First-ti e buyers can take advantage of low prices While dhe foc-i dowrtim ili howlng Kathy Prescoli., Marc Radar - Millom Dis- oeplaa rm im hulle. Éch u m hcmeahn -wmming m trlct Higi school; Atalfii d gie adMe"b buer iedng a UMi fiit4it L ne May am Fn"u, Qvi Swmilt - Cak- eun alto glve yo oni hau o ie youw Ibyr rlidn ' à u kte' r p ryU e il taM eShcd prartyi enejei tmiy'e cmpmlmw hui witlrg for.lW ~ '- ' Gffl PeMera. A&m Khant. - Perdue market. Your slesperson weut ensure your Wtt Prim dlowni 10-15 per t ower laim wllh AIIELI. FRANCIS HgItSdiaal; home la b.d in the hoa,'s wopuwçimd ySr the nuriter af liraimme buyea la it- Dat3vid Hiutamt Nataie Hamre - Quein Multiple Liatlig Service (MUS) be. whed cmfulig. Meaitwhlle, ilateei rai Appea mc Elizabeth Park Higli Schaol; meure ail'690 malsapiple in the Oshvgkl/ beh oit a downward trerbd ntakitg dhu oui- higli och"a sudenti wh aeacdtta olMiut lit.eimler, Reid 4St. Ig- MUit ct am e yo fur imoperty ta for mml. look for firns tuners trn badie thteir cammuiWty. 'ilu aoinLyai SeoiaySho S h amlteet femlt I ~~~~~~~The Cltbzuthlp Ameaud, mhichit nclude à Carollie Halte- S Mîdru',Lgtbaum or oie yaurutlf it a tgi mtar"e là * -ue for 90, wei pmesetiud 25 Schot tou on iaiexipert - ositta Mo e- Conparson beive boay ýcrioty uMn hih chmal students fromn 13 Gweftay Wlgitalt Sandra Colavecta - te ..leram. anp tahe westio t lyadre in am hi h". This yeeur's ameard wtt- White lek Scomsdary choo. e v t a l e y e t e 'r e a la n w a y a h e d o it t h e i - et s nc l u d t d : tr n i s a s l abl h i g t t a e r a p a r l t Steta raue frot. Even i et14 per ceitt the Thaith Nguet Calieri Stonie -Avcath, dhpil no g it our Young Cong~ratulatonse ta the rmi at baud's Prime batik rate la mtich lomeer itaw titan Diettic HmgrltSot pupetg~att.htme aur amt à LogRne Planting Cotertua fu as es- 5durirtg the lat receeiln, weni il hlm à hli aul srit Aplay Collae 'hto lalIv. cleti mek it hel=IiRnove us Im the t~ ai22.7 perenm.Stephen tlI. Anna IbLait - 2lem oemiury. Mark aieu arid hi@ coin- SFortunately, imtereit rosea fluctuat. It BmthopR dmgKertitChoc Secondary - mince have rmontmded ediera rieur 1907, for mtample, râtis hovered at thet par S=oa Rigt iow. in the Oakvmtle/ibun am cru ttrati incltmditg. updatitg the boatd'm cent mark lar moritis belote beglitrlag the SaraIt Coem. Cerrlck Wemme - Thomai sellitg lime Wo a houme range% rito to computer systemt. improvitg public coin- CeIUbc0mb of cuent rata. A. akaiack Hîgit Scioot. flve mariths - as log- as ltes proptrly muaitomt. icresng thy numbar and aetheyll drap aina, - giay Michelle Flebilg Rase Leis - Ernest C. priced. type of educaticonai pegramai offeee ta tursad for change. Drwry Higit Ç diaot Haie do you triture the "price la reght? bard membeui and fttlt ways to maxi- Tht PAl EsIale Band launched a mttw gmeadm progrifi %bis fait ta hamiaur -ri Wolle Igit Siaol.Ville. MUtai antd Distuict Ral Es" mead. ott od-MacLachJaitý Cillee am Theyre in touici wlth pro"et valuta in Prepraem Scitol; your ar and çit pud yau titrauh the, m~iurr c teBa redaflmO . "mU. Muai, Lied bmédRp Lki DeuiL RVN MIitowne Realty Corpi. *Locallyowned and operated - i n Home Sales since 1983' 22 Ontario St. South 878-2365 GARY THOMAS Brokcr/Owricre Fretta L.awrence 87g-486t0 Maurk v îbjour 876-4577 A-i LOCATION t*ctend o mii swal Oel aa oir. 25 Vi aitSom Avenue ExcellenmU mm.l eaai.01g aqmmaa, 1ui me JU eq ml d - y-q brimd. au%>ki. Atlas d.M .000 or lass bons un"t .lEOa h srlm0 a monti For mor. bnoecd- PMPeie 7-2 RON MacNFEIL IMM ~88 AUdrt'y Newmll 878-5339 ne~ Warncr 878-1084 na Warner 878-1084 \,U. fl-on 878-20,S4 1-1 iur1W 878-3337 -a'îK, rlk- 854-0474 StI1. lall 878-4339 Ga~li 111n 178-11 I ['hil I'r.-Iîg 878-6924 Ik-tiv lir.îding 878-4716 Ï\1nd ra 1ila 1Iv (519) 658-9040 Riaid It, lltmi,i:n 878-5806 c.trol \1 Iîrî,k, 875-0067 ( arolv Stot%1111 876-4913 1 indsai Mdlarcin 854-2451 Ken Ntwell 878-5339 Jean Stiowden 878-3155 Mîike Morgam 878-803 Paul P'age 878-2995 Anne Lilvuîr 854-98' JeUf Wrtgim 878-5110 Dtli Ingle 827-4286 Ron MacNeil 878-0191 Clayion Iiackenbrook 875-077 Alan Brooks 875-0067 Reneé Ilarrold 878-4526 Sdrriçy puld' he n Priem Mf malta OM 3 badroon', 2 ar guop5 hne %ry rtaIloab Nat Io muttion th e Mh eficWwy furnisc (AugMa. 19M0, n»m central air (Auguat 19M0. 1.111f room,. Mmg mcm &I tw alm b. ~Toiemo dloeeI cd Plan M.*'Id. Asthioed i Init ré820I4.900.00.