ANNOUNCEMENT Sylvia Bursey. l'resmdent of Countrywide Camphllville Really lnc. proudly announces thc a ppointmn'nl of John Rteve to hcr sales force. ? John has beni a nrsidt-nt of rural Mîilton for 14 vears and hias been very active in the comrnitinsty fls past e'operience in real estatýe has been diverse wilh an emphasts on rural pripcrm S John invites his pa%t clients and Iriends to contact him at 854 2294 or 878-3790 fer ail their real ettaie needs. FORLEASE ReTAIL OR.OFFICE USES COMMERCIAL St12Oe/ sq ft rnaéènfto<. isq il baIe- ment Hli trafC oQDUI. hgh 'v'abiV Coerw store avalabte. fiee font, lfil leOe. hoidmpiroviements Joiîn Lib Coellais Pizza and lidy Car 1o view cl &734 l3. IkokeatelCî.d *Loveiy 0~I le on a lp t *cloue 0 1111 aninbei - Great larrly hoe',i 4 »dM 1 bath~ a UNE BENNE1 m3 221 ,852340 *Season's Greine*o 'm the ve advertisers & staff* of Miltons Best Homes!. BUILDING LOT IN, TOWN Close to K131. Levies Padc. Setr, ce, Avalibie Buki ur'uea7r HC<710 Cas Yvo'.Dw~ee ci Tm Newimi FOR RENT -COMMEFCIAL 1.050 sz i main Street st,ýie fr.fl k=ction - A.sking $50000 W~ rniOth Camire C avsîê WANI A BRAND NEW Hom? COME SU! COME SIGH! CuSdy CzC:nStruçt'Cf thrOugf'a..l ;u$ add scurýý r es r r' PCV:l': cf.i' t.xcIctlts ta 1 4 fbecircr'" AICoe, 'Jk: ai2J. Jc.' iLoSt . tcV'ý' & ~I C% btchert. beautifuI firetViacen tjrK1ý roory) Fx mo<e JtidS & VtrklciY .Is, vack mortgawe at a ýc(y re&,.rlt"e rate. ci Yvnne Chmrie 87 200s Yvol .'rw- .mlkeO $10O-- pffl CHRISTIE & W00DS REAL ESTATE LTD. 189 Main Street, Milton 878-20,95