Çapitalsrmi udfatedte Sunday Night'League. Last yetr's playolf chamtpio, thc, Mccarui ulisof à pir fur the Wais- the Msach =mroa Mutent Pm »Ma Contînued thésr deimnance in the lIi Liesse and jedf ?s&L.d anl Miltoni Wlnberhawkos. cnpcoed for i mg iepiisacsne w h al on fd.nno w*h Il t Hn~e n seven hol nd.Iîdpno l ocigmge ie Htawks Pir bâttoliialleni effal. another Icpti vri, this tuit oaw er i i psa vcoyover upeeatoe War Dave PIoeAd mdeî M k.ior hl asthe 5V Blues Thse capital§ scored The Captais tenté r ulsdefeatul Iranein1aIwrenI Snm Ira V rdi n d ktBnim. Rrly stevie scanneli. Pot McManmas atnd four titin mn = Mhpsaienos u d mn sal pa4e s l it place NlHîockeyLetecil 1 g for thc Inurehi ser Gien Imme Glus colimer mappld cha Kirng%' du-le 12-2 pasi<tt Bwe t' a à M record. 1lse kiwlmaadhehashi 2.I A4. aàns MihtSt, John fireposas.. PemTi blod nAtes Issu Fred lPennell q the saay -eth The lntrefhàsk r eOda vantage ovec Warreon Kelly, mquad For the seond wtk in à rosa the. marbeeeand ChraTmecmpptf hi -the., goals wehtle'brad Nadélmn and 2-1, 'si& th@ menai.rit ntour ntoans hodn bthe final fra.is John ApplecAuto GlastDe lX1 twired in wth oeith bMIilqtfk 'Jsr Nlewmn ekcb hod à ponie Srott tued je one metrory againi. two B tn h ore e hot iesk andi Paul tub-par porffiuenanctc and luit 5.3 tu The hiilt4ying Mflton Capita Malcolm. lui Catan, Mlor PIslips. tk-eMm Spôort*s Fridy Novnbr,. IM aiNO187NW captures first ever % Halton titie Dy IMD REAI;SW T1hére saîlI b. cater titles, but for Bmshop .0 Redmng Roman Cathohic Sasîdarv Sh .the ---- . fil.n.the eu The senior gi ield hockey te.int won the Halton ttk th fmt mn the fimst vr-ir old schools histuey mn anv"rt spio.sth à 21 Victim ome Assomption Hilgh '.chtsl mn Burlingtion Tuasdmv "A luta .f thi, qpdi slsuuld S.ote %arg rrto, < a, .aho coaches rainmat, hf tur yresm, sais ruolue coach John r 1one Tlhe_$irîs also dis1 à super lot, plavmng ssmîh ion ldençe Even 1 h "- ftnîsh.si sii mn the stand.ngs we kn-s we t imr a bettiteuan luth gasgmntA.sýumçlmon camitn the second hall =ai ç-wetse, à iandoot ail Mtioasn. knocked honte the winrer midssay th.agh the second hall andi Sara Hughe capped the vitury ih tier minutes remnain- tng in thsegaine hugesreally came Iis>u har ose luigth crcatytiff match. Known prînarl o ier solisi sitensive abilitits on the seing, têt ws field seoirels ail sisson ln the pLayolis the sa a %cori,,g machine. papping bin lrs hi auI throe fialion playof gaintes agii LB ruPer- son. Loyola andi Astumiiîn &t alsoc scoiid à a ,JHNWR*s aey 1 nst Barion Collegiate Ai ther watn<eisinmhnl lait set-e' W ich te m i 5i h troy D)urtu îowhsdut profils-ms thse Cf AC Thea Minois DMedo Higli 1chool atilors hi no #"ule utettnils thfdiffaetio batoUiitilti b"tt utilOts land the nutot oi final wsa plavesl t-toret ihe lialton total A'- Oomhvlle$ St isthLoy"ute & &- ga e tot ir tisais ao a S". quattlwkiul witesa hoine WHN WedrA*deal ilirioof. Johnu 5490C suînptsn and Wdse5. hmtng botI elîimnates bd the wey utJ Ilotes totuchdowui iqr Uions uNie teusiAM@ Gta u der OUStd Décon Comibe eicfi liai casa Titi m* d SiVilic t0o thit flanoton oppontents. fiaces i f fufr tW h s wheml atinl hTA àkdmionk0W n.i"y et2:30 righî in advancetu the pnica champton- smitîon defeaétes Rtslîng 1-0 in os-t-imeIn Lno ai= Sh i r n Cl.kstlle io tae the GHAC tiilIeon o andi à berth a, i deOMAA lOniailo Fnlçratton thp. eld a ss npunfo h 1a- Four MDHS cross-country teamns ion i eraCis full of csinfimeie. They had faridhp agatisa Asump$wtostnt 14 f r g U' A A bus full of Redtng fans gravelledto As- A >suniptmtt fur the ganse. teni. seah thei facm Milton District High Scisool quàlifle&four muni An usyuey or îllnpa coulsi desuY Roi ali-t F iat.KuSJhsti painuds and other carrytng bonnets 'e &rs-onr us< om~t i isi hni fur a gouci shst.ing atidis lit.,ub MehiIM<Q a was 141h. tghal. tchool setbuig hte brudt] tnat rtalnu eui AtIlhici A.- The junior buys «o»k dis. GHAC »m tout, Tracy Etulkisutbitas 17dh andI Cinsy Pic-ard w~d w @ s heir w ans un....u. taff stcalit1 ods oneo Stra i stt Milse Cliddon iéhing second. Chrl. ctesae lth misunhers eerte alto ther cheering di il eisshc tssidf Ni r ond ai the Hripel ttghih, Mise Mni'hall luth, Ryan Mc- Whsiteisl utn ino smn u on." bais Pimcne. "t ws a ochsol do- i Golden Hoesealsu Athkls. C-krinu LAin l4h anCi Mach Rubinsois 2gtK brita, ai CAA 11we tri niciners ame mucha et a o a tram effort." (GIIAC) Clianiplshli@ tant week AI K"n Tise senior boys werte lufth. led by KevIs 4p ituit brus ansi a Math can be brooght As Joanna Millet and Béatie Daute have brers Cossiervallan Afti aie eligible tu ilan ai ii..tncsigst>aii a spore, inCaseoftnury isan tissu the Haltis ail-star tram ansi tril C1AA flitt ý l ait, sse.s ldo e * ai e ou aei eti ui simsein thos rmeîonghtlFnay)at Milton District's boys andi Sti misiget t7th aid ctanwese'henge student George year.ta MdtUBMYitI SheeaiPark i urlin"sh. twst, the ltor bu"s ands dit senior girhs ail pÀd& 52 ýýîe~ stain tie s ucorist e tus-a Piccun. siys thet %ta u wd futly kmt five t1ifieAd. bdscn aexoéifauâythjn--WMi ItUisbtTlu gaduaionansitestrai pd Twmttwe ct 29 Milton District caose Tlot ubtdget girls sea flsi eodiaislstitqalf h ~ s fors ovllng Up. Manca um. countryJ notie ithl Compte hin rabe"- otulU amd %pu go I OPBA& butdey pet mlueld ~ 1 btIasé«t.1 uin dM uin t eiti ani set~ Xu.in g = won di. midi. boys' race Vaiti King wtre it. Nia Lltselys -ues. Fluons sietuli do seeli ai CWSAA ctU511 of snui i sittt ri ie d ~ i ci à 1 bortta oes A. lmt laise Rutaaeil Ul Loren Dituat a"d esshtM =Tnas U»&- bte a""d, coie % offtgi Fapi er fi hibe woan the Tise mm. led lotuir paeba ne 23rd ted Krtbntt Hyslep Maid. «AU ose hams sbouid A in the topuM tde Marier saill Saidy her, attehie second uOin hdos ilebtefik ist M6. is SOt.. Th, m.sir alaqtallibd kwr Ct'SAAW of ut he drae a-d tbemimig. as eb ais. ploy kw thse mum ieth hi .snl bi.m usiesi altis byVan a ita h nlasai stah Dawit Ah ih t M0F qutrt Tit paineab mesth Mi1 hapin- Mast leaadtalth and joisahan V - Wbe$t se Was sausis a a auy I7ds. lue am 23t rimnsaa in saci riM et a ul<p dlsi hDu tw ot ius cm pfidal don sa2h Chulatila Vida »K. asi L!Ue. won O*SAA eha.pumsime Wteh" es bi ile.(bL usrd W0 Ilducatillot iui i ihplstIhsn kwir saih MR nt 23is1f. tiony VA» " edt *4 Halim o et 09 «M MMsvfvd àone day toitlauE; h1a kwW NW. siu dwai~B~?td as a-sin. -9 tGtIWAàC-ceths i la tébgh tatbs I., M" baobab $Md mm th du mlrsnstis mtaigsan qiu0â.«. Hauslton 1tltgtsl h d u h ii àoi de ustlct.ba 1.0 a" % tomibeieto nsw Io1 lu ma but ltao Miècet ai e M Au Mb bah mo dasidlvsied m aa.w à@e voiiw P"a èO rhum a. tâe. *lj bio C9O h 1h boae éils tro. We h m f lier tbe & tuu.