Steroids stolen froni veterinary cliic i I I iI Because wife assault usually happens at home. people tend to think of it a s a family dMfair. But wife assault is flot a private Matter. lit ls a c"Ime As a community we should ail be concerned- Forýeniergen(*y assistance or referral. call the Wife Assault Heipline. listed in the white pages of your telephone dira-tory or MaI the police. Ontario Women's Diroctorate @ Ontario WaIFm SALT 1AGAINST THE LAWï dot open andi _mnove. mma tsait il,OM) wot o! nurs aqspn Ironm a Lowsa Bumeilune resie Amtn con ut ber si29nt su Industriae Drive lut senti. Bise-y wua gaineti b3 qmasltîug the. front dont iaus ties. reportod, if lie weso Cjwu. O ak ville , <npo ttl"uyub. <bcarong loca&àl tra&ctk "l m hW 7y".1lMl ofies Misn unl,,Z I . .rl PoliceB o e ahawg ~lir flýl ra sa k d * ptoppad UP tu gain oceun through à ville Ies and a 20yatl Hai A l9j'erold Milton aI u vanl Oakvuarv office babl wa Sonaadagood Guis lnàdent veAr*od It àd an g Irt rn Pice issiseve thcy osill b. able tii Police have Laid a charge in comnî un Friday Au* 31, a uniitd' closietiî on a nutiser of Miltontio huicti ais incident "Mpud in laut Grie n du .flotr dieur AtI0)Dr Du . ws And Hal o ita thelis% fromn autre wtesili Channpéou. in whiuh lonred op-Ot Oisie inslide,11 Il olowing théarrestof thros sspect% mnotonst stopp.df kie à ted liglst at *a - vuI ae ttiasnmac - icluds l s- Aà a eult of thte ineestgation, %gt Milton inhs<unlad a machine -.ridMln 5urance mmpaueli. leaI offices Franki Plsillip s aid police reçovered guis ptiinte a, hint frotn an Adjsacent sho0pilfîng chargets dalter sararty And other proflIOsin serVKsi "tlsauuds of dolilars of stolen vehacle.P p-onnel*obweted a p e ain li osenr, ransacked and about pmpeny" including stemos squip- Ai a resuls of thse police imrtstga- tIse Vtre with a Il 99 bufle of $1 In cash Lakattt Property Inert mud car parts. tion, à l6-ycarntd Milton mg.e osas cOogne datnagc ncoodesi 0 ' police rectieds a cati late un the chuarged! on Fu-day initls poawsoeu0f e A suspeect is inder Invsstigation Tiscre have. buosi,427 breiak ngist or Çoote 30 fruit, a, con- an Initations weapin. Amter Poice received A cotipuit that and nfes reasd to, H-aItot cu'rned cîîouet iisg %upj, FHwu caf a à ;z-esrold Miltion vouah isa berni If ~ < > - y fC e ob r ac iv ty in tIn - oa i sc h eap nu ched bv a gro uAp. ri t i s pailer up'tla the cmtd Nupisng Rà aptr fyàhieainfoeesataaa dustnal area Iwso poauple face charges in C-ornec- [e:ople Fndis atrns rwar lha leda u aorret il tiia An inestigatiiii revealed thai lin. osîuh the recent ipale of egg Larier Avenue and Beasar Couls.« tieatiy otu - !eCali! testraI cars un tIhe ata had bve tisrooing incidetsu . . and rougses up . 800ker 6552btlin m A ?7t-li Mîion mulIe es * A mare suspect is under Ilvei- Cluargusi art- two 11-yeae-old Oak- cltargul osth assauli tooîilgan in tigasî,sî atr a 21- 'ear.old Miltonr mIr aine dmt lu oai aviulusi Lie Fnudas, nîglie ai riYtes 24 OURSHARON PRESS A suspeti in a Sunidav mn g hreak-în aî M [DsessLsoîuc l or RO LM[ îItt<IuaIR NI LB ThomasqSrcet eiudcsi police INhcv eýtpolice ridesi t thue alarim. about TO IGBarristcr & Solicitor 4.39 a M, thse suspect osas s%"i fIec- ing the prupotv A lmochase ensuWt and tise canfuse unit osas called ir H VE OUR LICENSED Suite, 301 Police lourd a htcvcîe Insar tise sent, nandtri r cntiisuing tir lnistga- TEClINICIANS INSPECT 205 Main Sitreet tion t oaZu VOUR VEHICLE'S Milton, Ontario -As,unwmobile andi traiter pasked aithe Suisoco au Ontario, St-ce anm BRAKE SYSTEM 87 46 steeles Avenu was reporteti stoiet 0 Culpois hrccd the rusas patio BRIANS AUTO REPAIRS FAMILY LAW 4ISTELE rVE T o v auto nedtDIO ure. crai ~~875-1522 & DIOC Itsh TMmei Milton OPP %Ut'rlier Ci'jrxIed Ones.r out -ne 122hîur licence suspe'son [asu isa A rmotlîriî p.1ilu o,,r or :h .è 4,1. mr Hacor H,îls *,r à raffic ,îtailor, à,s chrgeù stt po5os.* sor ii a sacrcatt.' pis sa% tlte àîcîvrt aIrel Qanwî' 'sf dun4 -Xî~ utt tise %Iit.r detacsMet liavusg 1-i l carges Oak ville RCMP A 31ueasdMir trosae, drug trattchîrg charges at'r à poii.e nflStgijt,.nf res.terl r r:o secoture Of a Pound Ot maniuaa ' Thursdas, OakWsie RCMIP estiîm.ue thse itrtwu value AI SI' me for the 1991 Champion Iblephone Book offei advertses a cosU .ftqctiv. way to get your name out to the consumers, 52 we.ks a ywa. Theft hio. autoo l' [ilS5 Bumels Sluylak phreo outsîde ou 495 Woodward Avenue. taid a frnttir itslausad T)uuriday * Tapes anud ather itents valued au >11 er. Ont iolen lrotin a 1978 Pontsé, LeMai Tisuesdav enenîîtg - *A 29u-year-od Hamrilton, mais had fils 19F, Fueni Mustang brokAlpîisto Fnudav rugisî At Mohiaswk Rai.s.av anti about 5i*31 of sacussu equipm retrovuis ýnu