Family fights gas 1 NOSLAI du wOWà i~ lutui l.klamleu ai t. nitof a 22lat. = " amil% Wb"ula 0" à bOott " a tai ho MM ine ut nique l, Moudia um mlsm Gsi alà Caie nf 90 yha OuI. nmda SSI inmlue mu bdt kpto duiia,= *h pipine w.udi o am hel, Ppoul ta aid« u . sill dlaaupela a ena portin ai du admeZOWa ot e.. The' .eitual utduneit Join Mecaleff salle. mas les.ho ds 7.l Anle nom Union Gai la prepaaing tu put i a theld gate lino Which à plais a aI 'eluct moti esmer. Union Cape= in prolsci mianager Roger Peu ex- pt ùîdna& p ineraview f ront lus Chatham office du uOtari EnrW Board gaa lits apprmral nm lau AUSUI l'tibr pidinga ta pulic h.engs lait Nowç- bue :a»d Febrae. Abut 30 çnueoeiyowneri are aong He sall neegotiatioeiî for uit of tee nghîs-ea-wav aie 'verv «seily" underway and twill hopetuiiv c'unciude belote %int".r If ni. h.uide'le. e .forcie lopraculew;thh eh.x- prpittioe procrsi'ta Tht tut came. t.a a corntrorutation Moredav wheS Union Ca, sent rmpovora ta Mm. Mecalief pwperry to do a sueves' The faaulv ri usie thrm ertrv Th, Mifa)itiN sav theý waer n fonasd of the On- tania Energy Ikiard hcngheif lat manter. and thu%, tuir caonens mute înt mc ad e n the1h prtnrial pipeline on farm baaiait douait le -surt soudI aueeb of uIue~b jJbM i muidý «Fe Mr w..d vl.e la de e miiai, w mu do a mnwy Mr. piait uld Ulim Gm 'inf-aial bath Mr h cao dm h la rw teani wuuk that lt pluaw tdo 1Itll diuuUP Moréday tu do il. ual h. waeaMu'e Mt, Plint adui.& th duompma Win anmapt le vewow thu dispute. Yf du differenoi u' ae h.resolie ho "aid, 'weIl pevbébly retini wthio à wek midi the àmga~ of the local police* latinil isthen Mf tt f liat. One problein. h.e mid. es that atter te pipe is put in, &Mmpol n sutacil ore nixis together. ,hah is un- auî beirops Wh.ert the curvt piplie tlwouelie h.dded, umoion ha is tii aehr u briow , lia' bar. viem lande tou can't gmmi aepcn!t dig a'.lai, ltwOula make à goosilitnwsu atoc." h. qipped 'ltM t, alto unhàppv with t propouidf inuancial coin- usuio, . Rff2M onCC4e qui tagmioit points le *0 pupmd aub ai àna t oulr erf iuug hm e oai m Lèn. LUMBER CENTRE THE PRICE WILÈ FLOOR YQU! SUTA BMOfAUTFBARNGON * . FLOORING, Simple instaitaitiJ s.itl cla&wacaly tedfd estfS- Just Peel. place, and prou s lon meaho ienean no-ma fl oct lt will rest Sculis ardstaîns- SOI.ARMA Pag. 9 * NOWI * NOW82.w VEMJIY Rog il 0 NiOw à.8zt SC HUYUR HOME CENTRE 385$TE LSAVENUE EAST, MILTONN T E 878-9222 IhnFkI&4~ W8-4139Hrs 7M LUI 0m . L 11 Ç ' *1o