Triple-A peeweies exknJwïnning sfring to tbree gantes ftomA EFN=EO cm YoPffl13 in hscod hat Orngvilehit th town»o Cordon AkcoftiMemon&]in fin i gfimane he mootdikat- Oran ev.-ile and Flamboiou h Tt rboardt . Arna on 1%"dy éwmfrng. . ig Hailon scluid tookjt tu thme hall- -Iti inio th ud m« Inaàwfflwblattie that aw le e flai Iàd Thunder Scott ecI iiiN. %c in oit àn e ~y Efi ithm mai breaeawy H ulfe, lit the o four tfufs tt.. wamiil one goal and e~ The fiit garne. the enhibiîmon lm§. and ncomol Milton bi apait fliti Ilton skated teoa 4-3 wii and fim- àsnnm follOWEd ty i5arl Loader miii piavéed in Milton. Dramimor àp oest hert and gave up ix tmmt goals p.ow4 îlrsen o . «ond1-4-1 with Iwo gomls Halton' n burti goal ~piemd pressm ar aly and capuilizud finih the. conng. lin onigier ut ut an unfoaniunte luin et ewnts aller The scorng opened*if 502 od the came tnom Maiè Bouchec. wiuîh as - hen Cihad Mmiit wed. wili as- mnj a eadv pe#ovmncc mn goal t0 tWo çtmg peinoihu horbry tîru ni t -umicanes ~Mngee Doan in geins t0 Pauý Sadiier and ,m te ivJol Cosby aitil amli Penmn. cii-n the wii In theïr as ani if the micek the Finlai-nn dcllgetud à Colin Pîi Robin Crtoitd Thev miet o able tei sustain the 4 IJeAIm Optirnius tied Brampton 3-3 mn an point sisal igto the top cerner. At 2Z' Inthefr second Mame Hiltion ite momanîom and'Acton "nm-rd on a neshibition gaie. Kent Peicin and Chingmaousy tied il. only te mer ice a 7 à i but ilicîr opponfents. the omciLa foi. Aclonddn'ioic T Oimmit had lfir troubles Riddle iwmîàpair wooedfor Mil on, Hilton regain the Icmad ai ilon à Buffalo Rogit. drew.ftn umm r bamm.eong throe lnimw unainm lii mittiz king fi on the chon thrS , cuinDsmrur hsor e pHvà opdi tt gui!. entid goals loethie win MîlIton held fiir ohl onuv i tic mn enhîlt<on te Major roew. A by ntan-nma-e. u tmn up t H i- t po dMn Ii n d the rinitors neotelen in the third ,hoiwti o hemi effor% Mîlton earned Milton Athctmo pLayed tre Teln Sd edup mmtli 2 49 nimtheaer n~ Te-'r Hton geol, and j The t el ight Milton honld Oran- i 3-3 tif miii Bramîpton &fier being gamen splitng à pair vCm loi lc the second, %nben a Chirguaounn thc inne, cae Tio clml stmd z $Mvlle and bouîced bb'-*oin the t-ali 8-0 b% Cirnge'ille, 4-1 rby Ml1ti fiI lot 6-4l aid then won 2ip .nipcr fiaund nomne immun the short m the It hait o eoi third Hiton _nhhimon miiCigMoire was able .Okvmlle inm<4-3tw Erlil befonc bmoing Georetomin 7-2 s ad tcd the gaine IL1 With 4' gmialScndmr Le-n-n Wilsnî ilimido tgire a nhot-handed goriîu an Milton holnim ni mimn a int kaf- In the fiinit bakville gante the Ath- somU1 ramîmning mn the pcnod. the Regain h-um the 33 i.-to îr anmi gmrng t0 Iviemn Roheri Thon ;nt, hîgh nconîng contera Mîke letics hut the fe wîh spint ani Hîlto~ îmok ttwIno leim toi he thirBmaltthhtLn md mnagenf t ci-ti tome nolAd nur Johnn in mi neoai gommd ntopi iii pumpcd mni thi-c fiZ pena4d goals limie ~napont-v-pa goal I-mire bfw Haion, n tliirdi itamre ie1cI* ing oppmruiitnn buti muldn't %ink tht Milton net hefow bthir6 bratn Si lot a big 341 iodTtMiinmcin. - aj, , cnmdoîe am.ilh ouiaerhirmnd i ,'i-1 th., puk + o lhrmhiodoeieenn it n loa BinhoiPendfr Lhur annitn oing fi, llug làîneml'b and' ihranhing C.-,niSima [,il 1 te evnid trime the niqiad tipi légi The wciid Ermi guI win go., rhm.0n d l'onmon pl.aîcd l'eu-r 1irt mini. ip Sýandemr and ti-n mr Ir,' th, goil fflon and Rob'-n nôîld olcmred min a thivi> on ine bru]t rmcmelv Wil mn te lit«m fumn e %(lv ie bc iîîn o tJo, ChImimmj.mun each hadl a p..r m m viial-i h. o-i fori a 2-4) k-ad The hard M'lioni Niuncid batk. gi-immm milone A% the permid pnigin'nc' Miion n ralîcd for %t4 ifmîe ito!a he tii chipd in . 1h à ,~ i, ai : ci tn. m.- i:, ui and pid off in rom And% RJJXv ad ti.- Brad fimi diedi and ihey wni moilt"à i nitund mark, iatmng rthe gani miro dmet. Rotir, i. trr Tod 83 - artîi. goal lien mtt 1', mimd mmp 1,u114 11î c- h mai mînit cLLmInIîg and bvîtmîn by~ Oaks-ille (aaa l cm lthe thire ttqnt ai tine Titi ltaloinalo and la a,îi. th, n,nond penmnt an Chbrin Chiimnzcni ui"n h, o liii MîLimn e oth RiJIleni ird orinuedl unit! ; 1;rt he' final Th, -ii p'ut h, i - , h, it hird 1,,th Ri,miiri p*atritz i ii tiip moimten- thruqit Ch", -lele 41ha.1 Da,,c .i4ummîmlmlmrh plaîtit h the nlait . 'tlà a m'il miîng g I iilii iraim miti i ten In tht irtIr match thon *miîre m1n amnon aid lPag-. giving Hitm ti-ý adi n~mni Rîm.': Htim ,n front oM tht Oning-Iîn net mith Oakille ditd mantage iv chop in à dei,ýýinM noitcleramght m liek- th -3 1vàdTî î abgimh liii ý divinitlimid uitý a gia' 1, Has Lot,,h hannig tht- innît re-tugý ,I muund but Milier u red iak lei hni rhe rne p",nd crndmi iitîtt- the trio uith Lismî pi.tig utise11 dar bui the ii4,ga nmorned h.- flo tulu h-î goamie. ai maiagoid mi mni the ntit ih a ot-up ftom in ltei. cih Milton conctiatiii -m hat t,. Mhntaî-.n gtllîg i goal talle a 21I k-id gmîîng iii, rS *1-rdJ aInipull iv witin two l.!iemn. Mumîlinm im Bri îfti m Rtddk i-t aid gmialiende Matlthe ian* lin, amna.d rigt, imlthîig A Wr thi RegaIn geumt imitg m ionpîpnid an i-mpt ni-ni-n a% lime fortmhe mart- Ftîî «itdi ait k-admit the *amn Goal nin'sparoi anima t liaitm imnît ad% aintgi, %,men gtnni rai oui iitiami th, gami- P pmttiav goal foir he minier mmii Mîl, en is aid Ru» Fleýming NIieicdi llmnnlt a mn~am i am~ tiit I)namiits irinel>m-ii t 1lrlmmug Thv gm ii she O atsîe Mi ton i ra-i , mii ifle came up wiuih the midJatm aînîniw hn M~ark Mrhai!'iii uni ard -iIaimed îîmîîhîr ;2 %iin mgaii nilhptalts nihOb-lm ito Inao to i (ongoimin min gaionae r iiti,î Thn tînt ai a etui I.en tin In iîuî,ai- t1h, woie ile t0 peu him oip. i-venmmall% tltng a 4- titi Clainmk Suidanad c àicit 7-2 *iii 0i pad nase ,fi a huigmuacouns thr-t. ndilt-n 'ttJ rh, m imet mr unu n i tril %ih- c:hri, uiowd ltnt mii àimnieisiýt inii ti he 14 imîmmdi, ie t iniir in ine. pln- norg the miii wimîl L Craird %it ) iî ihtli th.- onhtainontt ai "1 ii i)%h, tint lmrt 1ietiid aid thei maiagtni a $i-timin uit-J, but Miltoni ,Am,, ininndi k-t ii ihemliît pmt m ir pganmitîr Tho anîmi wt nileomiincimd gimaen a up m tm the nîmil alise aid brought itîh riKh to hein h irtneott ihe ne-idta,-Ttir. Miltmon naitinied ntait pr-nîmu imiiihm-ti neighbun.t (mmiil ictîroin Mao P eeAAThi IMurtimiin amnd Bumi-, iiei.lmon riimmiii-st lie las'mur mihmi (munI but miiukldii putilhm but mn thv bl- mmir Milton mcii liikun% m-an Rmik-, 19 ijnmin- bti bluttaim, mii thme in giaîie liii a imi -i ihimn-mma nmrtnj A detlIis- al t", almiun tI LOaktslt'tîiull amti idi mmh Fli-mmgg IDas-oim l'i'rtn aid Ameri Thitpmsi mntmiltihe fimu"m-tai- itmng m, in, min Flnfibnliiugh iie the ýn 'iin aind themt itimiil tiîmmng oni anîliht \oînîmîu mi h a paîr &i climointo bnur mrs in ic* But- lNýrml, won the M'i oi tm h, game, m aie the wiont 2- i Miltoin Imeni pont-rI1ai Miltoin s n1% miiigm caret _________hli Ri-ga n iamoii bs ln-atiig miarit rii Iltin , n4ug4hi lnatk iv wore miîth an ain- tiiloh tearen-i- n1hmrIiatde REP AAA lie hiiin-iuci laîmimiu, 1-2 mn tire The ni-ail %plit a pilir tii ¶Iegue ni-m Ifr l'aukýrmig' - loemmanh fililît-Id as uni ;ur iiil 'n onuv thent iim»d tmourna- gamin primit i theîîîuîam-nt leai flamreh umgh &ain came bock Rt-ai MarshaIl hefhintI the net aid P* oider AMm . ~ ina! mimlude fnit mi Iaiing Buh <n-1 n kiK th mià aalluy fit gi-i miihi mile bul tn nctmg aroumit li eat the titubeo nud>uwc t u th final mtnlumi wi 11, ng Bra mngmi , ai mmî ihn iid Milbtn pui it éaya Conby MiltmiP kml I le m )-nm.le but Iviih i timitl twou Içami ininfi ie~1 Niagara Filin Thunder 4-1 Th l- miii mimii Bmmlingitoi % w% managid hin mimd markico nhe lit Wom elr punitif up a nîumng effot nîrcak eni the lini Htonti i n ti te bclBuffaloi lcgiln 2-I aid W,s? miii m. th,' wihle il, Cni garmir aid Imo-nuni hi I% etolnd te fo tw o ýds I wa% no uni talc aga'nil hiigoicouiy i aen 'kw ici 11i hae1mrlne I 0lu!ii eu o-t f fOotball côts or, leWinner Week 14 GARY THOMAS cR MILTON 2 FO In ym noms isl senrlia frof peul oi ta ffloi 1 In te u saifn In ia tea .mà 3Stw trour vit ti UKM lpmg Onwl "lIl 0- ou a ts A II A 8TO Inli Mêlai nOu BASKET OF WINGS li mm TIIIIIIUT EAST 189 ~ ~ ~ 0 MPLL ST. 4lasmnw.nTsasuins @7* 8U502 878-668Ô J BUFFPALO etiJ N Y GMANTS " f and 0ndO WF I aFI19- à WASHINGTON aid aI Jà NEW ENGLAND I GREEN BAY i i PSILADELP4IA I I H IOUSTON m -àKNACIYYMILTON PRO «à INDIANAPOKIS i i N Y JETS J MINNESOTA ai .jTAPA BAY- r iP4OEili ai jDALLAS 7r lit j PITTSBURGHI Ji NEW ORLEANS «à SANIEGO J DENVER 7 IJ SEATTLE J VIAU I.j Lt -1 SAN FRANIiCSCO At J LA RAkaI FEAIVA 0F n11111,1112 INAMI___________ WAYNE ÔRETKY I AOOU________eci' OVIERTIME HOCKEY 270 Mqýn St. 878-99!52---------------jw -, -ou fmmcUSWPAcKSfix grianw i l a 00 nitann~ti uî #.g ý eum ii't MWIn! St IL 878-4f00