Springers welcome new COMI Idmne whoufrg d dhcPlIn Tis ée iLto plg .w = : -hrsovI show ablky in JImoe Desaisw sitb Qussi Lyndsay Rkhardsoe.Kahille* dueFn lel ninitial scren- ing and aàrnt iiescpe r then onu tinder rte . ye =E 1o Vicky Bo4n anL. ewl t ~I v evfuateil for li tai trug sil wooknou and tlschr progres ii as The club hasdsrgdntie4 ysere that )a. coct ae Campbell ha* brien invoKred. The S nrnshav onie Iss bou 35 minyad of one dan pur ws* at a Armbro Justify Amnbre juolf>4 à Laoa Notice liBy,' pa 3ds .86 vlctory in thse escnd ton Star, wo tr2e-dIvs'anI par nner Gre%.Drwii i wa nubregt15i tat nt n creaied luise «coquit tu0$72M62. Abby Harboo* the third divi- sion in 2006 for driver Terry K- andi tramner Mîike Brown. I wus AbbY Harbor's bru camr isn LnlIcý Brack BrIol, iw àln L£Oa No&ie filly. icomit ber firisti wih a 13.5 mile for driver Dr. John Hiayes in the fourbth divsiton Site was àatwo--arhall longtb winner oycr Islandi Fund and Lias lleallty. $oht Ligit capturiti his tird Frai Fo NI hei% î laq f osa outnp in ileen fo rie Mk itiVý meM"bers schooL the club now ho% kt oen ladlhty andi offer, classe vlrtually &U aa.u msn for the dubn gram tunes and " aliSvehlà seWel as tâte oppoetunity fer luIt aid fft- naAi coachea Mi cwüntinfleina iirt ai wlth duie sd Cnot and uniier Moches hav a lee osne certifirétlori' in the National Coachlns Certi"c- tion Program. ln addItonl1:vspss subslati ne At snf nar d clinios. tehid continue 10 Micithel spdIslo piogrni. wins division S.ftc and trir.es Carh C-ýor Ir I ssoam as opt..gse -ff» seu Pm ffloe amIaUe gave hlmt $7677 on ti"e yser. SoM *»su $ me mi un l. iisU.eMm oudes Light pac eu mile in 1:543, à hall =jsp ,ai e4in = =pi t s.o* os=ri us UWS s lengtli over Baby Uoner and Tamarama Rip. Eagle Sptskee (Weho scas cfained in inl e aor US14.O dalmtis av-IR Z ent (clarming tag S75,Wb> for trainer- driver .64 ipart naIne John Holuse it wus sin numbier 12 li 30 starti o and Sivas tb. louir year old peided son of Conqunwl puise ursngs ni si 24944 on thee ~r, tt 1.0 ~i~ ii 1.54.8«, for ..o th $1.5 71 S hr triner-dniver John Kopas. Prop- S o itor's Choici has S1,1927 in purs .4 .- esinsad l3wim n 1îStantsIi . Masvls dbe Bull olNeweYorL. ~PEREMTS NICGMT - 5, e Parents - report =ads were maited to the hoe1 W~ Nov. 7th, 1990 Parent interview evening wi be heJd No vember l4th, 1 '990 610pm - 930pm CHEERS SUNDAY9 NOVMBER Il 400 MMI ST. .n~ MAAO 01