IEANM TQ ME. SC-iyttti'dît(ncr, a tim foi-sharisgý My hamily o,, M ItstlIly ,nîego my duî C= tsa% gp4l up in lthe n.ursîng, I I gary ant.tklau Ily erniprtt ot an! cpe S hang ,slh lie puir mre >= ren. r îiteldbu thank- i -r- it f mi a fubtor our lmFtt4wnN causc the dire *A-e -npis'n fur My amily, S-.aCiau>.bng "Il mny'priînts * rMy faity. . a»d 6, Smsi harat di% ng Thitswhit Chýw Meern$ to me. HavttgIlhe poy el pue- îtig pre.ontç under thet ires. Cttng up it the morning anid Iocklng'akthe trog, tend thinking hoor puetty we *maddittejbhe Soiwvpte t Christmas isa&boutin rthl is about Sivirg, and sharingeand suithyour famîiy.' Ml Uahoiy ortidé , Smi thavMtl TI4ANIFUI. * Chnstma; às a fimt, when peple Set togqther and open premil and -* otltupp teho durit have' any prescrits or Chritmai dinnair Christmas màm ta , Mg hai fI really shoulli be. Not the t gt glvlg or accevln~ but the Lcfdq way cd achlerlnghii godl forut by "W4lit us lt,e t M ent "m came t0 be. A long tirett &go on tii wery day Jesut Ivas,born In a muage fuil Of ha.Wiete i guet a hushesd .Foowngîhtar t Th4i Wise Mon wfth Instructions front Ring Hoeod togec, find.ind kiki baby Jesut àothttKingHeigd woudnt b. overuod.12 Th Vwýdc Men juil couldn't do t ose they bmught Fuankinee, Colii an& Myrrh inth Mmalh. .. The sh$phtds in he filds et"n~ ta thscir flocknwth.,angelof Cd over the fieldsand liederd tem sage of Ccd. S tlid thein tu Rolot% the starisl kytobcMee.îah Evt to tht, Idayé'ou set àa poipiers boulot the afidl' te PU paipte lter, an IM&ig us nu;hî - ngugofthe ;jord. &Me addy e C-hriNse CtWm<ms 0 lialtih is " tnIportant toum. l=gthdnging Imm lthe ÇQuIM.ll 5-poeut âime with fismlly. O T.urkeyrdunners. k M&>sthtceebraton ef"itbirtit ru of Christ. A.ltmd for jyLvng. 0-pktat ft and Warntth fo f rai? D4ev Ra. *Kalifma Wh.uIDbf cmm patol effl 7. NoIyNitPy *>d 7 ê4f~ ~ pMIarnid othes. 'birth ut ic Christ and remember- INSIDE U WIIil" Tt lL bgrtW hapZý~Vm in w .udnthb hemw 'shout INID i wATCOUNT t4 debout tM ad. TWy &aboute hin es kng ted losiln akabu belde SO - ewtb*k~i enn Thet airWutbmr, and cIut- 0,lu~,aWbce ted&lamund. This h ehas u-.y dcot .it.dar Christitis mean, to nsi l doses not We »MARINO man gift o etoys for girlse and boni '1ut*~wa tettasn.n sitnn md e buet thetret m.aning is in or heut,. *. ih fmiyýie nowha we Siv orrmir WhatsGrd Abl O- nY 1,1fl toglfe .t adm Inswted leWhtM alto nitnsai,, wit* IniiaI. thi rtWceotpople hoit muci tyote by Vtn ..titm prient. MY. îa.üt y F. tJ " ARONDTHE 4 PLCi haa àChttnia tW- ab WNN~ ~ee* ~ Christms ain ctittii Dssi b4 h1mhuc.r DINp"uis balM ilR mine mai. rgtilmgrb le W~A" pscds%ý tend a triste. Itlesa Girim. &adnearts my Iamuiy lime my famîlytc tober or at nian, dilideaihas'h fan., wdlis If tend sitting aniind a bs 'table 0 utf wouistn'îh te Umet. thyog uettan ei. Il mnii food, but stîli reming lgtut lerii Oh iboi. I mmii e Imai, dnnopeuple "I amr lots forieeta neDnasi don frend IlChistmas, eilto mois spris OTTOS éttd.a tothe miiiic tallais TUMhrADlstmaO d britthern, &unis and uncles. grand- C1idiID MincelebratAllg the age 101Srmv faiyand hava Chru"n 'i.ricrth turkey aud rt et, 1t alto lîik hait des littsmn'd deertIlor* E~~mEI~LkIk Iiso uteul 1 al.u lie hw "ugo CII Z e thé t ju mas-bors n o ou o "ust Chtrisitamass i h Lmwon's tond pb Z. e% HAPPYV OIRTHOAY, JESUS àToywo N s hi d sk-'tmd. V6-4100 meVi-hv à~t~ I"sp.I an iv ts li and l hritni tt,n .mai and -ze Cebu mî pD, aasmlies . i Note'toour -read..s Ktlove Chrstma.m. huiidredg« w ciih stoem nid *awigs.Thei CtmwçIon e8vsamifr s peolg émsue la proO#ofolat Chg&ea are - Sflaly ariIvqIt io<n mm&lé u humrous, wNqhst »r mUt. but &it of them Ms «tst tainlng. Il IsreaMtag ta f ft idUibddhl aat"r nd baffisti ttboutt are f«oratfi - muçh as fgr #hem»W« 1 ho»e you wl enjoy readng the utodet and pfaig Mu piCtres. as mucli as 1 did i prln i *tii luMu Thanits ta 811*10 pe W for lheïr wonderUl orâlo ae ta Ulêtiacel nd princfpals Wr ge&tln tefworctam me 1 orly tegre Mu fot at Mu submI4sio,8 oj~ Pub-i bmNd. a *~~~m MWy nWM~~m