POM eroy,'tO speliý ont stand on garbage incinerator Ragona dal cet Pan wo.~ hich hg douni nisrém rl *Sm clins dtu cmtmtttm t wa fim Oetttm o cld wew, a cytan In~au b awith. hit a3vhih are =h4lty uaL- bupot bock hli, d paunlym ac.ti Ha qve lms m.a g a en ftij(>fl out &_ at nana backer «adB nef&' intpsarb.ng litd c " i t mnagem t tô e»rby t rodwcesttr ret(Cou%vntsrct Fbute Ein in miltaitn # ot ha ty of ts-ee - ws ahuad off toapet àot popl bt tt ci)Ù Ile--M WjWfqtrt opri ini thmnking Johamo.l aima. acepin ot i on , arss rop wotitln gobàlIy and act4% dfy by u- IMukewch uggeted that HaltMi~ elearly oppoud to incriteratitn. id-. Enurnni d&fittapimat cati duer The ten and TIsmt poattio on tht malter is qui. cleïs, vdeloi a roingi last fhuriday bie remeved ithin'ttAve yurn by uorfltn hipsi4 orc I ilton ha% a tbreprone ap- nîght au s ocppaetunîtv ta 'fgrt the simplifytng mdt. Cetn gaae u u r ld i o Hilton proach. ail ctmposents of wtCh te facts obout inctnératimn,* Advtsurt mtmnicpalitmo about repofl e o îçtn h aac ol eotlm mn preliitnaay stages, Tht finit is to Guestspeaken cet, limed as Dr bote tbey can ment ambittous'pro. Coan 11.1! out agicu m radt er il un PlWlttb plan by St. LAcrettet Ce- "Ellen Bat ofsoaf social %cie- vincial recycling goël nowmi place.âeis ad.odcmn ~et. to-lurnm 5 a. fuel it ne ces et YotkUnvemhay and Tom Muir. tatn egtalriu enorg A Toionto film ptoducaion tom- Haltoit dtd trot approw thlt ev«cn MtaI. uapI.utcn an etwtronanental emooit h ut reutable contpnep.tb pany tMpng su donat envirofimental, ditre. joit tanture t buod an EFW plant However ýMîlto onllrBUImfî iqîs~e prttducts; Io niduce with atte or mont Toronto "r Johinsn, a staunch supporter of in- ~Ckagrtflgai ~ re pack4gng t fl F ý mundpait» th thrd s fr ftoncîteïtion, tai lie cii concernqd tht Irecyclabla'. t ban pachaging tht munc pliios. th s ow mi uetek "don't litot chat the cannai, be reutât or "wcls scilê plant b~ellthevret n g but. Cvnmmî Thtlater set atualvloito ht Ht uged t4f n t host i - Placns Mepo.nubtlity Wo wata fornation& 0f « ICae ot idents, own srnpt.a "nt p"le tltat prcduoed on the ptovider of8500,106 cet, surpiefi stia thu e0tn wc tht h e yre talking andstvm hid almnadv %et ade more 1It21 a bout,"H.bals£0 doien potential stes tn Haltffn Regiomi Clitmaan PeWtr Pomerua Hé a#ng j Hiton Huiti counicillar Martlyn u a synîpo.um i betttg. platnaId Ourlington ,ocuîtcillor Waler l Zcrèitttn, reindet Mr. Lindrv for cmoetmee in the nec yiear. Mullsrcc t. baftig .5ffl in vînt - th H àto Mu wred t.> nvettmgate Burboglon, counetllpr Walter ipoI ptnvpnal', itarbage încnm'ntion as pari Ut the Mulh'tvtch, ont the otlier hind. ti H.i Mvçeuvud ct)uncîlu bac-kmng fi. a agiretement allotsmnt t ta omt as the speakers have taog opiniont, suggestion ta tarn a cîtinni rc