t Ille Canadian Champ'ion IMI u ce CInW»- Sales DoRaob àr».v Tell "M%:** NommO"hson j Nu Giet -MiuftMaiagnlbABute -NM Ob JuuIA WUTOA WMU -bhion Aai 11 TILM. OoDms.*Wac * ew Ulmq N~.a um P. - W241 bet 5 Om@%%M2n @40 ý Tooinh uns at.upCOMPOIO: Wk DM. heu Cohues., Nabn Mastuis ilomui i?-'M ISho;ld w;fight?W %oo ulefubnc ea nna ie ud t Looking back e ilth ers~ion Cul(. For the ut tite, Ln almost, twô genewadiu Canadiens bgenulnely face the prôpe i hg embetoiled i a foreign coict. 5o pediapserwa a Llibt mtore thoughffi gsgri of what war hms iemnt and could nmn.agin lha dWngdon. paused for a mment. .There Li strength, asweilas acertain comfort hinmber and te nunbent confronting Iraq are-snfcanm Indesi. À midabla array of forces representing the ful spotrune demnocratlc and emerging denmrtlc nadtiou has lined up against Saddam Huasein. But are we truly prepared to countenance the cansequences of laie 2Oth centiVr warfare? Are we wlillngq totIndy c ommit Canada's armed Torcesto sucit a stnaggle? Or ar w. merely willlng ta ask a few figliter pilais and frigate sallors ta, aye our flag while we sit comfalably at home, hopinq Ssdamr Hussein wil pull back from the brink? tthe United States, a dhbate is beginnlng ta emtee as ta, that'countrýr's willingniess to go ta war 6ver the Kuwalt in. vasion. Many Americans want a ful Flo"a oJ ermnaî debate before any new action la taluta. In Canada, we deserve no less from aur House of Commns. And there should 'robabIy be a f..e vote ant icreased rnIlitaq~ participation. So far wue have seen aur elected leaders ln lte west - notab-. ly Presldeig George Bush and Primne Ministers arNU" Thatcher and Brian Mulroney - tmrchlng in locktptoward a confronatiîon. %. are not sayig theïr actlonsto dae bave been wiong. They have beeiàlargely prudent*. But If aur counitries are ta go ta, war, the citizens who wlll ha asked ta shed their blood and grieve for their deud auoervê t W b. lnvovled ha the derisiorn. And so far that hasn't bappened. ,Best of bad lot TherVs an aid "dm in politIcq Whlch suggut peple don't *$@mm .na n Wuiu ah nom. p*s w sa ani - tes am. ln Al vat ~r ewgoermena,îly aa vte cite nu out. ip a, a bsu ois unrniny mNan 1mb.h lmu aR t Geerly spadg thats tae and 1, Il aby why the New aid 11111vra kà Deoratl Paty la n fýiaplace la iodeipoa releasd Tti. day. .rku 1iniP i . JWe have meet Utile ibat should veuit Oie NDP huao top spt Pages ofL the~ PaU %ie;ond -eea dbhuatmo, wltli lte performnc o th' lfpdn off bath the Uberal and the Progressive Con.usrvatlve enappeutuci ftete .penint -i ties paitunas patis JenCiein a ý~~ One Vear Ago amM.mw mwwmmv nm c tc ibera leader JenCpe h o & or. do ta: Of~ bWuly uars.frm b% k>empsèn KS. Pu.- cornsquence aince ha wu choslert clsef sud whether or rito a~ Th A & the bb.b le* lm àý , .buar ad W., ori e ,., c m alu ton Pfrme Miir Drian Mulrotey don a A~i àf P~~ec bonaruep in hm cd tdrlb&Mi. aup mnaot pole doot truit hi.. We Ce le aO*. ui. m d1 Ad and m ut @§M wtqc etM-Ofl-ep bt oO mahubuem» partls wouldh t.e MW rit "a of 2oYars i.tu thicu ladeua401 shev : ~tu n .W . J P. . lb. !4.n 20.1 Yers. Neiv.emmmkParty bue Audrsy McLaughlln ai b" m e h Mtl.a m ai tilla poit la ual acorhig punay ive witd ltmi. 9 The Mo" . anM mm We amv am o Mu W Mh- CocrmdlW W"d àml a mme 4 eaunm- aso lectder oltier, She only enuMy a 47 par cenA app mlb 0 Hahm's hbit d hU 'l,.u-d uumitt (àdsééad Mý Ofl wcanpd latin& But sh. l.ai et a àlardy untried cournuodlty. .,-iiu nqai i art p.Mlc pciim.a &Matiu lebâàuu. d m *0it nuybe f lier party maluges Wo gain pow e veilually, shahn ktralh amale lmitrai ciWutmuJ (W theuae Aau.dah"M"» m oeadl b rnleM lum cmmcr Aatlim. V. aumiu a erni Ami m tura out Wo ha a pusant suprise. là to umîai iiàas Anay e h k - epl mmomaab lei aucsacumb - Her compotlors have prrven We be. ujfotrnatoy quit. the qaï kW b in de ars Chryaamu " Sila. ammiicdi tt lan t opposite. Mr NU Gr ta 1 a political opportunist ist ad Yi~ înc yi m weni<I. le d" ai&àMlebe m M »vw Iorernost and Nb muhiley la toS oulan ad egoptlcal b iAeIcy Atulm Na igua bigbuwkm U ib nfgétW"au10Geplwo u haff for bis curait paalhlan. doapite tiie ha bhm pat ha akh qlUi hiIo fini at. ait- put ohé a bai when auI latin front à dacuti irait vanced morne gooctWlly thaf MU tienefit th céný in the = 41 "% 1ma a p. r!, dola0 the oeIu8 fis mu the CM t mic er friiont b«, 1 m, 2- ut CampWhdk The te udpuatweee ld no estimate of long mun. yJ AMUl Wbi huame Mi cwricils uaemi t- diaflie but the traut car woeidé dUm haw tu bu' ict1d 50 Vears- Ago 'Vrim the Nemàber 14. 190 Issu. J ae.Milde. Milutai okhma reÜdenl. calcitrautI ho lubid. i hnte sore in inmdr lm, Mr5. Mo~MckmidgcW otu ofw a latby ai UW"% wltu.e féhlh e v Jâme lieMcAsp eat ei c ofE W.n1kb, ope 0( the elew re entu in Cn4i At yugman ho wcebd lot the ai CaaaW Trunk liltie lamird lbe sud of tâte bAth of Touxoâo te ICI. Contiu- W4 him dulies teude lb=e! hbnb Q»ieqe., TlmenbuuIb Ccleuocia muad la Fobernt imoly ccaqied by HarnA Rop &Mt à-.C& 4"b bal O ~ ~ ~ - mL Cia Kam.dy ma ud trermy ba . h. Uw.udbopadOr cm mffuy li .cuAi beism Pud