FrIday, Novesrubq2, 1990. W~"..WW. LL There's nïothlng scary aboùt this 01LLUBE AND. FILTER YOU SAVE $10.00 We use up to 5 litres of Ln 1OW/30 oil anid instilI a premnium qualky filiter and we'i -lubricate car as required. flegular price $24.95 for most cars and Iight trucks. Hurry in. This offerwiII end Saturday, Ngvember 11, 1990. OFFEA MAILADLI UNTIL UAT., NMW. 11, M~ AT TDE POLLOWMN LbCjiTIN. TYKOHAMA MIre.lxhig the w«y Sfas getfi~. %TOMAL AUT ANO TME SfteCIALITS MLTON 88 ONTARIO ST N. 6782888 KITCHENER 16 VICIrORIA ST. 744-8122 M11SS11SSAUMA 306 W1NS8MN CHURCHILL BIYO. 8264M63 . .9 '. - Frédqyý Nov«nW 2, 1 Wo, Mi %M. p -