Il, TW1 Magna expansigo. I ý Y ""Inel is in the,,vorks JAE with* new building A lit u SI pat aricu i rnui km =ap p oui eauxt mm Cuaoatd beal bd SDawn duvets -,à -id ù- " t-tan Iarelhot stuff " Mtebaiihc h opn b g& i O Avacattun nr Àuti wtitt hr' nDVw it~ aPer ~ bttati -n Moidav tuglit ai munscnuia councrl '1 r oe ma&t frit à duvet deoe'1 att ta rapaemng gubinL lo rtacatied P-,&applid for à pemil to 61*ltnmaS wldl "fie, cuver ,ired Wh tein in tAn mantieetd& ob.tme p Europe, Su mire mae oge «iAS ea by Ma.Fa" ."at Wvad 2 ocrio t ~aa fouryear ago belte ~er M~go< esu as I ur.detmtnd it.» reptwa M&YOr Gond Krartt foure yuan duhag 1.0 befe litonIta ne ofo tire plants tirat i, doteg vvr refi outila. 1 1 Magrntenatinal irai undergone mom thao. la §OMSe Mr% Hom, reasut tire otrly th.a of irard tie, tutttttiv eewy i h prowho pined fr à Euroea The cottpatt senv. e, ty.dvet. Sire rcevea hûrddtd ait laadersip o one rjkSricrctetad o roquct for brochure tirroulth ads nemàuv ia oprdrtttedoituiUte al iA-, Hara.',ah Ce r toe dtpedtttrtta tear ire r tforubleai trq-Ai.ated and Select H~oe magazines Sires fur thte coorpaly ufraci gre«ag tu btant.ay dunnrg tire amaizeti by tire number of duvet% aSM 1980% tells tmght urocen tfrrough mail A rumour crrrtilaomrg At iltun ouncri Mondal, ni oditt fad thet Miltotn plant cepartN brrng exiait iL bootir et Torontds Oie of a Kind lata prtducttve tacaies in gouran Otano enudt Cnfit Sirowteslat Novembr resulted lavolfi Tirat could eaptau the tread for additontal in emrougir orders te keep lier bu." «areiroutitg spece. ntil thre erdl of Match, Sitescunent- Magna olfntaWdxfnut retuna phonre calls Tuesdav ly gen~ for tina years Cent alter ,rye.aul dnsplays in local airome at thre Ontario AnctIrai Musettm-aid Spn arp u Peoe m inig mormtig SHIRLEY D co1co fýtre turtltg, tire huit A TS O donlctirse arc îdcal.' mire ex- A TS O Ci.m. In Europe thry tare bon out A urk of Central ireti .., SLDMAY, NOVEM * Mm len tsa purit Sr teuf 12-00ONoon to4.0 * duen -MUo feairent - go Stuff h le Saverrueur inmporeia dt HARROF RE~ lkminrg tirai forme tire gwl aid intr- sire ~n ~ ~' I~O~ 0f Mm *bwlry aid terh Ita rt Mo e Whaie marlp tt tiestfin rseif at honte rebatt ~An exrentt soleetto Ift havri wt- r W aal a b = fiort 'tee dtifyiig fromt trte end tu tire Me..,5SoIe vnuMi * 0fd Euroe Duveta come in thrS 4 te"evlke,1 thiiase Tire "very vry wuareE aturi asur versin pulfs out tati tliter puunds of dowai Tire internai gealls rirat Furan baffles te leep tireO down inu place are 12 anches. deep in L, t tilaStyle. The lmulation value ta ocluivalet t o tiaio a Atk- e B arister & Sohcitoir medium weight quera i a duvet Suite 301 qui aie duvets. Mn-Fo Ho n 't ct e à kti oh f dveei t c o er Sup 8il o6 ,O n 5 6i pbtem ier u enal tic Wile doiig lier part tu kcvpà r aiadtia ozv thmtroi those k't F PL LA relater niag rto Hon firasoaD able tomlfillirr ar Ambition tor.iaDVO C $tay-it-irome mm Sire eitpyt tht t ciralleigeeut rurniîig a bucceslui buiaues. a air it digeat fot er Ire.E 'dotai' M Fund needtç youlbhelp.. . a0mm'fl T i mihtae t hot- uoe Utrugla tirm uowaem vasiaunoera haut attend- oea-u the Smimm otArrfi m all dbrpt Seort wturi% aid disinbumte of dti arrwda batu cg thmu@Lle mm fin îriadngm pora wt pla tr'dugontit bttant asitirpat aid doeet ame um& imaf.rthtie reur t souticid s&- výetArmy' 5 so*. l i ttOOti luiu doi&- nomta iou Clren a m, Zeltohi sa" tihe Salvenor Aime nsd toragir ipffl or tire noma te eia , poe rab v tLn te ut7 ure donatew Supputier, :r Th« lain Chneirra Butta. Funi a- dur tirei part nu premtherire pît d*tw resu nev dtoppians oat a dtao de ie Cbumpeyn mille.. 101 MM saireat mi Doanatiutn. rrt irai SIU aie eliînibie <or à tai neupt upSm te- -lat/ EAVILLE nd4À'LE' [BER 25,1990 Oipm. at the ;T4URANT t1 aentguant tam rokars & lamna "M y mn (418) 878-81 Sb.pping with a pluas Christmas Siroppig promue*,ta, Lie rtiaitiang for criatomeja Ai tire tour ag, itrnîg Tournefuare hiad tio goufèrng ckatfe. gîfla and aIl tire inutmmiga, dite altopb ai tire Lorm ut main and Monilî ia ta golf tire tire tartre ut dgrrartri laairn walg-abrui and gtirînit 'dais Boeutique end Grava Giaet are l.ebilg Up te pleesor itsor gasirion shouws, Deliaud Wall taîtelp relti totuîive table ietlitg îdéaa and counmtry Feellitp 1 panvidin tonne iaspiration relti iser sai roppapg deoroostrations, The eitertalirmeit aill futt frnit 11 ait tui 3 P m olcirSm"dy t l3erkxn unil Crdtai& Ai addetl 1 r-ai ta plaîand lica Doceatrtee a Theirol alto Wu a draa lier s grgosaDigues aNd du mer- milmlhbmiu bc waay titappt >N-,l Nll k,- Fit for mits clainétata. ýmj catire A cwwwm eu 0 Mam Mo le w1w Santatiom. Hommft carde and aft Oum Marybu "" MM d««Md «Ma» le du W«= doccretiontai atre fa to ditentancel ID luttait W~ 8 fancis in lime fur cwwmm The Ç" wmo là ww* te Clain a-, *1» liait, d» MW j tOO&