DINT ~ r IN=ClN SUPER SATURDAY !2 195, SERVICE 011 e Pto 0-00 &M. - 3:00 P.M. Eitifft Mevt8/ .655 Main St. E. L4IR 875-3673 Complete Fl.ushe.& F111. SPECLL Y'auto go ut to;, QAtuqgenCS 88 ONTARIO ST., îîAtOP -% 878-2859' TIME TO WINTERIZE! __FREE INSPECTION 0F CÔioLNG sysTEM - AacornLIFETIME IGUARANTEE RadiatoIr * ~ *RADIATORS -GAS TANKS *HEATERS *AU1OMOTIVE - HEAVY TRUCKS - INDUSTRIAL Bî2O5761 IAIN ST. E. 878-20,76 <Au... iroi th. O. lionF HELP. 'S AVAILABLE %W beFree Consultatin 01V'Atlardable Rep<eselalhoan Milto. !R uritngton 466 STEELES AVE 2349 [RIEW #219 41&~875-4370. 41J.OIw,,4 MEET OUR EXPýÊRTS Terry Power is aur Service Advisor and ras been a valuable empfoyee for 12 years. Terry and ihs wiie, SandvY have two children, Shawn & Amy Terry is a licenceb mechanic anld quaified on1 allvour automotive requirements. WVe are very proud to have Terrv ilth us RICHARDSON CHEVROLET OLDSMOBILE AGOOD PLACE TO 120 BUSINESS' §78-i393 295 Main St. East, Milton 875-3367 Ceiluial Phone instailations tram $1 CO' We ~ ~ Intl sso i AmvSU"eAlest Mian te infierior Drycleaning fti 99.95 DRY LËAIî%\1%E àI)IS * PRESEIyA SINE FARiUi'ROIECTiON *SUNPOOFS *VtN" 1, .XF RE VTA, Z,NG *RUSI PIlOOF7ING TOUDÇH uP PAINT CAR CO4VRS * 51 ASH GUAflOS * fUNNING BOA14DS *WiNDOW TINTING PIN STRIPING CAR YP IN Liviw E&in and Ai fydali have beIw4n " hemn îvve 40 vrar, Of cFvprncv îanjthc~AutgMtvecm' v.e busrncs Tht,îrffain Stnvi garage whIvh wis extniI visovated am ruenff a vear ager IaMt May, botai nd et tîpru1t anJ pT&nty of pat I h'k Familiar servicel 1 h, re' il iiîhiiig file a blé; lienw lhi cusîmr, That n hât Liv iii rit\ie>,nd ut, it Main site, 1 hi, J 1 .i he nv alid i fiproîi d auttIiiiii li reriliaMai, strîect aind lTrf .l w. na, %Ir lonin and h à , ter, e îaîii shle<ih 1k ill fi aI id opîral fpair en l '. Altht bhut- ei,. the nuimbe whiwh aile updaied e machiac 1 invcnttiryt The, par franchise allido ts The, sh and one Sat o-ntinues Iuilding to briîîg in ioii ii a jpartler ai /0 u/i~ îenr,~ai e Roaàd 'inr't partuer AI RydaIl "Ir îs~îand gaN 'iii i .ir, agoil Nu lii'iin ueliv il' propellt% id the' ver% e >ti.iinî a -lot, ho dJnt, for 14 ir.iineýr rail tlie stationi ai tie niher cuîd î<t i anid <las tîîii ib theIin nit- for 21 vcals ilriue ud Il-dîry in on ri ha, gaiiied the loval csunmrs a111J lhoi re iico nein bumn iggh the' exîcunis, lact-lif nleaul a sin-mouth %Ir Boumn says the> îe rtealie a 50tI/n<- ot cus<ornr sniu,i reu ji pan. ,new buitdhu% r=ue a larges l,tiîck roomn ou thm to keepmure p tri$ ou site, as wetI ru îpment. An FNIC çfml ulerazrd aligivmnt Ias biren added in the ihop's cquipment <niers have réenuify pur hfard an Auto-pre hich providts custo ri with à hlie-te or brakes. mu leas pension parts and drive compontents. At t cr thsee-ba% &&rage, and importcd vehicies i;an be servicedà. up is open weekdays trotti 7 arn. t0 3 p.m. rdaye front amn. to noon. THE AUTO~