Milton Minor Basebal Association- App4ications are rtw beng accePt6d. for mnanager, ai rep teams for the 199 Th Sf4kw ea&L.O 1991 obn es,'a the 1 991 Sason T.Ual - JUr*wo P» Wèe -Min&. senior- . a Tyk - Mipor Bantam Midgt -KfC1or Jijvenile Junior lb. dan* for recwvif 1 ~pa tOf $8 Sunday, November 18, logo. Apphcgtions, are ta be mnaed ta--' Managers Selectian Commîïtie., ciôWMifton Minor Basebail Association. P.O. Box 22 1. M$Ion. Ont. L9T 2Y3 EN GLSH STYLE PUP QUIZ Begins Tuesday Nov 6th at 8p.m. * So Brng ýour * FAVORITE TEAM for an evening of 'rRIVIA FUN '370 MAIN ST. MILTON ý~CK-QflATERN CAKES Whiîte or Cbocokjte Coke with Choote Or Vonilia f~ilng 575 Ontano St 8889 rn Saturday. October 21th lt-$50 00 Closer2n -ohm $25-00 32do~ Il $100 Closer to home -sa P-iornomp$' m , sf5sstlj»d!0o YTHE 'ýMCA Ercmn Progrums Oc-iDtober 26th P.A. DAY at the Y.M.C.A Join in the fun 6f a Hayride, Pumplcin Carving and a Hallowe'en Movë Reister 'Ibday. 878-0548 Sale and Sound Li Chîidrun's Cohtre Inc. 1 & I1 1.317, Matin 91.878-0537 111.15M0 Third Lino 875-1955 CI;Exr V>rcd t iach< 6* soeimo ltc#nad *Ta, dedticliii a m, -6pm *Fu§ 4 advm pflwernentsi Nultous hMc hlunhe and snacks -Kidofgael Tranpflaivfl Make It a Sator Sounde Star D.B.I.A./Market *Sâurdy, Octeba 2Mt swuored &W, aw WM- lt Di" ai P.dhm Omul. ~IM~oormmm. Md ni oup onfa CAINw *mnim to me1 Ma wt Fnda% ---m*l 'Ah, lm. rme.UUotpw i 3 U igts1.6.wd91 gCNW s ....... ...... . ... -..... ...................... ---.... -.............. 'K. ai Fat Freddy'» "à878-2899