J mm e -. *BEAIIIP4 RML ETTIMNO- COMMINCtAI JOYCE SCOTT P-k.. M 4 878-15263 Momber of Multiple Listing Services se mes O*«I.otm Cmtém Viay RFWO, On,,à sue, i ira -01 me- tu N W Sen el 5 .*. tt n. ktc,,., t.cg9 kZe. i.'splme ný mn.. .51b" k.. met pi d.re- ~ 0 mu#.. e ?j8îOwad lman i a isa. ab. ejce MOC4 1 0 Jon Co.saus F40 m 41- Anus.R àflud MA " Lot . COUJNTRY LIVING mAon - 7 kmt N kran mi0 on G~*pf LM 48 gants tend Ipd bndt houae wm me*- dée. u.t. avenunt 2 pond. 0"u à Iré4 in f oc.ly CoEstatc é. M ontip a cte, lmt Great poentiel E rcE I QN.? VA LU E Il Oi.ly 1&5dD000 si" ajkwE Ob.Y aGting qot, bids for a- renovation4 can save money. %'11l need at Iet tw bkIs on an)r honteoenq. Iwork you are plannirif Io ke sfl pau me peying à fait Howe )t's 00a ta m ort tutu a.f accoedrnz Io th, CaaadMageandl4= usng Cahomln(M44 lcaton. iow to Him a Con , Mer contactns yur prospective contractan, f thon. ta dnop anand 4Md inspea the job. Maka sure you d6oitIgn or psy foi an".1hngban this lion visit. On alifiple jobs l1k. roedlng ané4 puln&g the contractor tho.i b able tb $ve > yawMMtd quetatian lmindiatll outllning the worir ta *0Q he nt erla to and te prie. tf,.r ehould ask for .amples and literature illustiating the pmdumt ta beluaed, and If paabkpçorah *rfr f.e fraun imilar jobs the fier hard Aftoe setthng on >vwr mquimrennta. the. cmrctar shouId com* bock wttj skeches and à canplcew wultten ustiniat. * cuttgwork ta be dane, price statt4 and cmlpletibo dt.aum. sof payaient. Wl.. comnpmnng blds. moite sure they amil rovelqlie urne wark and matoti, or alkwances have bSn made for any différence. Rernmer, the. loi. bid t. tnot rueemanly the heut bld. Contractai, who subinit unusually loi. hidi may have mnade à n.ftake, rnay be low-ballu.1 to get the tub. or may nat know euSua about the wark ta emaaI it prupet% - Whefl they find ouy may lotte money they wlj for ways ta cut costs or add unpjufiablp.xtras tu the ll. In any af these cases, yavre tn trouble. . A gu way ta avold tht. trouble lir ta contact yu local CMH-C office for à oep f liai. to Hire a Contractr", ar a copete lits of CMC publications, programe andi vtde. dlng seul. renovatton. I.,WHO. ÉOES LT COLTON PAIIfI SOMh PNse W y>o Chalafma Dacoeail For Pv,. Eswimt 878-3075 DECOL2ATIVE PLA&TTJPINC M«utlaoRBa *T*o. *ca o nt Pwaet, -, Tem y.. sema. CaI(416) 842-706 BEATON a CO. ROOFINO ,R.atdseuta Commercial - Industriel FIat or Shingis MA* FREE ESTIMATE use a prassn 4fts .teUe t - '1& 4416)878-1221I Woe FAufouaaufka,* Iaour suIhin àIt humo uyinl. on@ in-Mt", orlin in thI«di W lf M MM et. E. Mn kli .*Ir JIAMES A DOMN à SmN LTD. SHOW REMO VAL 6 POwng * Sandtng * Sobg a Renmae iNuely p..aru or eeenonal 878-540 or 878-3832 UA «rCkmim Iboa et Aueon Pull Dftin à Production or Camera Rbady Art EI.ctrohjic Page Design Idéal fRw Plym. Nevntlett.ra. Broehuraa, Prioe Liata. Catalogtte. Buiness Carda, Parme. Iatterbééa, Ilmo à Mmua qfi mg togo!! 16 Martin St 87".886 i MAINTENANCIE SEAVIC AISIDENIAI. - omOlCWL - FAVII OSKL *M à B OENMS MOCLUREfS 046)7"N03 'aan- Cas. lbtu s-a - *a.u .m Tb. an ne," Ab cý r-ROOF 1 N G REAL ESTATE