S#onger te qms prev<zil against weaker'SNL sister squads lb..~. o ii SndyNlghl urA!t: 'Can tthKu o.DugWlonm aiae rs ty anu to clii luv frn h owrI n W'u Ouid Jo. Caste. nMal air h hJin Newwuu Tinve Rhbbt= w v.l at am4nilw s16ainftllw tii mUbIW am UiOlld cutlalt. flaner hlifa Brad Nadallu sud d ,lPeufdi tn le b we peru a a rd réOaVla à = ë 11 eis uul4Lnjulod Pmn Mangottch. Cr&% German. Tony Brouilard, a"ls soe& Ibir ilMIIbd à ta il 'ca z?. su Spc Kl~s -2chii ~. Cphli isptcAi lIIyCl and BelloSk »Il cos.trlbuled singleil tand J)W NkLer'd àMacsll. CM", ae. wd ill tI. ai and W.uPplulmu ils.31WUiss bylb rnescor. fs. sYIn b.pE~and PM"omil T nçe" Morelwa aingle lupmnr » on Bun Gsay Mc beet. "rvlied uvw ima K.IIy. Cc- » ~Lea Spot @aW acomn Word K"v and Bob -ruur-p ,cr th. lbohme Chulaiý bcaute ad OBa Landry. 8murnt byl vewl 5-4 ul amu55n h Seralul. ver'. rw. K.11y Co-operam *qued deenva The Ccopsratmr ra*aal.n .voln Cii- 16 WAuto-lo Sport corail the Sle uianilld John Loeprld fahbd a » i an til1 exilh the WhlpHounGe Crlppen. ohn Hackei and olte.1lb i of thse peucod an à lot .p hawe but Un h bot in oy Dinh. BnoeCamere lady Yvonne bad in il 1.Mu Pd.iatbmwacen mb a damiso.l a- The. 51W Bues itouibswt hrey a A &raund the ms.I~ wu di*f depntun cfhi pair while Dow cA tu n.nIcda5luithr. An bial inlSue Hodea two qulck pouine ý wuta ho la - Flawha sur- Hosn.idl#e ports Frklay, DocoMfo 7, 19 M ---ARTEWOLOGYM__ AKROBIC CENTRE- rcESTMAS SPECIAL m al TE UT9 I YUV~~¶I~II87"NUIM -sTAtIDiI«Is-. Richardson WLT FAt AIdu* 4 0 0 2U.88 mm iowisu 3 1 0 Il 6 La. Foiaul 2ý O 010r 2 4 Nel%. 2 2 0175 4, *.C. Dnuy 2l2 0 16 17 4 wui.Co"u 1 2 010 15 BisIOP Redi 039 - 622 0 Muhon 00 7 23 0 L.i Waa nom cntra SMwoy 3 Nelua6fiobW 3 ?mmio 7.M<kih AM 3la . Nsbsa 1 Mlbu"s6. Mikai 2 Bfl ougg 1g MM-Phd *S u 10fl I 2 M2 C . 10 2 32 Wi Dlcà 9 3 30 7 5 26 K b 3 8 17 2 9 là bagu -0t2 12 McKuzmdes 4.1.w lielk 'vil (3-7. 13-6> WL M* *hmf UvoakwlDe cils 7.154) * W. DUk ddommun Cal 01- lu " Ie aill 0 3u Sm obufflv deouti fluhvlih (13-4. IJ.4) CM gMKM"li (15* W L Pt Cam%" 11 134 *SmW«Ubm 9 3 N U~l 9 ' 3 34 7 S 26~ 3vl à 14, 1Il 1IÇ 4 *~ ~~~1 13.shhluhb i Sm% d<dkM Khi(16- 14. 13-11> WL DU. de"lsMlts J- Merchïahtst tic berbys to kick oÏf second haif pkir ui iWi umb.u khOUudft oe 11,re - ~~Steerîng it'asidebe uagul 44 ée i lbd f en lùd fleaiys~ M Saftmlk 110 le"3 Bw a oâ Imm hUM latsla daloa, 111@ Nos al u cen- pridae M Nomme demi OP ail Lb IOPS "y bmemuued aut am .no whe lsaa h uel lbMdrn the sm. andý TX. r=W duanb. 'Ge u ird but dua won despitem issingÉthe Iast -race auls«MIibnAk1u% Mslépit kmt caping tli al " 1 wi do G«" MSd gelsW ou&« mai54- . Sand aelle ofass drive ad éy .1.. -.M" -is 7X bQ wscn r hnu l eban duo's. lud in lb Uan AanlUhl Mrgled:,: tclwe Ibo 'im cuow lb dupaIll lire4m am W olbr m-drivel rà kak smi a bbi11by h*ad. - 0". «Moag. Poires hD "%se Mi biNi e< sus.. lsIa hogu bun dise 6 b. *mn &&MM d .WMO& tad ilt e"a *u. i.au"dd km. flb 7Mb ami e. Nm laJe #.bu wa mi u fd *in OMau bespe.btnoorh Nb ,* i - w 'utai bu"l. i c , ~ 'v C mmbilb & . pt- asd puuubmbf ~ aue bt uef lb ,e. d él 1 . 5 lui CWsu fa % r f AId..sbi bu*sildeliSh< 45*18 l.. JmoeUmda ----an r I~sâe sbui"bi0d bi UsSal W. nl jd il beplabuapué. tw*§ 0" ms~r W% W UIC h. itona la lu Rvi C "y a W> baai uEehlpéaa Culfh0 mi"u6u O1