Live birdsi bring 4A show to life Live owl, auid hawks will lie walching local widide aiinm as they dnionstraic anid show "her work ai the ihird annomi ChrItIni W11idiifr Art Show trdc Sale DSrehr 2. lMtuntsberg WIIdiife Cenitre wli be 1unfnm ànt Iwidife ani gai. 1kry Wîîh à unqur lwii .- n'ai wildlîih Si-nurai [ive birdi ni o prev gtom Mount.,bels bird ni pri, tohmbilia- lion progrn wili bc, hown arno4 themini who oftic us the bird... Kljnv liý.i artia -,iIl b, dmî ing îheir original work aIirng wih pn,:nt art by w,-l knonn mîllîl. lîkv 1,e iin. Hum> Iark.r, Bireti luu.nw.nd, Ntefmarr Knuoti. lie%~ litlIu and. john Svrrnv ia'.irr' Prioed, front thie ale arid ,ho.. fromnn rotin p.m nil lie ,Wd by the Ratioin Report Conservaion Fundw.dn fur the wildliul, cinire ix- patisun ýmo<ivrt A îhvoeyear. sifim.uiXI kandrai.în =aipin rocently ben which wii bul n addition te thes Inr.tpreuve Cenitre, bird of pSy fmciliiy muid nirS improveniertms tu theilif Wmikway and bird banding prtgant. Momntsberg Wildlife Centire is I., ca.ed 5 kilorei West of Camp- bdliville ph Miibeough Lame. Pou' mort infornmtion, caii Mosunt%- Perg iweekeids) mn &%4--,.6 -e ii Halion Regbon Conseivation Auth- oeliy (ý7 kdmys) mu M&36 .18 Diets zap energy and fitness, health dept. warns While à "rI niay latte off un- wanted poutids, Halton Regitn hsiuS depammni wam il coifld aloo jup you of nioct naiudhd encrgy. "Die<ig can dbliy your boudy l& te- quired nuient <nimbie and ihemby imd to ikm 0f cciergy.»' mdvitu à h.akl. departmrinu infonnmiioii «CaIoki subsequentiy bucane harder te buin off. buvig the ditésir iuo.pysical probleiii - sueh a Mminiining buuiliy iseigli am 'autrition le espoeimUy dlifficult forile nsmiurrng .wxmmin. Lv.. though male courrieaim pli u asikély le negl te ad judpmu for a decn..mimg stand for cab"l., dicte , eublle rmWr dirbu lu ia. &M Ccinpouriding dbu poebhmiis l'" fw îhtmume voaNt hortmouss aselle, husd i lo i ote di-. bi oh m os.' ien,. tf ut hmulby plaisen of ')"y dhifr.d coant @nu ~im saised @"L Wh"d puis .elictna amur ta mdei body Assi ittè the S psyd.ooca velue oun. Idam em is bodb womi 0 ai1 nui " au. art Wuv à ouii ofdIvI Il kl mdu uso-m l id mk Ups. m sdies i.. hseal mm -Y won lyi<I3 milol %go hW& b msu bd l O siois I D s mva L 4hbuif 8" - - mmi tb. huioérmw lgtaz sm. lrn.ikhk *lia es. a lmmdu e -1 l0t 11 diii YJI mms.ew'o44 .ui Head hockey mom Némy qlpunmui MWl.h lm d soelle di is 15m oss oni USmui la auporimluioe och . '. uams gufm by MllINoch.Sy Moine hisèed W psaui tHoleusgo loto théi apik .0 lb. ts le t. he fogshv &MHton itfclunt punts A Chance boWin -One pfTwo $500.00 CHRISTMAS SHOPPING SPREES HAVE LUNCH OR DINNIAN AT FAI TO WIN STANTNO HOVMUEN 18782889r E RVING MILTON1 MND AREA GO WITH THE CONVENIENCE 0F GAS CLEAN (NO MESS) *EFFICIENT *AND FOR PENNIES AN HOUR NPAYMENT (O.A.C.) THROUGH UNION GAS FOR 90'DAYS EASY PAYMENTS ON YOUR MON'rHLY UN;ON GAS BILL' (OÂLC.) SEZ US FOR OUR SPECIALS ON: GAS INSERTS *DIRECT VENTS *FREE STANDING BEDROOM MODELS *GAS LOGS INSTA-FLAMI3 VISIT OUR SHOWROOM 710 Cumberland Avais (et Fah vl.w - Sesie Cdii.. Tire Plt Stp) BWRUNOTON 632-83l2. I~ 4a44t k WINTZRm WARDM DRIEA LrrrLE FURTHER SAVE A WHOLE I.oT MORE ProfesoIMa sa"e *InstaIIation snd After Sale Service