REIE FILE-) -for taste and nutrition 7 thtj t nati Ai ing .re tant dli. ne iii jiv' ma di Figs are gaining popularity .Inrovda "Q1 onon, effi0 ffblie, e. mak huindrt grim cf driaf ftp rovid., "unitulvlue di the boudq ae th,, h < .bM Aibhot abut ý5p r t of the aduitdailv bu% meulted in à %riarch for there is ttc, spmcfbr e rcatttwdod rquUent of tomn irai. nutfltoiU afterttitt dailv ItaIt oif libre. trer? 0 sped Fig Compç à rornequeuuce the fig Isten". e'vidienie tti uhitre thet dwi iuth à à returpence in pcpuiarrr,ý high fibre conttent reduor the nuIt et 1 sv wp a.wp0u (0 ritS cm> îrig North Anmati Thîn li hait diimu antd certain caViar O-in2(Sm s Il mn mage g4ce div surpri*ing xincr drted fipu Thoue o MUtum-mnh dit or a11 so ot suça îcocid1 a high tource M hbreécalciutn thoue uho %implv eant t'0 uipple- *4 Webc m and Ixtuiuat as well. à% au v ment thetr daîiv intake 04 potàwum *2 otenare c so - r imn% anid mtri impor- car add ign ten their diet With 712 '2 w. il a healhnv lif"tvfr mg for etN 1 M, gramu. the fhg out- ago t . titii m rutitttit v&neute ofi r4nk,, curr potusum-nch ruttu *2 etinWai sue" broubr ig igam theMii.tOn - àdark. uch 4%thbattatta (W6mgand the I fb(W9 &VruCM m hrd tig unth à -iert. Inearru oiratige ( 1t mg) or Uast Fçs* oir -anni the Caiîmvma Fîgu ar ant împtant tource ci Dh.ettoOi In large uciiepen, à , sarrie colortit antd han a calcium One. }t:trtd gntmu cf fig% comt.e orange peelc-range quice. ,k,,flavonr neili ptntiude 144 mg of calciu or tugar il desiret. Luve, cunnari hi rich texture of the tig a about 20 pre cettt oif the dajis ne- «tiku. aluptIe andi cardamm wed r&aesti unhth odd, to i t3 eni qutreentt fur an aduit moman Sings mixture nu à boil, boit. ui- ment s al-o the qiualirv ithicir FiR, are aiuo high inr, nd have covereit 3 min Add bigs. cote and týi an excellent teuuc cf à tr and tenture tit ame mort, uttmer e0 min Col Serve oowa are fi bre nm apelîing than other high-ttvtr or chilleit MUbAs about. 4 cuçm (1 fond .~. l,. lima ri of houn Otie litre) ASE«-yASADGivthU "ÛODGMl 1 / \Jn if ttuîi uifat fi.4îiLo-. .tsuLnfih Cmli a Union Gis Sales Pro today, ami let w~ sent >uu. ~.1'~ n Union Cas \W ig the eiierp, cup 1- M ) il 'r