Our Readers Write Kids aacrff0?d forparents'"gloiy" De,Edllwb Young parents aieumgthi citildien foriu>rmnsc :. t htoe ç gittilo4t in too lous> cae. un t the. expiertsf à thorougii knowledge cf speakîng =,r racpoe organizalmons in .Canad ar ot> responsible for tht,. Thev are continuully promntilng their osen languige and culture su itrong1l' thtït young parents do nul moen tu b. able tu evalutit the. tm- portance of their osen Canadà aita- p age and cultuze. Queberi would ha beIlewe, as Canadians, we Leurn Atther language. wiiatew nt nught bc. but not ai the. expeits. ot thie universat language luit ns Ecgmiih You ci.. vour hild a gond fouridation in the EngVush language. Placing lthen in Fart' Frenchi lmtr- amui classes seill nul accumpish titi,, Wr seill evectuailv tumtti ii Frecç' promtiton arrejd Then. thae seill 'cour chiL bel who hem tudW aid v4lie=Iatn language. but ailm kjiowi th coin- children tiie chance tu 21av. amgn future in thi.enîaulnag 42 egardle fayeht Authentic studiesi re avatlable fW thiot wfuo ère lntfft.d in their citildas future. Pleute contact Box a9, Mtdhuit, Ont. LOI. IXO for fro in- formationý aalà Ua5 end Gmou P.O .8.r, if o Mdau oin Mear ditor Re: BOW fImm dm't loit - editoria of Nov 21,1990imée lt il not ni> intention tu arue the. merits of yvur assertion of BdTnwm nor your rule of thumb: 3 tu 1 - one vu, recesion to follasa titrer yëar of grueh. I àaaume vou enronipass Meech Lake. Oka, miýg&dnment and lalt but nul least the. Kumeait invasion an à teinptrary 'glitcl.' I took "et patns end ýtàlkdto quitt. a f ew people about your "84tcii. Nboy t- heard cf it and til n k the nnngc t "I Dly tirm eoo gtch?.a mudden %urge in d.dnty' or. M. It is hoped that future aditonals .eLI be derold of h'Sghi" - aiter l.ou Enghs vocabulai>' abounds in off.ring distnct words aid phrases tu adequàtely describe the. ecoomic and Polîtical malfunc- tien, ycu conveued tu yorur reader- sifp £s tempcrary fý w*mp- Casual shoes that don't take' walking casually. RucKkpmrt% ua%ual drc%ç %hotiunt.orparate 16 dufierent ttnuJIoge% that %uppi)n tabilîzt t.pmfîrt energuze and unufy the biomehanicý of walkirng [-vent ut you re juut- walkurtg out inu the btit. porch Rockports make you fled like waIklng- 184 Lakeshore Ioa Emi 489 Peari stui OakvWe surfinsuin 845-5582 639-1372