Make environm ta1y-frieRdI # iresoIutionto. kick> off new yêa*r i ab et mo*Me flot, ta *'uldo" mp tomt. ikiMew rs resclutiotti tii -Use "wtoer fflID you wen't féci sulky ubsAi In My I dd uSefu amd tucc as bre Se >u's& pa Bitc ackyard 0le Muc =ronntmtally frlc!d- majorietw. folv fers: z> 511 wih SMIOY AMOMf > do aI. tan ewwnhrm tokay ;5> Wt=p VIgk ,tlht owatrs the birds At.. th tuttodab, your fa oaurplOi e you've fig'sred nu Whtu dsobemr &bout a new yar; a fritl «tn aà Mirouin ta ire l ~ .Jt clyenoe ta mat. Changles. Ve% in shape u Wht=aos ruoluttoil r ,ItIIIndjiati ont ldoa A neh t ný te o lit u eivro lnt dupe. by to glbm, . wOiSt. f li :am t the woods; doingw "t vie . 't m Sendyr AmasodieLDrid~rng to tance on à lake; tg watch the sun- thitdfti ta n O i taty 'dm ytan tO rgWe MUilfff sho A«e lum ajU- wçt j0 pldtc in the park.ti, in fh In rOýt ion oglablmte tfitat the etreaff; putqin tshet lardtst. -_Ot1thiitptoda slo*isoe:u flatelinev e 11-Y6 ielitnifon téemn Ofti Cand* Muce Saitv 75' "à lent or &9"y. au bt cotain- moth's nmeiî wuýh<4 aiS. .trm'To t in mottp dPrt- muny gauta it H rooi Hust Foster Hall at 8l pm. Cali 878- rsrn ~id mta upr tiitutaeavnt. s'yCh=nalio 132 (or More infiormation &aW pracial guidaltre te ptet niw cmuhgrue-y Jantlly and frieidi. Fur more rtor- uuItont1 cnranit grue * me ol Tueeday sun. 1 mation, cal 87I5228 or $878.118,6 gronte is rsu, ef ptattlaty Milton Mayorr card Kranv. aid ctos.etto ~ ~ * t'0 daeo h ~eC n ccllr invrte local rm.i- a' * atlgimoeario ar M. tg d=-t ta nattend the New Year'sDa icdotltadt*le '..e&et townhall ftom 130ta 31z) Ntis for shouél be vité- n. The prapaun will tîcLud a tour loti and hittidêin «i the OUMC of The of the awd-wnnttg hiitoir build- Chain,191MainSCE.. w maie Cn aid hrt "'IPt5y. Ltght Io us et Bot 248. Milaon, Ont. LQT rerehmewntlbe served. Peesi~4te ~ Frday for WedèFW8dY'l edilp and- r Nion Wednqh for Frtdaya edUta. TtWeasa tasAto g tliits 1&-eUifrrie wtt %. ac- MNovemm wn W'AM ls9stl mSt et a Wtsef Rbbi May visItai SmAl tata e m kWiaf IMalt ft ho Spedty telepfIo. . 7;3ià p.m. Anyomu siwabad is sscI- 0 * la mimai ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ fîa Dea. 29et4pIioips o lwSiU.St"s SÉ conte ta attend. For further Ite~ j1 Praytà for ttseWetd is an or- , agoi pssirlth% îlton iaita' isan T0 4 îan. N*50.0 erksnfuiy fa or tiitli aIt luths Tt Lmm Mi* çme rup ~ 0 to share tistir cis priMfo flicth wtl iat Mjim,&eanch cithe ~dnicaI S 700p i 20Çe em oWNr sq7mie . .Pu.w "isaet M ILTON ALLIANC.E CIUEM uafla , s W . m = le.. MuS aiiis Commuudty Church of Sa asusa 678-0354 W" Cie .iylt . a Seeumi ah xS m à Cube. «MÉI ,gNpsang Rond. Church Saa: 0:45 ar. * mmi-. Aesua*i HOLY ROSARY ' OMAN 878 535 Mone Taus 87la ps. sin 900 a m. 10 30 àas.12 fVUs OUR LADY OF VICTORY mb.atS Sti*U ST PEIERSCHURCH. àNEW 13FE flPENTECOSTAL FELLOWUHIP tàtu lait go T - ou Pha" i.6I) pw Oalm I puarw: Pst. Dmt Forait Ymia Poste: Scolt CeW uo-s sn. -asg a -uw PaMia Dué Smsuane tLUTHERAN C1II>fC tuytHERAN cHR-irCt (AMIADA . RaiBat coi Pubfthool t =a Wn0 Ding AM Wd0& r« 9F Sm srvcmet 0-3055 - sa"d GRACEWAY *BAPTIST CHUACtI j a, -at UP4 - ie Fm NM am s- Déîrian Sr0qCwlm îiern .è ffo titaa»-*it CntjRCHpufl-. 317MaliiMCe.O 3;7M" i..~. nt ffe2v 1 Ma Otat.R-l t M o rit it P5. -q StaeIm 0 a*r. U» 13&@mm SALVATION ARM MILTON Royal Canan Léion Hal - 411> Calflos Sire«~ Smvtm hold evoeSunday atTOOp-M (~ST. PAULB SUNffEDw Ai78iU ECIEMBER l~an-0i On~r criaMW liaitt on. simi CHUM OFi CaiseeISTgi Sutw dir A» a ~ CHIMCH 0FC lIS BM- lFAI) POietiit, Box 13 e fiera le, mie alie Btha W. sayV mîh» you ta . hiqqésheSfs i * For MWli saIh or get-er eetqailOO OWhelhc Faih eh, 07-C j . 1*~ il natplihe,