L Tif ?,s ty "le,. Cmmmm7 . -' . ~' 878-6897_r Coinmnunity Junior Cdttesfth u Notebo.9k Milton youth nominated for award F~~~~ lyTs im. VItols $@» n = hI 8* ridteni Y«t aMbier yung. active mettbér af the Mute. canunlty te Quan Vitr-rilaZ rIe io the ruiidi Wi an Pltaria jumnior Chten* of tle Ymr Award. sme nthe haaib roeu p raie & W.î. Dic schoN mitient Imatm bandmWa umaina mtertain Cbur" A cit izen 11pca ucvln hm kmei Mimahetlup Yo te g. ! trab tMcwWt, crafts bath deys andi bar mothler. ~flP~Pb1~' ~~m'1a= e an activ u= br ii IK on Ptebyera hiu and 3pmTht trent rim tm *5 pi&. nuraynda wansstntudu De an4% 9 at thme muma loSxala la cwo nceay Mr. mmy.l Keloo Conservain Ama. AdWuiam ;«"alc, Whio hapep ta breci n urse, bat costr tht tua and activittet aà comt of enieyod voltjnterg lmer titeur ai a l1=1 $3.7; te *luit$, S3 %0$e. m .mra chie mlye centre and ti aHlt Certtnnial andi familles* $10. Cal, 87. for M=nr. detiti ,leakIChabniuacaringbfiendbt m.n c Chivstmas Ught Show: Ride a thepaàtient% et the nmaner who oit lorward - vnaesremthp.uh thp wands on a ta ht'r li"ll SllmadMm Rndy4St has showni rentarkc. wmnter higit. duron am Cueyal ntâ nt gdy Radal Lîlgav?4uemu's Chtutua At maiool.Jt,= ptay thte in the band. Her ltScher Robert Nmgî ma, '~"~î SInis Amnitsng ha$ co words fer her ai Walil. wihyugcmt have , edy.Firbhoousepmn du a havetieemimiit ltq knowî Jetîmca to vi ..met aIl fttaa.qualtim that we 15 tou 710 ... hdmueuâsiocmutqualtem imici ae hcmil>~ daoerîty andgeed valut." e5 Gulp Un.1 i.notoHa Mm = indya them dpM aItJalca has endue u oUt 0. way 401For cai <519 ~ t~qiiat mcoot meici lait bar slty and i ckng limloddna y iotutt ~ hwa.abke.tÔeveroe thmathimpg, antdha eonvs undariandinsard be Wii pet r lmite rsi SUIS n Carol Concert: Sin& &long with tht eai ha =ais e ucognzeti%. #Who Ul'aeilmil r. Mitin Chointerdun~ te<m.uty clida ve-week k -ittnngcourse wft the Town chm'onnFarl utm$aConcat in d was honouzad for ber cantibution tathtprami. on Surday, Die. 9 ah' 3pan Muic frôai Tie courur invoivel vohntulet local lay mi the choir «Wt à handbal gmie thli & athd ,mmmer and wcrtdng wIt*fthe huidioppad ansda ha parto du vemet SiL Patl' Unitd chiltien with Spatial lmnds Cmmrch. CU*mmn yMl lir adnmitted fret And the le aieu a big Wap at haim., her rnotiier adds. 1a di adhtsalcn ta $8. To 0nr4 nul tsuich e n d does houseworlt =vr Satud mlie 01-24cUPB22. rua ek.Iam work evnngs, mcai tet rmm ta.a i Cw ëtmA i bur 7-ytr.old biethar until fu, latheam heie" mom a cUon C=Oflb In Altlugfh Jeasica aduli ta balafi unfamiTtllr wlth the Otitail haute m atcp4o h jurIor CIizen of tha 'l'er Aweaitmimab deys bains nominat@d le an ama i ad du MISm annumi Vwip;a S ose ra-d by thu Ornge lCmmuntty Newqppe Asoctatten. vice ai thet m group t. Por i.n AM"lta InternMatl the amard encornaieat oit- tWling et 7 meill c"lMt tât SM y- AU W h tcFelan: Annme oirn=.lB, aiMenmtt DrieM" mWma vlom.M tise "ai 7-1 ai hmd een nomulnatmd fMr theàward. .lala q éltatle Inen oiutaiw IM - GntaJuniar niuairaay cd CW and il.1 ifoem ivier- Tlw welmsmn wMe be aimorunceti sonein t nthe netr future. clIn ai .J Sb.rtiofSL Pfur* salry. chlimff w.me nem Give, some of your tinid «t Christihas mmtig a in Nsi.wrtumg Tues- dey D«.1 Mp.n h ércm Yamm can htlp nu. tht. a battur Chritmas ding wodjesmr odetklap publd*qn da~ m.11 63O__twdum ta hn ow catstuaty by afitg acin cd yew SaI %idca.a mjucnhPb c tl urntlepcmn wk aabumle- Il VolunteçoMakCII deh' n StudnW on St b:hookville ad% aap~rd mtmjey. " A @an&en e"- llleraly. Driva moSomme sc wUlar&»m!W i5a dévler Dy A numbd o ADfeec tho a o aa -a-t o adT , Drc 10 and i l talt the people am, trying to organise a tend cod. t.LMM STREE mt saaa taw Ie have trobled ota aauauaiet lu 'i h Pae Cam munliy Chriimnas .diner, apechfly fer !!!!!ZM >ocway amound Halton wit1vout a car, AW. tW--on-d dmWh hae n âmü inMilon.yemm knýow lts nearly impossible. take il chaër meuler pefu ta e 730. p. * lOm. àew hauri of your tintmuii cip 0f M- Jut A ltte tinta Cm wAkïatt àâ du posilfoottee due Evasomwaloet w eek baWe Chritimame tili «Sable aàoa dlffge lui the td. and tor M poupin ï At loa InSeetgu upyDao UsUttiil , Pauimen: Holy Conter agny tim put togiter paclage Ia% fame in iéan ahedet you rigla '«M the voutmr Services ai Who.m lea Pa6havh~wimlpatu omfirtify li et.*Moat * paalblt for met ta par- brailamlla ktomihr wigr» 'uweaa hth rai i mraiont People =hIgtu deliver pachaget ticipate ha algénlÉi8 P'oram b, g blalp cmms uaalal -r ,uPZ roaiaaaOb, =". ~<rlta Day uni bainan badL cî MiitWmtCirai864[ HI aoulecu iAiathe volumer asmy includet thés dueal y ngdi wy th G reen Chrgtmas: A Clthtita urpan raquetfu tee mtp. If yo h two oir fpaecu ~~ pmghlm« w Cqms1w aaaî a pi gi wu t o 9bid Wilâk F1114 tInt hbraate l "sty Der. 8, devo* P - àVià. W C. à lusi lentii tl naie tht M<alon - 'w the phut çdm the Mibe. Volunen arm aintra Md -5ltyouri clotrèIcit sh, wrdvD 8mm or lfi Seaiti9* Pltitsim C5i' racpm. Aomo iai i eolat afIor %a htlpqU togtW a Spatal nmalln Buh. b, valmaimmdtt a coupWf ra n . tilttitl Usp W&!Rm ethi'eas - ace a taimbtteat mtht for ajmtC=l rlnà -paiaio. dpigh a vet, wr avery ohm weei. md a mmca C&rW ~ ~ iddi eahn tht g ol -F'nh Cktiatua gIfla hnet. il. Suromt shppng once it a metile. cr "hrt placeinenis. trM Uk4n wtalmheoe Cella ta OWS TH m TO% BE COMPOSED From concept to MWna product the Camadui la.ou Doek-Top PabIIsbbg Centre la ready to piroduce: la elyers .- Magazines et Catalogue.1*S Igeporte a Plrograin ta Menuso a Promotional Materti a Caxpera Ready Art Work a ResumeS cau us ai 878-2341 w.dm Our exesv fle .nuonIllie