Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 2 Nov 1990, p. 6

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opinion iJneed 'a change, ofscenery hvdsooace tu broaden my horizoga. Day iripping tu Guelpht fuit domi' doià for Reaume of Torointo lias lost ils eitter1 don't knote it a " j.What's core ciser me. 'uitoen intomîrca tl Vm - o1le slng'btn .er grtesasîo lvis wilh = 12v,ws ofl the' Nia,arn t'l, lis sp'ik 'BRAI) REAME Toronîto requl" inttnîmal tort itude lthai 1 r'unI 1 ueid vtug ui;the %irertçi ># am ii Nor I'of numWt of islands overiaid wlith icecapa? Hry aIra4, ý utke'j~,s" wanna kiow. n il.li - tsumy ~'m i fdventurr. Uado wr really gain? Most thffigiý rmuin qy ireslclî anvtîg'o' 1issve the %ajie Europe is tearmer, granted, but gue-s I tîuld ire îking à diffrtt'ril mret Io thats ov Afiîa siia st'am'îringquilwuk u vrk In order iv byve lire '4h abadJon cd of culurei. iv the lIuist socivlogists are hiappy aid "eery day 1 couid vary my othir dally Ausiiala tà soif rnote and luai tue samne basic mouinai Yeah. chouate. "ai Angeies is wîpod Imrm the mna Whew, I'm talkiîg about însîitiatni major So the Dodgerm have tu mos'e baek te Brook' envîrontmental change% an rJitr But 1 tinli lyn, tisas ist badý iiiev nerd iobcevemor rical I hlke titis idea more aid more. 1 teunder if I I iitapm à simple change oftîhe crnth asîi couid pull Il olP Should 1 looki in the piper say.,9 titiJgre south? That mîgit do the inck. undem4 Mad icin'ntibtts There s, a solid body (il Wouldr' il vK, nie if Hâaai ias ai the Northt sidl'ice thai titis ting happeird Wr the pait. Polo? Sure sm'uld be a different tsorld, espv Fr val. caily for Netefouidlaiders I mîght happen again. fi could l'e rime Ii in- juil titl .ill tire rhàrta4 Lais Angeks vest.n thai Godihaab summer hume you'mîe aI- would l'e ai About tire same latitude ai Tuk' wayi dreared ui lerhapi a ltlle cottage on loyakiuk l% innîs The t'est part is. i wvuld Tuk- te water neir Ç<apa Flow. Its oi » é tvakt.k Ail the m niîi filr c Can- right note, but m'tih the Cold Waî ove, aid adiani bought m Fiorida' Sti inlIere teari, littteuu i in te ernis aille, tssîdeitWIiàlad ironderful and mii awanit in iteahl'= , values could soar. Europe wuid l'e pjZitivriv tam M k. a 1 gueuîtls iâad't batik un mmse changes hot spot , a pi4~grouid tor the ricl and inclteýtokeipmeitr'rted.Initeca'sec lamoius Cemee and the Rîiera' Stifl îhe ofaà radicalshift in theeat'th'saxiî l could so to European (un spots ihey'ew asaî Nen Ln, Angelet i, shake up my monl'uid et1î0~ What do we lui 'itl à a ile coulier. mone ence ite, MY,. Aîtarctica Dont scout-y tie Dalai ire aismavi sanird iv go to, Calîfornia Uio Lamau ba% loit alrrady lis a litile cool in norti' fvrtuiaey, Calîlornia liai afwayi wanted ta eri lnio lite Kaîlimirsm no ild eiough7' go îirth. It'd bc lut my luck ru have C'alifoe Hawaii aid nms soutit sea ilandi would nia fiîalîy svccoed moments aller 1 touched i'e a tuit irot hord, but tit' cîkav. Wed dlown Or I'd l'e ini Reno, Nevada, hear a gain naluable isaighti on Antarcit uf aid ramble lit the tarth aid fiîd myslif un the. (.nmniind Are tliey sîngle laînd mantes ori a caI Personalities and obedience school Is ltai a tcew dog walkig beilidu y.uu N, fe 1 rieio ihai ipideti caninie gri - i'î Rafpé plPets As a iter of lad., you have a grlnî eviy lace. mo COredicic teliti musi l'e agiss,îig Y u Wa.rikîîgpvlîidy on the leili. aid sini «htAuNE NORMAN &gain pufîtely, whem-er you orne tav a tîal lia% nit aliçmd Ralphiet% pe"r'aity oie bit. Tln tinkie st stifl in his eye aid lthe tati îî A maIeonc itet ther laid. reaits uLnil yoti'v waggig juil as liapply. Obvioonly, yvu chose paiieiîy itown hîm, for the fourth lime, tehat a really god ichoul, vie emrployitil positive i s that you teani Then he skipi directiy iv training tisodi aid emphasizîîg the impor- use caritwelis. tance ci happy undrmtaniîg beurre dog "Whult" lie ask3. teaqgl its tail aid lick- aid tond 1er î ng ypu, ce iryiîg tu unùti yoiae slsilaces Do you remembr wey boack. wter we sien ati ril> yo how h'i>, again. He lok% the ittill waîtîîg for Raîptie iv be booni' Even otilisa,, way "-Wh hts "Art you ialung tisougli ti ira wt ie ou fim t~m do&. you weîs, to me"' detemme togeta m I No amount of You show hîm again. "Oh," tie says. "Yvu Iriendly persuastén or communi irise cvuld teant me tu duAtlat." He thînks fur a second. dhir yvur ,iid. ton asti, "Why"'. Woe .« stata you're gtiîing inv the pie- *Yo stow hM again 'Vit, &Il nght." lie adolescent stage,."v'rt witînessîng -mre of gemambles. Il it minin liat mudi hi you"- H-e t malo'type training pnitkrns teeve dis- prirî the tercise. once, thonsla>.. "Cenr. *cuiaid befone e 'm ld liat's ove. bet's du sometliuîg fun My favounlte way vi deicriblitg lthe general nom, beisavivur dîiis'rioei betireen mer aid Ofllthe dvg% 've hall, ilyocl" female has fen'mMe (aid tht, is genr.] ihere are -ome very es'er pulied the ('.oe. I»m tSn bosy lie titis" aggrsiiw lem.ale% aid tomne "'eryc'praiv play oilhlied above, mid*tis tas a large tar matesl èlias foll.i-j rite oi a bOr W ot sttaed for ils cvýpeative Take i frma le doaslirvdovetig uaii. jaid sho. lier plainly, haliii ii you e"port. u.s Ail ume goiig ti sfuello you but a vMr happy aid positive '- at i hallenge yiîu rvvry siei oflie way Sit dtslie les ivuîdtrsaiiaid to make Remember, te dovte i neeessanly irait tu tic you ,apjy 'ItlI.e ihS "' siti ass eart. bacln the boiý t' jut clieckîîg tev matle %urv tia and ail ,,n.you mal> dreeve ti b. Wheri yvu tell lier uliai a guis dog % ises. Kerp you senite of humour ai allille wirn ste pracally loi-ns cartishels of = 1pnes triing. Il >011 foci >011 patience slippin& Evert if silo dnni get it rtghi 1wy ihtl islhonaàuimnplemrsrci ti dog kiomn sel. litely iry tu anidestaid whatil ii vou wanî and Icave the lesii tu aioliei dayr aid tmc.'p on vryig untîl ytu mach itituaill Cotigraiuloiiviî! Vvu'itdoinggrra. yvu aid arCrptab4eko&mpevmi.e Ralphie. Kesp up the goud work. The Canadian Champion Ml OilIve -Pumfi Jamtie EMdI NeBOUV - - -q Mmn 00"e -CSoswyn 111111119 DOmie MU - DWMlluton Mrnoe Ten kt M.Cle - 01r10 maaget Phono 878041 Toft UneIII 8214W3 àountiS am ts a la ma5 a1 IDITORIAL Nme: Rob lCly. Kuo Smstt, Norma NWlso spons: Simd RImant. p9tobugrlfY" John Warren ACVUUNO fteiee n l Il PMIl. Andraî Ayle. Ted Uklfl. Rab ariwrd. cwdiik &Mmi Cb-eeon OUfABrmMm K umm Jr COUpoIG: ffl Dm, âau coum. /4. NWMae W.h By1 Unda LiImnit hIh - Hktrm IQ la ked tofamiy envi nment à= iw ij~tdaims that iQuaîd compoenceo h ehldiwt'rtW i 511 pe cent detrermnus ceiaîfN4 mlrs dunînnfnicy. a Psy hology Brown Universit, aid Arnoild Sameroi. ai Bradley Hospital, dlaimt tbat their list of ri* wtt ARNOI D factors i iue as accurate as any other IQ \ I COVER prodiciêinvol l Thie cngoin& srudy begai inl~. -aid rol- lossed huidiedi vi ciildri Homi bîrili The IQ ksehs tell fromt 115 witli io\psk ianivri itrougit adolesentce. Eacli cild ws &ivtts a iv about 0 in cliildre tl sevn'n ut riglil nu nst score. basied upon ttc iumboe of nsk fac-' factors Importly, the authîtn ai lourd tors prent iihetiamily. TliepvIble rîsk lac' usi iliese nut tactrm tere itill accuraie torts art as foliote es'aluaîan iois riei whlen citudres rasled " Thse mother la% a hisiory ai mental tîlisei 1i ye m îbe " The motter las wr-sous, ain.iet, In gerai.the author report ihat paienits " Tht motter las rigid attituders, telseis aid wlio art "fklet4l" inthnri beliel aid values values oacerig lier cliuld's drveloprmnti abut child ds'sellopmeit have childrt wti - Ttiart kw poitive iiteractioil bturegm do bottr motiier aid chuld dorlng liascy, Rîgîdi>, foi c'samrk, may l' tinking liti a *Thýe latait offlite livuseitoId la% a serni' chîld teio has probîsiris ai bînli il continue ikîkd tcalcr~l have pîîbls'm during des.s'foprneii. whilk = .tmoii dîdn'igvotigh schSl, the flxil parent srould bicese liai the 11Tw chîld là isibl mîiiuriiy member, prribls'rn may be iî'mpvrae> aid the ahîid mai sThe lattler dos sot lave ulili the family. tamin u juaFls" sThe iamîly lias had ai Iraqt 201 sitmul feiibîl it orevv, d- omsi mean ps'rirî aîvenus dung tii t f otir yvam., sis'euir's F-lexiblt parein ts i'se ries arm con- * T'homs aretousur or mon, çhildrenin î its' ditions ihi canriot be brolser, vent lliy cîxprei laptily lthe uios for tie ries aid are open fi, Multiplet', icto uirstse a iretter prieicor neg.tillîsi cd a child's IQ aid ciirpoesce ai fur years vio r mou msaliie. hoerise lit th~remi,k ta, a n liai ay othtr citîld characteitsic tors dot nit rtally "sauue" a iowesrig ut IQ Mrtvw., acccrdîig tu the auttois. tati nki Titnv an-, impl, relaird 10 certain pnilblî'rn factor iiduced tht chîldi% IQ seule l'y about lthai na> lie, ffr Por i'namriî'. a paren', la.i of four points hîgit 'shool î'duai mas, rtilî mean Ihat Chiîdren siti iv ens'iroimentai nsks ob- parntn duesi t isad rirvuglie vheir ciîÙ Fi'. tained I1. xwon mure ltai 10 points higlier cuuraging the pareil to a-ad mure tu the chid titan Yliild" tt i enr or ntîhts ii tns may help tii ruminat this nuik factor LOt d ll 4M . 2. a e rai Mêmw« asdP5 Pea a Dso,*, = 10 Ed s e~ m.ssm- 0soe. .So iSmts shW îumsl, RM. E «In GWdm.il si - M bWl0a 0@M t.4tltîO tu, 1hm. « tse gamme, a lt.ol ew u mue». tto. filps. LWW u " -m am ua~Uss1 A#.M la m@W n f on ai ft M Wr ta WORPOOMU offl. ffl one dis - t. a o t ites uîr mew e lmwam urW tas um» m A M&WOWt. ..es étare ft nU sa,0t a ra ffa m tres ioWissuo 0" sa ati h itwortaf - e. 'wm @àoe o u P.0 »*Suww.lab a" Déoot isl

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