BeeIiieè runs un.defeatêdý string. toi 3 games Major peewees overcome spora dic start and put itail togetherI Th@ ftlani Corio.a mawa . oaffJ hn---n v-s ulvoag ls<ll Mil- F1sbnaýrad lain uiu Mmuntlii undaiuw -11194 * A A . lion coma. m&ig uan aaP A à" airs 5iwc amd à liv ers. m * .1 Win tom Rep A selsInL esthO Car s" 08, ' joancotoe aid È 4 dfaw wNi îr HàckI bw Nonqail Ah« asl du .y Mi -4 lransPoil la kDey kllimng by (al aakçl1waoe~ ~o ln.ait, lhw* Ahwy Riddi. hâda bond Mor cmh Dave DavaispMa W»' oeai branaaey the MdMo sruhl a751 i a grne of pblao= P.".Znrwlv to blon the eieht seoiffig PhMwn defence baal 4îfflcuy la the finit Mîiosn «ark late ln the sogiod as las. a.knd loisar 2i sud1.g ie ou frons lmar s aAA maud wlhl the perioid thsn.3aled ley drove oser and 04Wr itl the Milioar. lad by KcsPente mdfl b'h e maa, ~ ssrd Brmgqin ky, , Cmgao zona' MacDonald ColnCrat prnuei an str the=wr ai éosvis r;lîag n soiea ci< C. g7ý pair 0,d 'Wrta au b borovgh la erLy ac=oZAdy Riddle .t frigi J g« onr Calabth Ma l Blote boy t lilialae n sslam ioh&Cae of. =I tCati oei atte %On DefonlWan offm MOI, ac- oh sp by Joe Mialligan ts 1 qa = = have 10 p Iaydal the teamsa n bit lise pomt, aid.alghtiait wals, n oli u tmg o eventually hit the board frt ichea n i at , nt îheïr-dsoaihaempiidbe amau.n Z.tîlabo pouelay dpiltm of p ctm tmk a Chns Chiilwyk Pia" 0~aS2< 317 9i l thrir record to 4-4-2. peîls ulîi.Dsy Iacis aidK and Pop e tin loti tc thse stick lsd. ïsp.ia'. 4 5 1 132 193 9 In Ancaster on5 Saîuidéy the Mîllon Illowed lou BlîhOi ortiOdefeie. Of 1 Flmnbnmsgh netminder jjPIc td 1 i 1i 151 yi Beelineis Pntplid loi ths. un- nsarkeâ i thb- ecn Pdlolrm Sleve Chiaclwwih. Malt Crig The- %aIvo sas irmmodmately Hu Su 0 1() n 6# 423 71 anaee hiipridgas1 ra Arnsold tonit sver 1ewween the pep and Moffal pisydagnld iuleip~ Miltons goalsite Atmu W L T F A P mne.ullc phi fur Milton in the second hall I.,11 managisfng, r lush à ii adpih.o h-Osmssspesd'atS 121 lionhioi x conteu and aide sonsea aso . posItion Ieitloy. but t1wr col5d 1501 F1.amborom h h.aid îisioigiout the Flots. Coua 7 2 1 234 Ilà 15 Pc-nas dismlti h lwo but bc vo wantîen by rlsîngton's i, the bisciât in the ba"sel gà3w <ora. mm Bi*d Hespel amd Peter liaison iqAS 3 I 6 1 307 7 gain asUselais asanw 22peimuri, Chau:uy defence isaver kt Mil- Meriv itmosei*g stroglv 4.5.-are Soiaisez tus 2 6 2 53 Iri V minoisal. the thid fumre Milton c» 111la e second chance, uing Laie in the second timivsmimmm got FiaimWsdoe . I7 6 Milton goalie JelI Mark tiras hot liw îland managed tobrek the Bu- bolth thbody and hrst'icks well thea "hmlsd &Won a ssolt font1 th Pee 1 -017 20 tripeclally ntZ- ,cid pesd ua igoo hîmlaRa ,Ii popprd 1 yng secnd oleiié %lin seon pon dew of0 aM s1te lots. Lels winger Erir ,..c.cmS r i stýooui & ýlsî latter Milton tank on goý B1a iie ndt h hid ato.MaoIsauid1 wai-a 4 6 O l;~t paidlb Milton allact uitht tua Chmaguauîy in à fast ~ .., ip-4 it anote 10pan dated depn &aaJ.Vr ýMUîgan 0. Si 2 e 0 44Z( 4 galnad an assat. CsG;:Ollemiken- bot losI 3-I. sct 0- esnovid erm1wtn teca ,h.Kyle Abmckie rdmi1 Friels, acarad lhe peute.naof Dais ihàpair. Frehs. MeçIelSo. d i ArukMat Besmunail aid <detor tj 1r 0 P Pms10. nWls 11 aiaa ism 342 Bronte Street, Milton Dramphas aid brul Up a 3-O ad. n.cis u il diaus al iran <416) 878-1113 Clsd ioISsard opaiwd the cor- i on a set up laoin SmoI Hammaîi aad W»a thoan a miaute lIes Arbigitie and Shawn Kesik comnaid 10, sq up e h rei b du I NCR EDIBLE Lernr loai qusa you oria saoie a lions du pi"lhy box as thi ne Wîîh tlsree minutes remsaînl au- *m U lia Lynch scored ywhaliok lieu 611 ,l.wnmg goal bol' Brampwhn goinj.with stm attackar% goit lhe Vilm~. il orly 37,eod on Fregislfast mataged oply a ci O F F goals durlmg two losest i ei an» tion. lste dvop&ue nsa.73&,B lit wng a dùaa §MWs thse pleatqu~ came eut skiitîa pzi~a managidw INCLUDES Motorola Mobile Phone O T~E..3. titt ~andsfree OT ff .. * ntenna s.- Installation lb BEl Cellular Monthly User Fee isw 3 2 ~ ~~ *30 Minutes Airtime/Mth for 12 Months HRY * Bell C41lluar, Messag Centre OFFER EJNDOS * Detaile BÎllNng sNOVEMBER 24 *Fuil Warranty Plus Service Loaner Policy air UNDRATABLE VALUE - "OUARANTEED" ~CALL TODAY FOR APPOINTMENT MikfN~5M *416-878-1113 alita 8hai3ui-saa Gt ap and arvtcé, one r.. M BttJ M