* mm hoiz il'# teitie lite d r efls ' I o m=lyonUt torio t5tti Reaume i As a kWd 1 hatastbeingc MoWibdZM'n nta ik r . Saxot uW~hg.dukwo.Nat ontydid ldis- W 15,15 VieYV haSMI pufnsg nick on sonne pour. sprkl REttil s»obta wallius trigoet nfe rRADEAM à = Note. ycars older and maefuliy taise (a% à Voplo. We elttcr rnaliocAtc or gi0 btste- child I dont have, an agenda, thitu à tes firs Of'curwif you stntalkang at'aut amu, .ng te say or do anytingl 1aisit hale the tag tean ont peu on'# u.cu-d m,w aif subidy lthant lescwkt4 chcttat br% ndtheIiirol- atlocati.lon ti of 'andlaging yira rytoel a" tfr klds that are, ' shy theyt cas't ,v.ih mure programi, ansd moare' %ubidkn" w. but"%@ eves kasochon thadoor should iatt front icrali and, ubt1f> csony You kote the "fl Thtr, itttibI thtotgit nsckpn on our' h'haIt thoir fun, umualiy wt thetr hvads dotes. 1 a.ey tvantagi' Fiet findîsag tfs.ta Eurip. fat for tlise kai. bacaita Iý wason of00 tem. thmM hoate.it prWeîd su nit speakeri. tours Atiter a fi sudt lnddeft~ In my 'youth I of museulois. art galaasII 'tsi.z, and te scsny docitini thAt 1 woulo isnsi seli-tnvolved in undmbeiy of airben soçley teoult be "rot suburbas %tavery agets. i taons for ttvoilY vi- background,.fur ain aducatiun. It ssouid alto abie d0elede 1 woufd simply do tithout. If' costaàflortu hAta'S wty we dont't duIL thatrmirant mlsawegSàchoal tip or ttotbints in- Our chiditNsl benefit Imm battera'Mu- * Otll ottl IUtP 5s> It cation if trachitn"f il dc's'eopmest lîtasta oiydfetco.Usthe lti 196N. def' deys wuor %chodiied tn thé tmnmet months, tance was only fua bottuùngs th be fassiott- oé éveil Wtn the week putor to LO»ur Day. able. In Ilt I may have ptoneeteti local doua' I cmn aineay huer thse sealt lenoats nsir.g nueofmyanS ti authoslty Aller a <osa isu from the ocitool yards, as thte es conne Wo wft is chtrs I rtellotd that you doti't liav tu my throat. It wosiid give stut*îan exitra fois do anything you dont isant to.,tNothtsg. doa of lnstrt.ctlofi ani àt wttuidit cost a 09 course, theon, at be advantages te doLmt cent. Notonm. unplusuent thltgs. You cigSh tlN adsiantagsa You just ottas tîkethat Mure, for thte dollar. and .dM1 your course of actioný i meatlzd Ouat Tax actt'aIlirrcvsng soassetiting ap-, sting appei %s probably Iiny sa box in- pacftlrtg vali. o hmne.0 ore tesa, in Usat ni heiped me te' aceS7uci tun' tink Ilitra t act tisaI teachears teill tale the plesantaits hui on, In coer te rrâUeo tlim. Idea more Pin thsa' dca it.eIf Willh the At the same tifswsouitthing wal WiotlStth te acrhting leilu mus i, good stling epple.' l'. Mailly just pedopenhan-' Stange. but ectr u.ualIy oe thte in- 12%1«I'.pa a ploy to e wparte pople, taio mtgle it e pct atahhntrmata alroady pay huge &msunts ai municipal taxes, anthorod.To as ~dhtIe from their mossey. Thmt dima W»m wle hm ttyte e udsiultissdti It's-tough, to chanij tac have to face ecOnmlc anuItas anM admit Ale tIl lnprt Tyi Acirî taneny toW pliy an ahat moite fuasding can't o Wulasg aUR Of t.I N osdwtiç îk h M .e Tnyreuq t A pt1nll'10 8 O 11 mcomsin wey ci &"i l sL Thefamily £t5<MJ)8>s e e ehe th-oh gtthe "siticttaed iaitVsww. l'm marrWtutthetmob ldidn't plan il tisaI caou p tua cerditta goi y. Whe*tdo way bu 19 Yom MgO, I waast thfshgcal i oaotLD ysnla.flash yeu .ie1 met à certain young mue tao agtesd On Jf the y or a ae oyug eyust te) curry me. (H-e claimrs 1 propoied bu him; ho Vot antuabo amis heà etiyhtrîgNMl HoIm"'e Front buAs thîleâr lchln theothe eci At ftatime. I lieit met hi. isnasdiater bîny HoIa t jtUtd tont tiserad tnougi et thty Un. nTie, teseod Inevas luh ESTHER CALDWELL pepe 0u for work early. inyour hiantrode o 0 W mlsway wui figused tise, =eui 1 otdndrlyuW-eeuhge UR?" Are .OU icm- hawtllla~eton Sw nmwa blijo. s oUrsissari td outdoors. colhidang tin one patietnt ntaagesby thse sf$ntelng fs lteare Thty Uis doser now, sel lelst tittougl th anoth«. boutoirsg ahans and fochrits Y& odutasomm holotility in your volce, a0 If to %&y. *Lot'$ sitame ,oths wtss lire have te uat the lefi tholos te thrir otan deios. .* get os with theodon interiew"? Do you fiud Ur" laite taLth thern. albeit fnm opposite in the end, t tees the adulte wvto ntesdcd ournif answeisg boforo the question la duisoUt. ide no( as thieri alunent camse te blotas- over fLuliset? Apert ironm maroingone Of titls 1 have lit- mnalsserpiot comment$. A ypeoeteparture "If you cia a pointrinit tti oene Ute in commun voitif itht mob When we Viti 09 cose ol the combatants aveuti tis ticffi lior one o'clock. aie you onais UOs Aim you ai- iseem on th* oin ss twrt, they mi cracking &M Use remeainsig SoUuik fintiet aff tht ove- taays on tîpta for everytiang? Do YOsj>»Mt open Uhe botil of boïr et heurt nd heeti for nl i M àm tehnds ci .sachr. poupleo maae Ssci on tinir.' Do you may enly' the kitchen table for a few hustireti lin.jý reTtspnTanaiîn ielidaealyqLst isi? esachre. I tu te %,fgure ouit encire or*,i raibt of 1 Alter the meai. twu of the i<en Tht itlervleta consista of 26 surit opien- qu os be ariong the tricks. bowers. anti "go tàe htd y lis band temo Ily asay fros ended = Zusi ne Interviwe itl bc con- al oaS, bone td'istractios. 1 sîsmp on tie t.1 borne= ,, f yhi exue MSn- cemnad l b.vLt eat you séy than tose you the coucli. Ifsasntng te thse paeslp s w lier relatives sesanriati &roundi docorat- soy It. Are your ansseers bisoU. faat-pede, lhetr cordaon thetable andlt i otttacitter ingthecottage wth stiamersaand bilOois for rallie titan weins and casuel? Are you aity 1 ofivsa-onder fie co bcanbpayed quitly. a *urptisé Ufiti birthdiy party for hias. Sio oatied into displays of lansipen and hostiltty As oftet as possible. 1 renii ai our catai tIhi celebratos teas actuaii1y caltong twoaa aY ytfot-tp 'quesionts i"You oven compote and lI the "es of my famnily s#anda'r yonder half monahs cariy. my lsastand's suspicions stith chttdrenti Do "o et upae ai bets.g Ut' ant oAlize saill thé mob seha don't tandon' wete nover arou"ad , terrattl stand my destre for solitude sîince tey pr-fer Later that eva'ning. tia fit' childien camI- Tisa typ "fassmssta e eys- te bo costiontly ourmntscied tty hubbub. medsundm ttebalin, A, me uti chattang on curae, in part t"auiet eves muoci te the 'EVcr "ear mygatlus. taa'l-moening the dock, an lta' hàIani> n.gf'l onte lf t' e 1-odgmena i o i nth t~ %arpnsang)y. %pouweinvitehitit mb ofSreltins' ta'our cua- touné escpei à %maii istnd, andi up anal amer how , ah.' u1utlvr strutturetiantericew taifr Tanaagiviig dtincr. Wtat 1 loka ai 'ostl e it fla',, cariîa'alb t'air oneb'iihis bien totind tai b.'or na oi irate titan anv realistàraliy, it Makes a lot of tenw e h aive Ibre', Misat a goitýi, thouagbt the athars, paper and ps'nca >,'ts an atsa'sig the Typa' A the largest cottage for a'nta'rtalning* massa- ci so for the next inr attî mad asan' sqtîaaing in pa'rsoraity hungr peusple delîglit as tfscy retaiî,'d lbair tiiaions and l'an If ypsa aT'a Type A fx'rnality, lte itreaistmn Last "isr. te hossa' a recorai arawd okL2i arondit lta thai, ail Vu, itinga tui resuý tai' ok ha. t'xc- fin'tî, Sk . Wra yct. egit of hutm aere undar ioingàke. Despate thte"inî thé: darknas's usa>ý ass'r htîn9 su studios show tTypa A moonsandl dadsproduce thear smail nutibens. lta,,' ltati' peu~ple roarsil match ton tit w,' idulis lîantxaian. but iasa.for Type' A clirenu They etv asîn't.antly u ing up andl dotes te hali'say. %crisomang in andi the lauricing of courus.' nît ta' letchis.o l'Il thisa mte for tuaanIore'Onnt ido more, do bol" oui of thse four exits in oufn cottage Thiersthev taire thal gautne mt v.r aucitrn'ny diy. ter) andl oaiortlslg Usé, llit las «Danq wata The Can la i oi'vr Pt*sher Nolut ta - Adveelfn Manager TI.f Olss Catnp"ang Manage Datif WkIfs - Dltuton mangr Tati M. Cam - Offic Manage Phona 878-2341 f Tm as o Unermo mab3mil finie, "Don'l maka m"alhn' Ose,' a dome thoisant studits have bars cunducted in thse posu 10 Yo'. ad cuslY one' ha, haed encotaragini inuts. Fsanded by the U S. Hoart, Lung nd Slood Iut, th i. study unid a mltactqa rahment. locs- tiog on beitaviceal nvinonmtstal. cunitivr an yi oloicchanges. Iî, siowly and listetting mor cara'uliY <wtduUt anterrupting). A speciltporalo conc ItsudI on citanging falitaies tugitts nd expterts- tnous, sw titl oter.gDii tatie let and evory- thing lthat happenoed was sot viewed as a chat- lag, ompeltitls or yo9r soilr mmeqiolity At-o, a cvmpiance progralit fer maUikiSO and diat wa. iti,îîtuted. .The, rriuls wemenscouragflg Not osy wax behavliur changed. but the riai of a sernda lefrI atiack tas cut In hail. fros 3 per ce'nt ta T-waaînV Typv A lndrviual1 là a touglt roit telor il, an ou opattv "l TypeA etassfour psy'. off lin tZt,Ir flnt vn thta'm'r mire rroduis and aa' sese mils' even if hiî..m a.ppiness , t. aaiis'd în i. prakes. - lIn di n s s }racîl inim (id.i ii uurforuhur, ta, l', aggiessrne indis 1i.tii aalnd aa' t' eit &5 matn% .,,at.nal M--4,rt' in lii'hv aîlîsiý a, Int Of tite 'aîu tîma,"* m.i hiave taught, asv, pa'r.aînaînty tylli. in ti-i, "u'aaac a chang, soiety, s..a' toe anti htw spt'lt i otherM p,,p i à% n àP i 'av adian Champion ' E OIasse rdm ieAm Fm fsses~ Aabois st. EDITOAIAL: Wewe: Rab Kelly. Karen Smith, Noema Nhteo<LRa 0sStpMMj Utda Fmae".P tVs olie: Ored Reaume Pfsotogrpty: John Warren, ir o*»J ADVERTISING: s"n: Deb"s Pelits. Anidrea Boyie. Ted tMWP~itan.SSMeM~dt1unnist Landeey. Rob Btasen. CWaelie Sfteena Camerai, Sm 40 rinis "&. WSMUd MWe heffu doN txii uno PAF0 s unai by ibi - coses m oa. o .ls SUgiNESS: Shrty Dyc, BElsda S.eaiey. Lelda Nofioeý A*m se assses os es or~ai. . s 0 vao r qgr . fa cro CCSFUPWI : Me uiJs an. ura.Krs dofie li' TeMWMissorUS ume M mm lotersn e,à mmf'W"0. Mie Baye.. Inde Lamaont. il',- -le f4uieusan 4 1n..nsuun.Mp