;H owi Scnel Jra, indsg the-foueh on-CNktirack\' -LÀa, Hasselfeidt learns-s an4 ~ tns it4o* jpýu trin timie to, win Powàei u #~vD4M iemWm . loti rn t Dslaw Sa" tai a Scatfi .1r bath ha, ietés oIw a a O civeIuu 15.Ol0 ua$ Hp ltho Dup Nil- eoéwDrII. h-IR"pl. cdu ot1eharuital wuy nwer i àmon aml ut à.mtanima. ,fiat aMd u rt::V aiwey anl.ss Wons lh und shdifa wuuly wah! ut 10 mmm-.l Modif sehw lni riail muaslbài mca illhiy of M t4m swpd~lJma np w .UgomMw, S"a Of Hilto wm oelIto as lb d4 utS.ptV. di.k &U farcts alu ua ir~qd du rtwd s t w CAOCAIt bhW fishbub IRcabn ul»s mmt mmi wMa il AC ct dh at akU iufttaatahUtdtl mc f -arl* r1 la tw L die am~ l aps, àtech 4w. Howesfaecdtcth oafduos inb ai.y WarkkAhim fparatig yta W.*i i fiaC 0cm~~rdw DITAcE wrda h 9Nw dm.# a gow rum 10 MOhyF »M 7 OU na ~ f e 0* Oitw ~ »cd ""0dr .. MdW Wy Cen bu~out à,l fa hed ff ry fhtg* . I h~i#rau 'a ifi rmat 't ________ ICNE.NHehbit an âï petchaet Ic memna Inexpen.I e EFG.omnnom -md susWh=s tan 'rage tit damnage. Tehr okcwo l triuManchanm art fo 0»l wk._ _- La andi NeI lkowniag. ilu k ..a ai _or n litc 4 _ _ tontt. = citle bahtaa Thre e week Pawdaejti rcrag mreiu to the Ortarlr nt Racirg Club as family and f=u~s thé lautr ddyet fsuitcd u for the fil . ,~- econdanam face at thé CNE. groUl' vas iplit lotoqai n racesQIil cari c. Ina thse tirt hast Milton'% bit Has- ol'cfeldt made winauag taarîl ai- fatr 'taia tltehotlerrnlfig 'r r. ~dramatcw sir as fitther oiahaq -MA bn dotag for yurs. I Semi«f boopa te race Ow Powdoe Rate ýgemirw IAOl'iff. 1(.yea rrcewved *Th. but lI handfing and traction mad itn.cutyo s ~~Md, the a, cout¶e.y *Se.lid Rated<(up 0 oOkm/h) She ptuAtd up the ruait . of a mnantkal siftS qsucklv and %tarting 1LI1h. ssraduly w.rked her wav thiroÙtuhepack Hasuelfl"wmt pau Weady White=o.e~"Se racai hep Ast tl~yrta sottilk ha rptn cf tite f'as otu ad to& tht h sie winlchaiu i .~~~ ~Lu ta tuciun udreth tdban ts rcdtlbufatf t n t flat- felitiekiai~ du tlg rthe I in qt c&rn out of3 thse "Mb leay t rihto d hair cmlton ~ MUiU roMidi ataie. a&sotrmi humbani p B~~ri, but4u 192c Huasbilh Puditabi brain muWwndngHj 4 Iln e amd i et h CuaMilto FmeiLetYvni aieTéiME Batn B-im' bau-iI un* e à i iic inSi * Ezeihn w. andano tNutio uer anrd'ît <> iaci * TAIY TIPU LUGGr n aGEcil' u (iDnTICToN - IN? NiWrap a d pu i . 94ltl cla km f aa(tl*cetî ta3pel u j ; ~~-o bqpag.onoif tireoa, f ts c *xoàt» an s.jvtacio Te r lri NOM wTEsT OWMIUO. NT 17 e 414