Fridey Oui. 111-11 7'h. Mmme Fai &W, s tration au Mohawmk Raàcaeay IlCsmplsell- vit>- orali mmt 6 ipnchienlu. Ilb -Unoir'.ig ddlems dowea miai charat ami mealimi vil aatinanaist vision., Grands"u admnission e $3.25 whillr tii Cub. »uoua prtiv W6MM. Ciümri ag 12 ai ui.,eile voa liedmillu fras. lime Récuicatlon Conuitier fior SI.- dii Niais vli'immi is scond aa- huai bamar and baa sale Ai the Acton Arema lat PfSpect Park frIot lnon te 4 pin. ponations of i teits would be dippreciatet. Cal) Shirley ai Thse Woren' Association cd Ne,- saiwv Pwsnbyterian Chureh wiii b...Lasa, rt ami balte saie latin 1.30 te 3 pin A drasw wlbe held for&a culi Thochturt i sioctei on No. 1 , Sidoroad, jut ea«i of Cuarîpi une, Everyone t, dim BtmlUnitedi Churth on Tràfalga PAY MONt) GRAND PIMANOLOU'NGE SPREINTS LAURI WAIJCR Psiday - Saturday, 7:W P.M. f oaaubr Vterclu lEASOê4Al. PUVA7ÈOff $ *- tETaU ~~.4T ParkJt«ý Vine A CM.t of' siyi li* I~çtamffi - iDily autinS - LunsélSection 1i s.apert & AuulawIl Chineut Ci9- Tropoat And EsoU*l tl' FallY hîm.d Ua.ILLIO.0 878-8814 ts8 Mia isheu ,Milton iCcen of #23 Highway 6. Méiff FAST à FREF DELIVERY LNs LOCAL AREAS FTIM 51M i3CIitFOO CO&JNT (IN PICK Ili OEIDEIS OVl)i smit I ICAIONLY3 Rond la OtgupM qulami hold a bais tole doio'. Suidamm duçuaéist avti.T ent Wini lit. ai 873.21121. =ud balla2 od5 crao.e whie .asivou.a S"duOct 1111 Senior ôttta si le mil howt a Stwday Oct.oue. and luails et ii Royal The Hallon.PMa Uranîch of lime on. Canadien Lao han oq"CWr "* Geala d lea lit m m upu oi get a1 pinT, e c le S.1350. __ aUCm' Cimfmryaaoeuà Ev~ awelcos. Viai n, ai 4, ÏLi Tia Wa.o A.tuia' P...nsi Twltwif of, the HIM Ragicaon sa Castm Wl~ bld MW em- Mt"eu wiii opuk about mime Halic = = ,Pll lam W lmmty bars li HarmagColàcbm. davmbpusiÉv stl rT"Fday Oct. 80 hoi ai Gmargsmow cultural camsus. Fsai ai thb Halis Reais 9 PClwhSdti.ln Georgetown houaI Muases siii nait a the. emures eito tpai RSV.P. 'o 883-3310. Edc Co usly hmnx LA . Msv.àm (WHAM) miii mm Ai Mit Dmirict High Scli wifi 72Vd p.r. Anyone Ine* 0 ome- holt'isVaslity Eveans hutm 7 to,.corne. For limbher delalle andi li- 8:30 p.n. Senior sudis amd iehn, cil! Lin& ai 823-3999. ':iret aie a t l attend lbe spa- ciel piograui on choeil& applying and preparing or University. Ap- U plication forme and i nformaion pacltâgs ili h. diulrbuieti. RSV-P UNIVERSITY EVENINO FLORIDA CONO MiLTrON DISTRICT Hic.i Sci.OOL JAMAICA TUE& OCT. 30190 7:004:30 pa.f. Senior/O A.C. atudeflbe andi parent$î are ascet l attend -- thia special programi en Chooting, Applylng andi Proporina for Uiversity. Application brn andi iomal- lion packuages will b ist ribul- ed ta applicailll.iti are applr ng ta Uiversity lot Seplonibbs 1991, Cher slddntsanfdpar- ents are aise melcofle la attend. To heip us in planrin RSVP to niert by Monday, Odober ffl1 or Snr! 78MO875-1010 The MJIhA and Diu*i Ctrauo cg the dou. Chiemn u%=s t? Plure of the. Cawa F * - f.0 ai Win. ¶m ieaBI1. àdo i. sity Wwm wil preseactea o f &it = Plaby1sria Chucm on the bilaient Reimai liHui Dopat. 7usd im wià bld a bnaimjce meta i iu dauMioPW a 4OM iOp, te 0 ~sA-hotlunch wil W 1oma mvltts.tti W. pla e srai WIi) léî&caa ei auit em opu mos pubtkullb le uo mUsai oucûllof m itmi bld at HugisFa RaIi j sa 8 aull psahhssveni.* SabAuodihtaiolsffl.e~ 'RSe Uvias wui cans nesm lb ddi Call tbMu's Laque will win mum ai the MiI'lranc = = sh àaa bins et Holy Rosny Scheel Cipudiul Canon 5odioy. 751 main on Marin Strai bom 0 arn.* t 3 S.i.,firs 7.30 cid'tGrmp~m p.Awde vasiy of crafia. iandy , cuisis pivld aumiloai mppou lbka gods ami religlous articls. u aUI cl87.225orS701876 lo u.tWay 4., blond"y Nov. à X St.i Pau s Unlied Chmu"< tu hld Thme siah"l Radian ?amm As- 8 àsqial restaIt andmi o OW 4 AtB aimra il met et 73Op te .1,11i ontu chair mMmsu or i RudIng $coud-yScheel., STI os tro, *329."» including conda, car carst tram $449."' (Mdlh of 2) inciuding accomnodatio.n & air MANZANILLO ,tom $799.00. ww.ios or a wrm. dry cetêle. witti contat bromes Lots Io do. or rt>twç except Io w" COLlE SEE US! Bruce Hio od irave I 16 Mantin St. Mifton - SeWWg Travers Since 1961 OC*im» dssit. tite tsi gel nI>I an I agiie leader mkiii $ 3501 (.,, 1.vîg plus uit. liriânurîg ir up t. $75V uashhak* ýAdd up lhe savmngs on our enuire lineup. ,lO IlrxpinitN,flt to huv ite lugendan .lpon tuîîlîtý 4x4 stîh upî to SI (l)1 L ,Sf-u%,tng,» plus k'tt 1iîn.îning orr Up t, $1 .O,\3( ashhiî1, k* Maké your specual. W lim 4ttiSilC 11ta) . , Wlueu Yom case rmo4ah ji end du. ieiy bete' MILTON MALL 875-3776 UP TO CHOOSE OR UP TO 6S AIGS* FINANCING OVER 48 MOiS* tASHBACK** jep and laglo [kalcrs ol hîuano Milton Jee /Eagle 81 Ontio àtreet, miton, Ontario e 878-8808 Soevioe 842-2544 Toronto Une S Get ealy GST savins on. al Jeep andEa14eveludes. 1