Agency which helps chil1dren kicks off fundralsing, campaig Ifna CId ,Abuse Prevention Moo (Cttabae cuinclda wlth due second anale,, uarvotheapmng aif Civiton Haom aîSuîart F n Oakvulh, anmol t humheschiden &Md 12 to 16s Clbildorn's Aid Society ie hindi will b. useti feorderal purpom. Renienea sueli as Gete- >Mount. a ricu bonne puMcaodabout thrmi moimtis &go in 1ptn sWin ebennn'ht, ehmg wtl Cîvttan Housce lundwillallai b.e set oide for bu.- séris ta help finance CAS.wards con1~oler oreaeivmiîy mnd ta Jan&an Suu,,,.n t of thse Childrn' and Yo uMtao Haim CAS. facu an tiseb*O TnieCi.:Z n îAd Society wu ths egiabilisoti b ta ulm negirteti childe ind thaid ffislan-ed conter ch of Uie eut>, 19)s, le told thein ttn at Civilisn Iiauuc rernoave cildesn as dtu id alterna- r Ire iprentîng m thm tienn faiterA hosiCdamitâte adoptlanL" fe. Hie nateed the salt>' noie chtdci ta asi 'inglenatt lht~t ex derisions on Wbae ta, keep tlseïr si hawnelve thep up for adoption 'Tht qut o f a negIected su children ctid thequsuofair 4*bumed ch dirmn, à we krnbata foi abuse of children bnen Seing on for Centurbmo bot plnyscally and, a n th clothng on theTrbaCt%. C Sward-h 4v »a Mr. Sulivan 2explained that abdlity but do 7 notav = sic lidenoeitp lt <ieapLaced attend à pait-%cotda ln ftceivngnne. ur thett sttution." And tic Pb amn eds ame auoeaed and educawjn proded for the chîi ta giw okeltIruth an alternaive ar- fter palyit à mopfte during thle wiH alton Board af surtame. luiii.beforie they ame traus- Thec fosondation fi ru i by a 10- mmd ta fostey hones. Behind mcrnberbt>ord oldirea, casnsuin vuan Haume fi CMvtati Sch, fo ta. ~tbunneu pope fru*I acnttu HaL ample, which liae a capérity of ix ton. udeflts fer meudia work 1 hâve to raine il f hnds tu linmuniely chltdrej ame no ptet1wchildren," aid Mariyn lAvant Vaened explaining the. of the foundation. 1 ege et ,asong behmnd lauchlng tin das îg she said aboris. andiwos busncýe service dlu mdcc cd an tutdonatioens, in additi ta raaîn5 cie is lens funding for cildirn ** fonds from the sale if 1îtuftr $11 Mr. Suttivan iIIJ he bw'sary pins each, KtALTOWS NEW REGION AL LANDIFILL, SITE AVMUUUT of lm coummnCEpofrY theJoit amd Wtder th~e çm* Éd bd game afprovals ta.i Malton Région in 1989 for le =c f, new Wxmndl uMe in the Town of ~-lon =1numbtw of Cordons; wrm set. 4 of ie approved requîtes i »On or before Octaber lst of eaeh yeaV, lte Regional Corporalion Shan submlt a report la "it DtreCtor ôtft Environmenta AssesaMn ainct of lte Minist' of lte EnvWoameel for 9ubhoîcf p record wtiicl desçribes c wl lite conditions of approvai . TM Regional Corpoiration sMO publsh notice of lite avail*blty, of lis report in 1he principal neuspapers in ft gioe mTe 1990 Comrpliance Repdtt wmls gubcriîned to lte Mistry of 11ie Environert under date Septembeir 27. M90. Copies of tl-t Report con be obtaîned by th, ,g"nra1 public fromn: TeRoogih K~ncpIy of ffltofi * *0 »a~i WeooeA d Wes KVLLE, Ontarlo phtonie (416) S2-215t r M 8:30 am.-4:30 fm. SThis Week's týuMpty Dumpty Snacks &-Chips 180-2w g bags $169 BULIC F0OOD Specials California Raisins SENIOR' IS St,.DY 1%OF Mon. -Wedt, -7, Thurm. fri. - , SU. 9 su& 10 5 W VWto Oik8 1hui 327 Brornte Street S., Mlhon 71-93OO