Novices even* record with. win over Richmond HilI Titi Hilton Hwlcae. plia oon - a kmoMm a b" a t he Ma Sm". golng e l m b"1k ., Haba it*Naanasyl u1 Wudmtaiday ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ do of'u ahi, Preardu itu1k llu~t..lI, u a -uartdfi Elhw&y tWho inwm h m alichimistempaitiat hmnaya Imit delilàcloi 30 foi t« t t dm AM&a .r Ely la1. ZIgd= %bmlmt. OudhtpmTht Hueca.u eanmud isti " put the Hwrtcana 2-0 &hW& Pl&ymgdl olt h Mie ilmgn.OI, lilho Newi York andj PW, M&Mitnte, fiad à flwry of duisao, visonmtisu oeini lace-olf Bamilugtcn aminsa four Mmans dape.Z== Hurhaieah idnunraus entreImms. At shooteta the Detroit goul wâb a Tmaver Elluuky and îléCmi.. laser on a bmisaway buta" te of Miltonus w.. fiuaida o.. due mIaeii laU ilgt -mut Mîmmlener ui mulmg the ql c toe 1 puck quidtly ita due honte tu. ait Mitu ahieNI tmi, iamcbe cotipid Iln twa divIioi ct l h 1. VMemr 1wthe cloai CiSwn oa iu biseataegiu a mmmlrylmd meu. u ormi Co" litm a &in* tilh" Sat pojrdet for tite. qulc Todd liay =C lon' rd oeugh upla the vluemm f~ais laam wfm o l mta-uu à lit.I Althmg goula toi bain the liate oj ith paie Il a cm wdet. relayai toit puckA 5otdm itmi. uy li dus gana they dtdit t advanoe tu the lyf la %vis not orteil 3:2 ftiti ml4d Coolie DoIu Wiea cafflona ta Io Pu= Wh. od hma d Ceembus ja inrys taam m l 110141rotd thé Huniciee mhcwat well. perlod taI J&kn Davis étit a laid Mise aemal impriaawv mom lit k taint algtfe tail. ahcaUw fient ltu, a uar requît- Hilton opat gîa he Hattii- peu froin t>. lamts defen- it the îpent; peHlo>d aiU Haamm carrnets.ha lentL deà lng tuer Pau ju for alatie n Huide nStt The fi- cemiand tldd the glali fur du du lins Hrnca aimat dt wleelime thenstaii pah- mii,> inuas n d le. pMWc ives ctijo. ue nl ly HltSu gaI. Walé,smar a ud mIowe mm atitd pomma lflu b"i. lmtrc eli Hait, li onqt "c~gm.mlo ipw defaive icueN by Totm Baytttolt. the purne mots valuable Playw in wlth Cmow, Cmx sonDttm du tand 4-2- The mudge pby thmae th. Hu"ra.. OnMnuii~p& Colin P:r, Paul .N&f àd RYa.t the 4 1 u. Duble wieoklg 0xw Nt gamu (klabo 21. centrenan Swn = -O"erlaly" 'ralorýjLimigl lic ccntrbutid gorMdtAA themsouringidw thOugmh tefinit ta the delentive effort waith meveraI .MjrMdt A _______________________ pclowlhm l u by j..el gtikiteitt .n the petio> %ýattad. llrck Hait.n Hue- lCuiand NO ilatcidI Aî7 41ai the mseond perio> Jamie rncanottand their 3O aingue Richmtond HII ie li et aoe tron Stggî tourcil the gatdfleint goal record le a tino gaints wedmd split gSM OCM 8' 4 PA- minutea lâta, bela,,e Tâauyti, au bis on a rebount lomi a Justin Davis The loal, lot 4-3 Sn Pntdoyimâgitî u firia ift bailalo topp hi. mi.a Liter ig the petriod Steve Roy 1-jamîhlo arnd rrtourided liebi M fia t 1121qu ewn re&tound ut on, :2at> and> Doug jamjevici camme cloe au i Burlingian .4-2 ai Alcbtt sIn 1SA Awm of * ~ tta» SW e on the dlock. Jardin Issus &M Mi>. o-1 Mieate ecrambie. Curtn Cire Gorgmlwi on Saîumday. Aijm aYie ajla n h ly roke in alont ottly to bc glopp A itutrber of Hurticant mgtie.ia i l~M li hn.slalmattb r i la ith à super pâti ave and Darn Sm, oadliiet for1. th amlonnif t> ec t, tmotc 2, u.i Finlaytan score> with 17 seconds gante in te aftemâtah S oi aný $1r 134 PAL lojjj a score wicci ai op lW t>. rosi of lait in the petio> auly ta have il di>- hytca obg min Barrie à w.ak air-e 0Wmo . aiuai n0Wi t>. second> frmie aloddîietoaltjghstck lir h = HumrIca mu.pau lii.titlt> cli al - In~ lelthe third perIo> Hamilton plemente by manth. r atiz id > >. '.ena. e>eopaf bmuught tiie play ta the Hurviatea minair mitdgt lnclamding MIN. mc- am~a~ o- Sium CII 1-4 Mi aJtt nT ' u>and tylng ic gaines I-1 at lte 94)3 mark. Pliail, Tom Bojer, S%-ne TlImait, wax. if9T PJeto 'l->glewtMiAian d Monetit liter Hindiol, Mathinter andjlaitsMaeitinter. 71 fUini L à» a u Cimie TrvsonaNhlli and Walkcr put pressure on the gus1- Hamltomn .eae litile ima mi- s 1am one. tender but couldn't fimt the imitait tabîisig a modlaid n a tée lardin Jeti uniodt is taUy With 343 reiamnîng lit the gamte punmpe> in thre gaIo lut the Am Rno inIn ass lt piemai- Krn IakW Hamiltont icord titcir tmOcad tu taite eight ininutc-. of play. l'ne Hue- a"i 2.~M aid Rannda Peki rt la 2-1 <'id ricanes graduilly regalmied thae « - MW> Il &2 &M Cil Wullt, With a minute toge Hilton pialluxi corpatuix and at the midjmcsit of et .*4 Laser km cha i t du mcing wlith tua lits gaule in laour o a nother iNatue the gaie cut te delicit tai tu> gais miiby nt au b ain ta184i .-i mimâes W.lIn ldu gosse ih Kankle and moemets laterithe mtopald off ain à power lay marNer by'e auMmiCRI, aOI8 and Rmerd mobles. ai Deug Janletîld ,n à Iacmmff tu Asmatao maith PIke Cas mid lue Piz.@M hi. tss C&mLump&e thet1eftof lthe Hamiltomi miet. pulling zi iasiitns'g vr 3otiue UNIR PS h seo gassnu fl pun4 tek ihack la Justin Divis utc Halions mecovery oeMui airlyP Jsle 9 fl2 stcs ncbirioea a S u Ny put itin tebttant corner Of in te mhid (rame wtea Mc=il 712t.o& WuUâaS cfli =ut hace s. e Teur- tit.t added ioter power play @W as a mi= §@met *aa «halum rI"ne, dlmw26 abois at te RIcN- Caltetider Jet( tnilit inai isupe defetieti &WncAnséa a b« in74U mnd it> II palis. me> player of lthe garie for Nia loetith 641D6 remainamg, Haml- qwftulmtIVCol> ~ U CWI 1. I wAmi tnt cida laid luwih' ateady effort agaînst the har> %Mtoot n capitalLzol on à lino au cm --omam 4i PS 114111 futu emadud del aun ofN is ia amilîon mquat>. breaks awa i 4-2 1 481 Pmmmou4iea trou h tw ep HuricamtiesrcafitI match was Cooi efae PI mmu pHor iawn aimkS i Poanlsaomlylmamlatsapalt>.aily Sunbday rornng againit Mis- wath Juis a-et a tminute ematinngl tu ta u..Smii~ 0"s ilaHmand o rima tue~eeuga T8 Am urnmii dldn't gtve Halton a tino iNitie idvamitui 47 mo iglm. »A Pis untISitudavwltamtit t a s,;ag. wîth tht 'Canesand Orly the McPleal adde> lus uconmd oi Îhu UILOC0M Il. 1:u4 PS. IFS Èeçpoinsi tSA liera,. oelld goiteexllng of im Lewortliy luit front Bier with 36 seconds on 741 W 8 LiLa? *= kepl ti i am cu tIt ccii but for the. 'Cam alueW LMAM mn noww tonne -iso, Mmm- Pi.. AUA Inute = % domination af the play ln te lm i O ht 40ptMjUWUOUMmjILL Cimui~a. ThIh*gvq ' osi trrs bt up wiautre ______________________________________________ tteHwemmUpIBlie Si ng.teath* ianjs*IA aMW la"t>e the gant.e~' . e it lluon mi poser phy. Lit» In de pinot> - NHilhi htaeitlae Tile A MIiAug L iuii bdUr laioa Tesim hosai 48mmeit duo, d.flidlc dum un rdt he d ~ aliNai lim bueite Ltsaothy cout> gel ht . 1 11w, taw rugapetai i Heo doda mi>. an ixceilae save au à -.' ~ 4 ~ ~ ê Ç~ Atom stie ""Wsenescym - aUA1U~ ~~ Umgess fin e oléon Wia luaia ann Co" ami Clivés 2- ti u ia S i mi it. u a oi ia" aplui [heul CD lu d mi lu*-hi t, v tco, mmi ttua jt.jjt, hmt>' pdidEn bd el thall arll ler. Em- m- iplay aIiciémsl , =g . maW" eahuw*k& tJJ 8w ilI 2iii ài by w~,Ml Par m Un theïr deiimelv a"d Pm Maiery lalpemjlhoa MiM At 4:17 Of têteacn uo du>.Dtrat ecand. due gwsmt' &Xen Pm cam pbéllvile. t rave1 i ,ý Da rbyville Wins dt 0« Ç4e4> Oue"M Mau"// The. Moffat à te. Chaniplonahp Suu We want to thank ail of our clients, who Nassagaweya Men's 3 gamoles to 2. The win , . Faibail League ended gives Darbyville te. -~ travelled with us In the past 12 months and their seoison, Sunday, Ghampaanahp trophy forW 0kfrar evn e cinsi h October 14,1990 with the the third stralght yea elo owadI evn e.cinsi h Champlonship game The tembers of future. betwe.n te Darbyville the Darbyville Scurvy Scurvy Dawgs and the Dewga would Dite ta - Mon-Fi 9:30-6:30 ' 24 Campb.II Ave. Unit 1 Campbellville Fattbali thmnk their sponsors for set. 10-3 C*itpbUI. ont toison &Il their support- Darbyville pre- Goodyear, Thruwj&Q I(M 4 - 4 ade -2, thug winning * -W e,1