Living throlùgh~a renovation- -a survi val guide to success Zt 1 W wPLAZA É'OR LEASE eFIRST CÈ ASS LOCATION FR EE LEASEHOLD IMPROVEMENTS FREE RIENT PERIOD GOOD LOCATIONS VIAL CALI SCOTT B. PRIOR 878-8495 c ~Crtr2 Golden Real Estate Limited * Milton, Ontario BEAUTFUL RURAL STU4 - 871 JOS liA, PaîlSgI, 4e,, igo q18 Awsia9ja l.q5.i JOYCE SCO , SROKER.OWN 878-152 Member af Multiple Llstlmi Servic 12 lyeors oftiie dsaosbtc You've decided ymtz want à new khtche and e, suite bathmtom. You've seleced a profehsiosal renovalor, *krk.d out the contracl speclllcations, arre- ngod the appropriate filnancing, chosen your pew kitcheui cabinets and bathroom fixtures, 5%bt's next' Plenty. Planni ~orpqesa big part of the. pinicess t re vas lloes pectaîY, mape, changes, do flot happent overnight. Oflen, h0ving renovations donc le like sit. fing in a dentist's chair for several monih% slraighl. Hem'% how t0 keep moments of anguish, depression and downnight thosit o un Plan aheàd. How long car, you livc wîth d usi and duit ail over ever*hing? Is the whole family aware that sehen the kîtchtn being renosialec, you'il ho tsating out a loi. Do you and your sçlou.w sSc eve 10 eve on the work to ho done - or arwyu going t0 ho arguing abou-the kîlte tupboards nght up to tht' day lheyre ussîalled and ~R Jj L B1COTRAIS - e LAMONT LEONE - Manger" 388 Main St. E. Kcnîw* 87-54Au4.ea iLeu Cýoengn Virgesa Beoa 87li-122l D)YAL LPAGEZ Donnes'rs* 878-3112 1 9,78-9151. Hd.nHarey- 878-3015 OI asBw.ir51956432 S"n Km"*i 87-02 D0 oute 8III& 75-048, _____________________ 878-1944 Sondy Cet PaeV 876-52n9 i___________ __ hgetSwan, 878-7U87 Barball CIxtteV 878-7875 Ed Proseau 876-1707 Sandre Loge-. .878-1861 .8&iw L LuPAGE FIAL ESTATE, Tor. Une 826-9218'g HaoeM. 876-1084 Bibè L&FIUCIIS 533 *SesRpan8v IL kg@ 80qds. 853-199 Nonata Proy..0 875-1707 ICES LDREALTOR Toil Frf. 1-M0-26&-41786I RASia 870-3f58 Dnse ulaiu 87817»5 MIJMMitL1 l8.1.1.i10i11 IEXE. UNGLOONmp MESTICSTONE ESTATE 314 CRE(INTOW) C 2 ACRES 1.ivbuft r-0.0 k4 . n- r 1430058 0 ...2m. t a nt ece Do618 Cd FPe. 8711-8101 -cm 4.dea 14WnO8758lOl SUPER@ LOCATIO SpIenhd 0.54 sèc.e.. 9 â1 9404 ~01 b.0. b088 a. e .d000 Plue la-Od'y -thm *P. PP., .s. plu, *ncli ben $448,000 TOAST THE NEW VEAR OAEATLY AEOUCED 824888.90. 8208 900 424 WoodI#..n j0ý n.M Il. -éw T., W, "asoce 1ftb 8 ..t A-i alo yog$ Ç*8e c..w 0-k VI. ..¶.e, fi U20,Ie. IT VOURCHOIC e .mkg a4, b* m .4h àPlt.. kg M.9n «M1 .1. 1. e ma on14 Ab"y 2014 e .îo «ah B. - 84 81211I pt wM, C.« «- -ý -t 01 -hi ig ý- 3 wo- 2 bc" 6Jw' a.*087 8101 341Wkeil70 wM Olta O CItmh.a1-1 3l~kg,«bi SM 28000 00 lacd.e oOPad01 t w I.ooe 1082900 3e M. 3 cento Mo buw. 2 bOnhe wp 4uf 4>Hk Uaqh Wl 0»"1. y4 - kg br1. OUM0.1 lb MM% e40 4kg. A C 3 Ml*i 91t&P A 9401*M> 8274>800 ad o 51 webud 94~ Pm m 88p 388001 #agm, 88 -a41.8 . 20-40 eqObMbd Aahokg PM" etra M-9. lw ~040 Bguw.14,*040 114gaI Ws, Fo,£ClI/ 1..c. 0.85 -e. tg ..Il O*t* Uw14KjkgIokg ~ eu e..,.49 L- 9~ 8784i 7811 od884 forevereaher' « j Tffst ytur .movatr. He's Muo hes hireud until the proimc ý done. Miake sure hes a memtleer of the Tomnio Horne BOidar' Association @nd check out hie pre- vlous work. If you've chosen wisoly and communicated with him weli, yosî have nothing to worry about. It's also nic to ho fniendl> iîh the workmen. The odd trop of coffee wouldnlt hurt ether. It cafi make thse idifference hetween a good job and a ruso one wherethe wo)Iiken can haidly wait to gel a way front an abusive homowner. o Dontdsappear. fImay scetnhke agood idea to a uke a long holiday in amoher country while a tenovator solves your probkims, but il isn'i. One couple went away 'for monîhs sehile work waindeiwe, but reiurned 10 disc&voe they detetd the bathruom Rernov- ing it addcsl more titan S31X0> to the coui It's a goud idea o slav close tu ihe job and take daily wagt hrugh il, if possiîhk'ihai way, you'll avoid sudden shock, a.0 HOWY5ýtOoae«IgRE 7 ATEINC, JSR B3EST - HO0MES ~ Vour 'CE DLVO.. MILIMONef TT place ê .878- ~ -2341 .-ROYA SERYI 10.9a10. 4 8*1101 A.eog Co~