Church window dedicated to Feacockfamily A lagec0IBaFWmNýP et ;.itale Chitc durtng thl 11a.m. urvlcSundiy. Rev Shawî Cruil dedlcut. a bmautitul utatned glan window ta the Pencock famnille The 1nipli moide 7o the glory, ai àa ain Ullian. tand& aut Henry&Id Milt and ganddaumltrtii Io"7bit Henry and 1vyl=roe Un tils adrs,. a. Civil saud that the-escock lamily movwd %0 thae Fourth Une Wu.~ in 1905. Thet brothers pnnd kfiiconrealî leuie the prestnt rod iclrc&church. For Ave janeradonn. tht; han, biein their place of wodunship. The male mntbnhai îrved aseiders ic a agad the ladiesn woéad in the Woenn' Aswiction end the Mislniary Socity. The hile ct.rldren. grandchlldmi. 5etgrandchiudre and close- friad, of kwga( and Uillan' ama praentr thu; special estnt. Omagh Presbyterian Church nowi haç tour mernocul wndoWs*ik -J J Tmt regular momttiy. l ein~ aiO the Laden groupe of Om;eA:iP bytaian Ctnrch wan held Tursdiy. taith i atht nnembers in atttiidance. The meeting opened taiti the crid and detonal progren given by *Mrsn Hison. A~tt Mio thaîtta wa. .d frnt Mls. rie Bayner for fkotatn aund carde. Mermbars wtt' Asked ta send Bat watt cardeio choir a sick mtnbar. Thteanlrrpfs thed recet saibza a ut uc- cessiful aatad Whni altho helid. 'hl wai planai thai the Dacerrboe ff,twti woutd be htld as usuel et 1 mi i ler Wa the, pau yfr Eact. .mubat t, a"a ta, brlng food Jet a patluck lu. h at the clasa. JuJ A laa. lamly reverdt liad an in- Lita .4a Fana .ehttvlh h -itra nd have fun Ut wis quie thtillâtes akW à it gil rimai Kitje wha caughi liaiteille har fint gtIs, but ait ai the là"oe Caegt 9ilhfa ail atrama. 51w rel.l mn a.od Wih ae Wett. Hat ltti brtte oegh à uillU Att., and aouy n u à delà- ch)uagBh di et taiavnng. H4appyblrthday wishoe ta l)nugli. Pras ta tieta Iday "i woek. (bnagh, friands atia« t aoro at the paing af Marte McD watt, en t 7th ,our. at Halito C«Aefhnta Manar Friday. Tht wita ut Elmer McDowell, Min. M4cDowtll and hie huséid ioid iaa ut ta nw tia ftc Dr7Rood. couintend ckm ta iide. Tha ltterai wtt hotd Manda and iatriliio o place Ai the famit plat h in 1ttlle Hlgh ,cararn tactudel VivIan Saw, Idti Carton, Maritlle awk- ElUibatti Settat, Clari AtgltId. Ilatirce Dowrn. Eva WilioN. Chaitt pJoluatil Elmwa DmjSlat, Ruth FondI. Frank Dow Tati 001JItid, Alfrad Fad &MManuel Modoirca. Lmwi hindi: Hai Crma a&M G-Xy 'fie best opensmortgage gets 1evten bettefm October 9 to December , 1m7-#. Yur rateigets lower ami lowver as we say hk for briuýging odw~ business to Canada Trust. Open a Cantada Trust savings accout wit a M blneOf $50Oor moeatthlW evo tk u or 0pemortgage 1 MOdw~oe 10 E oia aey/ýfrhei5sx em hstf can be used on its own or co4il wit th te pàofferfor a educinof Oup /Vb Dpena Capàda Tust SuperLoanor POwerLine.ofacedit witb a Mace of $1O,OOO oret more atth ~ ti a yuke utypur openpOtagaldteeyuro~ bv 3I4r*for th te fe a eIWnisono a cobine wit 1h te ~ca offr for a tduction"if up to 1/~4 *lIn .g il15i asel tn.M l'!n wt, l, nl ..î I, UPT 700 TRANSFER BONUS If pou transfer an open ut ciMe mortgage of $20,IXk) or MON fhum a mapr bank, Mi5dt union, trust oir insurance, Company 10 Canada Trust, yotu'll reive $3 per $1 ÀMtranfrlTd, upto $510. Theni's no legal or Caa Trust procesing lees involved. MOWI1LY MORTGAGE BURNING, EacbhMuth we bumr a Canada Trust mortgage to sav thanýk.ý lu our customers. Il's alwavs great lu sce a fainily win their freedomoni umortgagepaymnents. FLEXJBILITY PLUS BEST DEAL The friendlv Canada Trust open mrtgagt' has no tees on ,vnewal:.and cani be easilvpwitcl to a Canada Trust closed Motcgr, fo o i te, whree ou walt.' You can make paymrenls woekly ev t oWe% tw4icas month or minth l, and vou cari pay off ill or part of, yuur open mortgage at any ie, without penalty. TH1E HOME OF FRIMNLY SERV1(rr Interesi in our customefs efleçted inouf hour. ý%ý'e heoe when il's iconvenient (q.ypu. Most branchos areý open 8 Io$ Monday to Friday and 4 to 5 S.atunJays. Main at Choels 78-2834 1 ê'