's. - * '5 c j' - ai i .1 'i i i t-i 2 miRO.»W M Tl9SAuA4mT rid h(or1 st ân 9Il , trart.î (lir %ti kkls% ruýIihhoor sc i oi.e n %%er.rc*ih If.t -1~i,"ii 5'ct ini P lune &iih ws U need, ho MinI jil iti c iaî %it' S rc e 1 rindaloc Cià1îll.Cal W Infmat io.sn j hit o ith W ), r4dcr, In iaci. i %%t l>ixiot o'r Kiîliiri (,0) St.iiîîti il vnt Mtt~I i2 !llion i i ih72. ,oi 14'la-r %e h.odro:qLevl, loi pI.. ihe.in.- "trc re.tIl > plaing îff itiît I le:iringtîiiiîp.iretl de% i.cN il Motre titl Si, m e t(lkd nittîdji si ng r.iko Go lotii clas rt i 'ho p u. hid eîeing t~i tt h!dtul 1 Ilini t he d tn.'nchitértuinîîiî and atni(, ,rdtuhied ;,itr' t, . ct C i .ho b, riec Nom oi dort 1 h.iN co (I rie loi N \i..niprini sc eri, i kc 1-s-- Get, early GST savinsn al Jepaud'Eagle veluces , s Now's the ternir ci get in an, Eagle pnece leader with $ 354j (;ST savtrlgs* RIus;lctw inanin or up î.î $750 cashbadtk hi. pour o0ponirty ici buy the Add u ffi Savifl cgendary s4iofi uuîlity 44 with UP TO cOR UPTO' I400P&iÔ.9og'I4,OO GTSVINGSâ F1NJýNCING OVER 48 MONTlIS*â ADAÉK* Jécp jId [agic elers (il On ano .Milton Jeep/Eagle. 81 Onotarîo Street,ý Milton, Ontario 87P877SaesI 878-8 Service 842-2544 Toronito Une w i. e et W.ïaeo, .2i MbncnI meteing. Student pose as council for a day. elos purt of Local Goversmt'r Woek. àegnrup tW Gradie idi Bsststp nçigi~edary Scisool studets rot.21 parssc.patl tin à moc. Md- toit town councîl metings at Towns ,Hall. Signid ioma. acttsR as a 4c'ir. tentative faim KEFP M5s tilho Es. . .carpment Envirconmrst 1-notexte, staited oiff tIhoatig by strorgiv Op5vo;uiT expansion, e 1tie in the aie ould li h. aroyed by expansion. While Counc, mr àmr tInt peoopir wul~e their prUtil thea quia clused Ssgrld said the lobs couldb clb Lvoir and Robs LeBllane, ac- ting as membros oif thse Truckors Unîon,.réçognazcod Wi tohi as a cols- beqwrmooquariy isutdown 1After commetttg tisât "Jobss air MOis important tltâs wtidittçe' the, truchers wooré mmo bqmnbarded sesti ~ urtnîfro Ssel~Robinson sud Wltelan sit Ctcd as environ- mental couneil imons, agonal caunicillar Bal1 Johson. às à. onoesned mtsdeit, camplatnrd toi h.tokcounocil tisat pollution and nenit'rafllc hm tise gravd truceks would appeler lif thse qe eslusded. lHe sugowtd thse =t b - came a cateiatlon bru ?r à vrter- voir. B rad Saglere acting as thse ttswn, * planser quote frus a quart to rawl mu. LUMP out M3.0 riteonof waters àdy sptlls it aste tea~ch~uq If tise qusry wet ta expqid.=1 pump out onse enid- bon gliant o wetr day, afferting thse petwair table.- J&Ckl Sltaw. metns as Mayor, .alied a voter on thse iesue. Tise imiat WSt meven &gainit Itité tn"fasa.w of t"s q*aarry e-Me"-. An isue neitt whodedk(or the metng wmt voirolveci *hn'Mr lMisionn an ppscised tise, mack ..unil ad t é h upcoming dr isuatlug watai paurd a tisrm .Mr, johntuols sugessd tihe hune 1w tsvrstgated, an counoct unani- mousiy vated lu fvoar dt t would * 1ke poléoe, on tllnaré 14di. f.i notie latesu about à lz slaied ta 1w butit earu.. Ircan eât Nudlug Scoui.ry S&hool. jennote, Croche, acting indeveloper af thse pista.dkwsed thse bonelies uris a lse. covenience for people livingI ButI ltbby Campbell and Jodl Riai, actn&a reprehstaIl~u the échod partiet attaetlan ,al tis mali woukd bring lomptationi lu, atudellta suc s askhpping dlaroolt tu on p0 tise Wacde.. but1. raueig.e counai vatJ tun. à1lowuay In favour of tise midi