ypur classified Hotline II 875-3300 CLASSFED HOURS: CLASSIFIED INFORMATION The Canadien Champwrîn Classified Drad lino fgr!b<IbLdWn"Ay FdjîjiŽn CIacaified D<ap6ay-. Mon. 3 pot CIassified word &do & Garage Sales: Tuesday ili arm Deadline fg<liE b dioiL Classifild DfapIay. Wed. 3 Pm Thunday il ame &ULADâ MLUSI RERbAIP Ërror, and Omissions The publither amumes no finaclal lcmbilit for typngr.ph" ll cc ny orna it the.nei1amr other thon fice cost of %Pace occupied lv the. "rer Claimi for ciror% in adveri-inîs muid b. made prior la the -.t pubb-aio date, 01 Births UAYWARD Leit and f(afta m pleued Io an- couripir tie arivai 0f à noie stitur for Jentm. Catainne Vry. bon on Novemiîr 23. IWO0et 5 47 a mr , qpghing B lb.e . 3 or_ ai Peel Matrone!l Hospital Speclalv Omifa Dr Paul Gprne and nursas esté W~e and Dat e Pry os Bir=hdavls 1 LOeK WHO'S Love -CASSELEIAN KATHLEEN <BLUEV) ffl1 sor mot W a ld avmmriai en ds of 'rea 1on Thwreoy. Novemcboir Zral I 00 6r7lh peur Katdfen Cammefin befoved rCwdCmif Caeaemai 0f R R t2 Camptaicile, Lovaig mottier of lants. jenny, Steve. jacli and Joav uer »Wie CO Demi liey and Nue aif Soiey in W"mend ham muf Si<mJy ard fWe habacd Roc Rurnijahn in Englanid Fun"ra gerce, au fied on Mondayt, Norunber 2601 1900 ai Si Georgea Atgimea Churdi. .Loeýbe. aM P chaio Clit Mummi cfhabng Crenabon Anrangaenfc atrt mett irough the Mcf(erse Fureti Hote 14McS SMITH. DOUGLAS H Af the Mihion Diericl Hoapiie On Sabetley. NovenMbe 2401h 190, Ocuglu1 Sith 09 Mfelon La"g biofir ai Mm Embu Donakboo f Banplon. enuoi aid Anl both of Miltoc, Richard of Grdif. Gien of Brmmpaan., Ray of Peumbcrug and wwmm cfi Vanicouvrer Island. B.C. Pedmom-ed bp hue paru lattai aid Map Soil. qguing mi ta Mol(erie Fixesi Homo. li4 MAin St, AUe, hOMu7.5 pi . Fnâ iamrl aie i a obdmq. n ,e, et Ma.10 a, 12 Mr. n. MmnnMd (0emDd Cemmmemp. Orger. I lieu cd loaua datiloneg lt ftaà da Luag As- lotonda l ac ir lopo irê t Wci HEARO: IRIENE PMYý Pmaoedy mis a allei Mreaga Maonal Hospital on Saturday. loebr24, ¶000 Imne der aile oI tra lm Upluni &Heerdt. ciciha 0f Robtr and lu alif Join and Penny and fier husband Cary CunlmGranidmomier of kid" ai nd David UafadL>Mn, Sfaoe and Coeau-Mnghuc A piralle servicie a hafd on M%. Nonan. ber 26.1I0O Crercabon Nii UÏMOY 0F CHARLES OAI(LEY CLUBINE Born May 10, 1030. Milton, Ontario. pestoed aaayl Nosqerbar 5> IM; Edmconton. Mitarne Charit e6 a s mwmmved bit Ne movm nie. Joan.'uemon sions, DaM (Faye) Cibja, Fred Clubine. Tarrance (Latrai) Clutoina. JoaePl Clubai (Cadente Owtglu). Toc Clubie (Morton SOM)r. vilititn Cooper. Char«e Clobine; lhre. doughlare. Vicions Cf ubéne. Shirley <Darryl) kMer, Jo-Are <laid> Schlmnder daigier-t 'la. Audrey Clubmna 12 granakddren. lwo brubie. Anlinir (Lora) Cubem. Janeis Okibe; fo scfers. Awmced Young, Lattre (Hery) Buffon, He wu pieoomd by lie, parenn&. brother Aren. minier fM". FunmM arice att hafd aI Rc01i and Sons Fun"a !foi. Fcday Nove'mber O, 1000 1 OO pM mi offîclafîng RaevitelndSr Moinaiey 31 uea ietr ~jDoug Koc ber Rob Beof on 11 anSt., Milton 878-44-52 m a Bronhe Mr ies 37 In Vemoriams HIGGS. M~bi (Haib>- In loc-g mein" ci a aondml bmabaii. falher à waiaher Who -ae aff Noember 301 M00 NIDsud wo ving te fod alonm iaia of son ky am luiIo w d tar orne a montant ahmn t amp of Wfu demies You gave a u m Coiappmnesoa Thon catie ane & fian bit poun fait use be.*iff eronre. la a tremne etoimm te peus AfMM bed à ai mneed KMf àa alle Ka. a mrumie LAu"e à Go" IN LOVING imetnory of Our dear Orampa Peseta Asigfo aIme peseed Maay Novaeba lis beion ait Wn oie Oéi yod ana gora ime gies by t lw I W~ se~o mud iraont pouj dihi Ire, You arem myheurt kd m liry sotid. dme lmi bepaeen us nevoer deparla. 4il i oat and go*s Nol aaying -odp 1 1 piou0lii I -us aoubl.l ona. trou i:e Caays on iny mimd ie km trou ami, agih me noe I knce yrou ae up *p hoaui m a beauiul quai plac rotng oeaceffty Thme mierories wn have ahaed logalher Ici sw long ati neMe bu forgff and wit abaays kWg on Oaiihlrm Ruyasai. Joum emi Terre. REMEMBRIANCES in due brut 0f donalons 10 The Milton District Hospital Fmmndabion are apprabmdý VENERUS ANGELO. In loing memciy el a deer huabamd and failer elo 6Wd Nov«nbo 26,1080 One yieu hm gens, puai Bui ltme mimiorieee5 sotu We imas pou wo mudi Our hearoi pou f.oe, tomicled la boit in trour mite And una te not tiare &at the cumores tomate Wat tom eu oue saine r0 LIIC1E il EPRESS my =ml wten ai. relWe, for *Mars. c"r. coli and Vogt afae I wu a pettati n Milin Dabd HofW~ To ie nurses and staff for tasi Tenider Loving Cani Spacia tîaila t Or Rudyf and Dr Cding. Jacbue. Amie. Enz and my twiib 'Lovm prou df Smnoar.ly. fý=no Had THE FAMILY of ha IWu Jack Mm aah to ec- fond Ohm hoariff Oliaw fo si es reiliUee MW fiords end J SoeU Eafpy Funrmal H o o af lImer Acts of suPPOrt OraI ltbufea. car"e nian.W ditriaonu and phone cabs LiWIn Oie los et ose dear lher. gpidaitOe &cd oreh grariatli.î Vour fcndnea ail lie îith un aMways Katmy il Gord Frei & Urdim IFemiles 47=rdut n . Car ofTMn uiflouýL=KUUBHLY KEUNS KibfyK.aan. daughter of Déniai and 40 Margarer Keercs ha# graduai@! lîom lh. Attention Scec ero nAdooyand Spioach mhana. Juge. im -m ce)e ibryhsacpe a postbon Thaik pou for amyW 0 FANTASTI SUrprNe Bayi end Distric Healti Urm Kmoied4 a V eil .Mil a gracluate of Millor Ditrct H.gh Setoo4 ond th Oe Univerity of wa 1 WVOULD LIKE TO TI4ANI( rmymi *tt aii a0 yent rwèglibors for eaur lowely llo*mre and cards BElA SIGMA, PHI CHAPTER ETA PHI Pretoria thaing My sNpy i llion DMa l S»p e IfimnO ,Loh Childrns Clou"n Paty B'sind #tanka Io Dam. Florence aid6 "0s te nain*: IMW purcheais home W«lU1day, nu,,e. on tWapmcond rao, MMd Dr R)*, D, Novemba 2M/0 Hugr FOUle Hall ai 8 P M Rloberio and Dr Bradey l fllUID UI<E TO TAICE rt cpporityr Io _____________ Ilhaci tu mari, people aNa hMetpd anmd sup-K ported me in Oh. dead0 0f my fljcbacd Ted Scasa espoc.ally Dr Aamony Chan the nurses POf TV ai dl@ Miloc D.simct Hap.Ia and my neighbours r on Wltmers, Lm The prolymrs i Cati Dai lT-V YraMÂe -16 Io trai lof aller Coffin and Kathy Powell front Si Gaeges scflool & wedoIDld TV. cotnrorctals, Anglicai Cliurch âdso ta woridafsihe~I given m0delifg,m«vt bit J Scofi Early Furn"a Honme Il made eoy 1,111111111 111 > ~ tung se easy Io bear pfiyly.Kw Sata AN CL THE FAMILY 0F TH4E LAIE GEORGE TAFT JR would lIte in epsapteurm ha~* Otarb and smioere appeialson 1011nu eativmes, and linméd for thotr beautilel floral tribut«, ciamorai dnon.synmpatiy éad aind maini acte of kaichias shofn 10 un in ta reord suién bu of à doar son. brother. uncle, huaboid and fmme H a e d trai by fadi id ~ mywAmdocU ms" - -l SKI D00%s SKIS SKA E ktéd MM. Fallait Bd ,to Opernai tub honte ID us alar taà hoal, and #t ai en tM ca. Now is the blle to soul your aie Fwmerid HmOe for tir~ id fond coring unwanted wiiinter items. Tha*m you camoiy Cai our Rotidaidammi L1a#44, 878-2341 Ma6r ____ - w oww mww -M 01111111 W-- q2 q V-wWt '~ e -~ ~ *e ~ e rCh ristmas Open House ait Springridge Faim r EwryWertàalOimm5- Chrisimas Baking Peserves e Cotintry ifs 1eto pef cIwltnues lu tisu al» - UiI r igiqePri-n@a cmuemaa.eep