Su'*day night hockey swings back in action with mn chne L...reaula, m. rIamc aenauedanimi at a UMMi mde km.. doted Ray utuuu lau dù du. agi ~a"nu Lam c' top d w uaria K a c m»mtli A. M m mn lae the taond =uM.mdil la looldiqfo he rll o.ulmo paimna ~ ~ h du doW b il.Cpise, 6-1 Ci1 .EUbLar ad diérd udt 1.s d a~ alp«e K. s aar ethm a Tlé Ael Amj Omn Davila, rm-plam fin- - th@ .tumMâ O atWOoa a*mna Ladry w. st. the pipes §w dus ahunset. Appe Amj la a liii,. Ow ont. daai wltii Coop uhara IdpaoAnaLla * q.a- SM gol a MdI M mFU Patilth lia Naau Ti. lagu ham -assai hduix cor Iamjaa % nuiuw "li la W-walhoe roffl ov1umiuaafdg'iai.0. Leue a.W %fly Kau.y uiUtd alaiglaL, uiw ploaies til >ve duel.ri, o dm ai lrad. wiada aue bbwlng Mvuý jeif Bulack. Cia Tt~ ie d Km Fox- In du =liaa lmsgue diaule liibm dt ue.dutcrgiua Ntwé ilik the Duvla wlha ro aamdSIgal- Wbwhmrlawt noi troubla in haidttrl ,ül nu111aruuiaI appe r ý eG oop Incertaie 730, Wnaktdth Ooug flU¶aon id Crel; ani cena id dtuuw lestoiru ba. dont by top titres heure natailyý APPla Pfo-Sput, tht mà%mT WORL GYm Goi &prt AEROSC CEMTE For cw 87-426 NOWYour Spo tsF", OCo«19, 1 M ?45 1 GoUeuWioon Dia vs well * Merchants dlaim workmanlike 3-2 win to maintain league lead vu. bai . lrulnha iiuve dé -. Thanita j,- a al wld eegt %l ie obid~ml hm minutes Io go by )qbRallaiied MNt"e Marcherasa b@Me=ealI ao.u0 lape =7C mo De"" 3-2 end atddaddl tans alw cl tu.' te --laDaatugof he u rl.Ipea.apemtdw 'Y& playadta eml ase taut o u&e ual a len. d »a oeti lk BInxi Wimh éa. am oBwlhro CO"am ganerai amiège of the. ohp he tutrn j, but asud ta. theet w vend Mmbtt Pui istes, 'rhat's net rmly what you'd li4 againt titie clubs, tint coul bs due j, m but a Winti la Win.. tetof thepresntalqpnmnof lita Bian cia.y, on lom u Milin - ind f~euor the Merchants. frm due ajor pailla A Kitchener =o dnt fix soeahling whlitl Rapa eaut U te aagw1th isn't brokeu.' ad Danc. h. Im iduse i bt,u.lI *Don't count- C)akvdlle eut theY titd it up Laie in the oenng famre lts have t make a few adlutnewa A bMutiful power play ea by CIi.d Mldioit 'and tuylt lie night them." Binaei. Shaut, uap. In the seon itk£a playtd well Otad Muldeow put in a convi'nced thst the. divtiajin ni desly Milton t à 2-1 laid e Suci ganse" matched tltta en. At the midway point ut the final Muldoon suteta Fnday% ain be Ceml onw» a pmod Stremvsalle ticai tht e twee die pipas but cas replacoi by with tht,, ow. pouer play golbtRichard Kum Late in the iievnd per- Wusaera Divisiez W L. T F A PMt two minutm liter Figliano miîchm ed in ftodthee p.ack3 found the twttw Mite. Mendiant 6 1 1 51 28 13 the tnarker t resore the Mn-chant in a 71-ucond spart BudirlwauCoum 5 1 1 42 24 1l lSd. Mllte.V.uromgame sfrndîy et Me- Rrurç anpitale 4 2 131 32 9 13te gime wasttt rctigh. itifact a it onal Ami at 8 p.m. chie thay Geoeutownin Ru.d.. 2 3 0 22 31 4 vun y acranbly and clide opt." hostBrampton Caiîals wewlekt 45 aaid Buce "fie passao! bethteams TheCaptilaknocked MtltontouI o! Ochkai Blaus I 2 1 20, 1 wet. off and boith goaltenders the playoffi liai ytar in a thing PeutoautitPut 0 1 O Il O blum al- l u dumurmt ci -t.av duellinst boita feit n ala éle of- illoli SaliwirM MftTM MM» M L n o -W p ula b.i fugIe -m gava o Waa. 1 à a. Lou & é. FMscai Stunglont. lb.h1, B»VolIo ant PrB.y Eguitaton divis Jan Diane Flynn seventh inequestrian at CNE Diant 4m. lpa of 0 Milton hlnlahaed evasti overaliI ia he naiîe dviésIont at dus Ontai.o Tnlliun Equesrsa Chiiapédaupa ai tihe 04 A naatgrad eta Soms Sheri Sdiaol, an. Wntdu Central Wet Divsée EqautlanCha psip aqulstien di fer baya md Is 12*_ si5e~ad yougan@d.IuaM*nd h.h dur Omr o, bld. the NL P- d"" ti sumerThe eyes haveIt. On vesou aqnma conturs. M it iiSdZee os eai b. Wu in da.~ lacopmu.Ilng di h.taa , eall, ttlLlm ~aaiao all. i