the Sis. gante wtnncr. Halton's goalie WJiýLisolat mnute WII*art ne-ndsn Asnimp wont taH y WO>on with stanewalkcd the oppostion aber that *the dclsk Luait P.t p ska tbc Sc and Daryl Laide r eth pil . as made tme billant saves. Red Wîag - $oaItvndvr Iront the Thé Humrcanles, maeged à tigzu - 1the Hurricanen reluiol ta roll over cerner The pnick took an odd Soin. 0 viciy over Bramtpton, ln their At 7.,06 af the second (rime Roille bit bhcoulie and bouncod tn There seconid gante Brampton plays à phy- Wilson pisil the puch ta. l(S. Was oMy an eu.ondan tht dok.. sical gaite and it cone barik Io ltat whose end-to.end rusht and llghtning lialtitu boat Nceet 741 411 their then IntIti cotintan uai c lo i jo. belote the Whitby notmnder next-contcmt flue firt t ico pvriodn wa5 roete- with a groin misconduci éIuldl niovek. gnae s park that ig- *wçnv a cakewatk fur Haltuit n nemt- durt:1the fit period. nitof the l u= a ninder Heinz harly lid ta make Gotender ICevin Wilson recondeu Eiry in tli third Roin Crac liril any %top% ln the third peritid. bis tint shutoul in a pivotaI garne. sntoked Wbitby with a cannonadiag Nepoan peppeiM hlin weuh .15cm, In Hallon only goal ia teorei by ihot front beycWd the blueline which a comtplt, ur Iof aIn ctt% Scat B,,rtali an a breakaw.s bit the pont andailed back ta Crac- lThe 'Canes manalld toîur p.iie front ingrsHa darinid ,r ord bçfoie hlil4nth i.The c>wd plamàrkecr ith andifcr. Wilson.. Branmpto hadalready wt'c, uit in ttunned silence. .-li and ochm notching th., gamnins in the toumnameunbbut the lois, Shikea. the Whitby teint pickeal goals. lii Macintanh actte the 4 =ppedtheir chances tu ativance. theïr 0a., up off thé ice. but the mo- gante iinitier cith Sandifer and BIer. U u rMthed Mininuga Tor- mntnl hall 1wung away. With toi scorinf thvir seciond each. Benti ricm 9-0) tu dlaim the divsional tile 11.39 left Diardlrhuk, pasd tui *pcked up the.garnieMV houri and mave on in the fournmtu.u Crawford. whti panned il cul front. The nent day the Ilurîcanes Steve Heinz cbalkcd up bit tblini rail Sandifey uncd some goWi head% trinelîred bact to tihaca lir an shulout cf the wseaon as bis tim- up plivntakingttucok il in hehuini rarîr. gante agaminst that khicagIof males aUoced anly four shiin lau the g(ulifiir tI gante ciner, 'loIng Amnican, trickle thtough fi thoir ncimiadil Fiair minutes later Dtardichttk la an aggrn-,nune match, the liai', Loader aid Ilertali led wîîh two on", again tirnted sith cSandsfer fur IIent down 4.2. llinkcýy bmanin goalsand four aççista cach nihile lthe inurance marker Sandifor coin- rather titan abiliiy îook tii content linemaii.blaydar aWchcd two gialS plted is bat trick ih an empty a% Chicago cagîii.Ilttd on un excel- and thile assista. I4M16acinto.b hast ns.-tlider wilb iulefigseettndnkcit r aI t iiy inoreai Ihe plin. iricer twa goalsheltding the garne wvin- theçlIs k Xcia niainlPa'ne and for error, Amt tour nef,.wItiIlle P in ndMo nolchel Tho North Aneia niaini Chicago goals came un flaliun errnrs th.? allier goal. ThtHurricanes coin- AAA Silver Stick Championship arc or split-..eend decisuans. pltd the elimination round as thetu tbc hcld.aort firoIlina 12-14 tu Down 34) Srlyin thetbirdthe Hal- only undefeated toam.int un itbc determine the top tiant of 13-yvar Bn pairpa aeta le. A quici, dvion. Burlingian. top in the oId hodney pLayers. psi from Laeto the pint and a I,.s Iotlubn'q stick a% flerlîîlu's w ut tn man advitale due tii *- # ý tme illegal sîickwork Malta ti R E E C À L A F a , raedt gap ta 3-2 ai the 14t.I EBECCA ANL *mark as Satderson popped anc ta Invites~OU taa(rom L»ader and Haydar But les BRIMAL FASHIO!d SHOW Is handcd goal by Chicago walm At~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ th etmn otr nMlo Haliiin's laie. At h Opimim C.truUn Muto ' In their Icague conten the Hur- Sundie . Januury 61th, 19091 i ~ rcnidfae rmtn6S ir taht, t de m. d T co COffS5T*U ~ ~£nu 4 DSUt la" thscain pe'i O1 u t 2:00 p.m. _- ik, nocc antrcbfi colt <q"q> 956-2450 for tickets u' W h an tmelhm Admission s&00O t a o t cIr.. egat E_~ Unor P@~* AAA FILM ob l bu Hrrwa. cx 1BRINO VOUA HOLIDAY FIM eddterudclctdtast i gancse wwek wh9-an7- TO US FOR PROCESSINO lltbhoanir draw wih Chinguacouey Atbgh hvir match withb Bramp. tan ai Miearonal Arma enidd in a ANI)GETAà%COUPMoe OR kpqFý,m h aewýafis - up goag inia the at perbod with F alton hoîlding à sînt 3-2 k-ad j t _ EEarly in the ihîd the Mtaroimn tîd ' ______ -- bc weure 3-3. plling the Ilurricaren a ou hg geir and nrulting in soi EU ~ unaîncern guals for filto and n. îtet's cramp loi the tmuikcpet" F R E E « T* turning pont in the Ime cai - after a crusn opes o r bit bv boato iley. to u b a 2.1 k ,a T fscre lieomp uýnc ill IontQer the orin tait tht6 .11012V135C41 Flm Brantpfthltin g foat er nitt shan Bramto tiîe th gae ' ai . ONLY CàOWAC LAS $ho in of h pud a.. RICKend on thgehi s. 1 ý , .