-i Winter Heat'Mg I SwwnerColg You get thé bes olboth wodds ith ou noney-savin Nordidlilleaip AcWaily Wts dit best o/io4ee worlds. You go wwhuer head*g *Sunmer coe oUAdeer coussavtni. I 2-pleoe Heat P=Wi opýlates Nok a fwnmace. By extacting heit f'rom the ouwd& air and * dwit -ngh ywhomme. kt aisopoie central ait cond- loi*ng by eucnhetand hwUmdty for ud owhm aid pmnpbng it outu"d. enoaLowli save nioey on energy cos wlth dk-dlrefdn Nor& IL i tspractical. If yoa hm an electricaily be homin Ia location where nattual gas fl ot avaddabk youony e IlI~Iefor a .500.0 cash rebmt hom Ortoyr .Aie $20 F-aloy Rlie on~ hteo 8 you buy by Nov. 301h. - ? Cda 0 to e Ifyou quallf for ut rebose and Smt die fuil detail on dhis and odhe gem )W prodcti 1-dt*lff m UR FUSANcROFVTIE &KI No. 3. MU.TO, ONTMUO NEW YEÀA SA L E! <e' USED CARS C hý,tf1 1 ovv Pfi( 4- LI-U Er- 1. 1-;.Zol , V6 Engine Loaded w p., -~ .49 lp Ao"m& oineb. pe b 6 t *, ~lid fora~rhnb .7~~ 8 1.oA~ix w«. 10 * béubonth 0 *L. lu 2 a 1 ' vil! ld Ma ma" ual& drumb k q&mW8,PAR. A dibi SuUM ff bu$% cuaAaý aw pWsand cMit s concert Wini au baupartof th J lua Miltn HcoeyM'v centre kmn 9a.m. to12 rm aient *vlli bdude icqona iilu. «arok. a hockypa i and.putablaltW drawpriz NUtn's Nov.' ilhu tl of the birth cf the ç~plohdnai tâte flahaâ Fau, 1eavant vilà b. hMW il Hu8h Feou. Hallu etS p. hqld àabedeau ai Mmiortai Avenu ho. 1 to,4 P.M. Mie avort vàiin- dud btqa.s .016, craftz, bakueg, 111ai ubfrand dwprizn. .u.Mkea.o Day Service vi b. MWi ai Nwrgreoe Cernmery ai Il arn. A parade will RMow, Oaa Stugae IjO p.it. and finWue t Town Hall. Tusmdy MWv. 13 Viom. in Netwokins viliruv uon frui Crie. Skp=o daho tion &eM ivwork and In ol3anma. Mo Hn. = != iMte Mt- IESTTMTE M I Millan à OPIEN NOUSE Sueday. Novenber Il 1-4 P.M. 200 Quier St.. MUlNot -m musAemr Jini in *rAla 878-8496 iw 821-47U4 Pirb~T)Dn A a" eljil~a 4aM Ualf, At"L (cerner ai MU 1Isway à Hala 'Ef ucWvay IN LOCAL AMASAPrNMMM»MmS 0 o o M" ui: : wa slIOcAUSo&w