1 1 a g O 45 Anniveruries irmoC rsia FRIENDS andl RELATIV ar sOW 0E .rl 646 Oc o so Ail Hurdw@dd, MNpI, O.k Crfs a8 îloprrr m alta t Pauls Chujritt 1OlJ9 COIFD. $10' ) ousp I Debnery uncludei n icwn &Ia 87-85OR 876-1636 Dr -e r«d1«46$3prcr IA CR>àFr-SALE! de4uvured or 2 1100 33S 0428. 11~UUdI'î MILTON4 FIREWOOOCI Dry har4*004 aisaSieb Oak 8/epue Bouch Pris up or Dc-Wrery Days Sat. Decem ber 22 876 187-5ý Ese 853 2225 1 ..-4PM 616 RE ORTERNHARDOOODo533 Moorelands Crescent TIhe M.nsofpal Offuces Mulroney040 ins Janar effO0 51K ntier you top qualy, lowrng days dunung lte luif seaab seasotred 12' or 16' lngtls motif. ad Bell Pie G ST *Spcs>. 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OFOU - 878-3185 W. nWe lthe space. PLEAUSEYU - -- ---VanGeest Houso of Oanos TELL AUCTION SALE Hwy. #5~ ae w OffHERS.ti MOnday, DUCOmbor 241h al 10 arn. IF NO~ Tn le Mile aI Pon a Trc Sho. o Hw5. 25, across trom thre I.G.A. Plaza TELL US! North f 0401 fo, Polocu s Truck Shro LUc (416) 689-8833 ___ IIIS lsl .' For cot paymreuf et repars Sale consil ofet.~ F. 8 2 i s on1e 1979 LN9000 Ford seriaf numblef Mon -Fl 10ant-8pin.,Sai 'ti4pm a.a, r W90VVDY998 Pfease noie 10 ar n r ~aeAreeodbl t$506 erc i OGN Ecai atts-0 upnt Organ FOR FREE Face LIti andl an Nu Séuc produiscl cassh or centified chorquer ordp è ap*li aie A&Suig $96 or Ssi Phone cal I sablsi 416 854 2131tirour lndependanl Nu JIENATO POLPNI Auctionerer 878 1084 -Sin Osslsbubtore 876-2217 USLO Office Fu-nt«sn go*0 -.iobeln un sck FOR SALE t PAPIRVYS doocfr4l sfrs Soi wue _____________________ Ha4lte. 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TYPES & SUZES 4420 NINTH UNE le2i~!r. *%N"~: V0' Beiee Eiinoa IBurnisemtherpe ~1 41.88-06 HIRD ANNUALLAI ar'd .iriIte% f0uiullSi e v' Scot 551e- Il B.sl,..n FI l* FI-~ hotul4 a&O W AEeUS SeEI 4' lie LOCTIO Wel a' m.M for wholsais préiles - jkile "M finil TRACKPANTS yluil fid is44 II..u,IpfI L. ir [frinton) *.G0fgigl les* ifesS - eparafes . sweate -,ttuco If MA-, 5,uulGl of. Lawp (Ede0 n dsuflU benîe6lls s ha"i andl hwsdrerls GlF1 FOi-)XS 01 sc4pg and scani efplr-Im i YLOUf 0545 CHRISTMAS IREES Ssproc siècle lino scarl slnde.s na. an- sa <I.stî.d.,ys .0duul Sudapi Y auti le- 854 PICTIJiE PRITY fable Iiic rnl A FREEsrflepoiufini nS ploc. W.111 isalfing naSY fîoldemsî staurned burlE (cl YOIII0lR OVIN opr ,401 glas% rn rhofdefs -i y>io 6u- lIfRadN thnosg : of COME SEE &SAVEII "0 ophND. 1, 0 gws Tw E cil Go-icy Ruacl OU 5km34i0 vo usidiySa"s pîu..lia 519 i 9788 NorlIl, Sal. Aprl.by Luni 4* 7-8 F irewoolW -u. iC23, 12-4 'o--one FIFIÉWOOO thae> Sssosd pa adeodiW 6890 Ya,flteud drp Prck up or defnserp Tarder Nsursery 876 41fOO85lon or f 826 4410 . 3 m- , l it a~îî ia CALI I 4I 0 1«.,j exi q WUS NO! 1 (X CLASSII îIE CHRIS FINIAS AI)' lust -111I NOW ai 878-2341 fimr TrataigariBrîtannsa Road $2 a baie Eswt ga 1I68208039 --- _ McMiLLAN S »FLASH4 FOZEIS' Foien wegetake llosing I&r ie sem501 Decarn64e 24 Don t defay Stock up t0 day Cab lfo Courrent soucaius 853-0311 Hîgýesay 7 1 m,10 01K 0I Acton 13 Pt Stock FREE PUPPIES laller pý,obed goïdel' 21 Pho854 Cld2 afier 6 Pnt 138 Hom lmoroveMent. AI.L CARPENTRY WiI< Indcieds rmai cosfomn homers, KuIèlM bathroocri bOurle'? drywall tapin9 1' >~a, r.famcs COl1nem,ai -k1f __u. _-d ferces Cali Paul ý416 890- 5m37 %HFOOI4 RtNO VATIONS à CUSTOM4 VVDOD5NORKlNG Cas KeIn ai 8,8 6415 DECORATiVEi-PLASTER;INGC Icleroî,s aid esrur.ors Best fat C. comicws ceLuug cellIers panel1 mouuldung 'columns, îesiolaton *011. tureplaces ard customr o01 t0 ear de iFe, ai 15cucs ef Pias, «Or k IlonI d!5O[i b0 stcce Cul 842 8906 .. NTICADAV ERT5e RS l l', tiKa o âge ., -a la jS -t' lAItor Otti h. *1& fi f0 ! lite sacceful candods puh.abl buMer Fuira ACompc en incei a pConat b4gowk î a rse 5a ofde eInternationa RICW-r.ELL INTERNATIONAL SUPNSO YSEg COMPANYe okoJaa FZA1 AC -WAM te i lo ibbp cir'-mt