ousi4s rvice matches-tenants with Iandlôrds v NOMAN JOWf caijid the Nauh Ballit rw"kd ld l aupui s r 'at"==a sulfsé an wokmiEl aRUIIIUwi Dplmihaflf¶y i. lrit lat, ahailq - M OIt . wr ia h ia oaiittil a big Albugl h aam b yf.l.sa uIUai 1peta h ll uia~t a 0 rwai and ALatty tnatchmng ptvhptMia laudsd ta aaa" iici.Iaaafma animdfaasbamt plai Mrah hift po.vately kxulWaIta fkWar fa atmbei 0( auons. ahi aMd and .vawo, cmkI rS tN. piaiiifaia pintly by Wth the renai atirbe opaeativg ,Sa.. Iuw big houai wa*t nn va" attyeinu Iss SSa pdipud brainchlld of Mit Çont. t et aniradI4ati %eton. lu«ta*it etcapacwitad nuoMint pue thi. nmstt tali e; Une ont du piao. nom" and Interanatboti Sethe ferataa abaut 164 tentant% have sî1ht. khWury Co-ord"ntai Anina' ltanng people aaatmd. aaaat ce liohutal mitn l iiW and ap -in and apirtment4. .. sU. you have ta fsvid one. Brut. Me« local apamnhit budiWlas tIie added. have lengvhy wiltang liats Milton hvannsie wnt Wo Offl»t o besirocinn and SIAX)f (thrae to Y 1"Somn pople itili phoner -c'xtitig ý3a fow-bedovihoai for Sbfll the The ragi*try has..allv acs ae a faatt tfli bg teiant, and R a d ~ Puentia~tenants nr tnl an o n R a ialsdeteaine the. type ofl hdusng Uty aied and are provided infaormtatiotn ant thaïsr nghtn and rvpvnýibtlttt a tenant, Itor th. hohmeonnncr. thý-rea helps deterfittîr the kand ni tam wanted and prtwidc. adotot fur i- tevvlewing and folltvrvg up Howenet. the dection to interi'ew a rta1 tenait or offer a mom in Th ne fvousiîg <11rîîn ",ýM - butZnmrnme and nnomen. nnglé- i paiet famtltm. atusd .nmen, pcnt-gerondarv .ýnovI ntpidentn and 3 But M' Matheaoi oerw.des the haç te contend with laidlotait' nteteovpical %vws o uthîe dieal Sheý nongle, tmon, lhan 23 vears of b'as a a goca p. cl gnoom(d. PREMIU P19b175Rl4 92.45 TE FAIdOUS 'a P18&1U013 $4.74 d ým0ltsuokand hàJno 't4 P2051754 971 THMeaithe ogon'i ALLSEASON DIA 504 9.1RAIN RADIAL P18517SR14 14.93 wadahrTllVtsnth.- lS'h P195/75R15 122 Pl95175Rl4 U4.27 ouI, n thecold. - VEÇT P205t75Rl5 104.1 CUSTOM POLYSTEEL 1 2015ilSR14 OIOffert, seîth the doietti of calI. the WInNawa Bis. P P215175R15 100.53 Màe"ua Sin. Sai PuM@ P205175915 01.03 ngî,try rrceven eah woek. ihe ha. F1n11,00013 ll M4. P235175015 110.92- P155/SQO13 * 43.54 P2151716 71.»4 to put on the fiai of an advvtcate, P185180A13 87. F185/17011114 10123 WNIIT!WALL P225l75415 70.49 mr..nmg sfa.îv, to an appnI"eal P105t75014 go: P205170914 107.19 P175/80R13 53.11111 1 2317111 73.02 support agcv-y Fo intac, ngle movher un- able vo corne Up wtth firti and tant mnth'n rent was retenta mo Hiaiin %eion'% soctal servira dl vmnent. In another cane, a ride ai OUR NE R IGH PERFORMANCE OUR I.WUT PRICID pvitded to a Hamilton hut for a ALISEASON RADIAL Mîtotyouth who foun isi one/ AL N Gý 1L AIrEASIN ADIL mt lodging ah,,r hi- parntt had A moaitncal sceatano. homen~, whiirIll S 1iàbPd oulie lleL~Sin1a P" P 001M3 Il44.14 mas a caS f tuai a rin who had petf F11110001I3 e 89.74 P175/70013 *101.24 F19171414 » préted front hiimtfe P196175R14 U4.74 P205170R14 133.49 F205i71414 : 'Ae fauid hon' a hauee apant. P206/71415 110.24 P215160014 130.49 P20b175Rl5 m04 aent,- uad M%. Mathein. F23175111 125.14 F2115016Rl 138.74 P215/71415 72.»4 For more informvatin ca/I 8f7>.311U. F205170R14 112.41 P245/60016S 103.41 F225171415 81.14 %ýý'rand Custom Polysteel clearance priced white su~pIC esast Aul other ~e pnces in effeci until November 1.7 Caii for prices on sizes not shown. T A K E .11E Il10 Al 111 CASi DOOW No "o O , Clih~l PiX" ,aW Oanuiit --------------- ------------------- 011i,FBlter Chassis. Lubrication SEAL 2 lncudes Up t 5 Litres of Quaker State 1 0W30 Oit SEJL 2 45 Ontarl ~tN., 8510 mHon A 7v 8512 OPEN 700 &kt Io 6:00 R MON IoFRI -SAT 7M A to SMORkt as th efol in