Immunize your pet at low-cost clinie Dr NOIMA N111084 sponsomi by duhe ma Acadimy of iaarlary M=dela duinis mil b.e open humst1. pin.j as hO.I~U.CudSrBI. P rhi Goor- Tii ce a g 6 pur lnmunaad. « Alwai c pauiln milllin ooaahain niao. aliée tefaala duà. diii cen asli ovr in domeei animal popaulationa &M to hurmana. Fiaaa ard akunks an. t dumont comnro carriers. hut ir la aiuar praaent ia raccSn anid bat plipula. irons. Rihitt, chiprnunks. squmnils rat% and mie anil narety ii&itd. Rabmea f cauied by à virai diii ta usarraly tran1rniieW byy due bite of an Tihe virua furn due nfectu aniriala aaliva onma drnag.d riurve patimayn an tire woirnd and b'aid p du q dut miv.. mnr appa kO*. frgndodla. vi- dloua, or dfispuy a cc mbfnaffc .6al du.. pctatrwu Unramrl boMavfca, on due part ofar animal aliould Once "ay tmip hÉiapu , robin fai frlvaby faaL. FaapanaasO thuya han tme b... a Inion cmisof rabt, i Ontario la 23 >u..r Thia sumie Isas bom achred lar- Ilatlrderarrnants adrosa tire province mutlndy invmiafate ail reports of animl, hum8 rhumant an detirmin. if possible xpoaure to ratites hot ccsrred: Individiuels ilouglt to have hoen =aoa thed diaset ie rugira miianfrabf. vacSieir. Sirnce 1967, Moure àb» 40»W0 Poplae in Onrino havaehi.. mrcceaafially b.idfor ex- POSat n tl. Christmas Seal kickoff Tii. H&lann Lung Aaoeatfon la kkikng off fia nril C Sia mia - So m- paii ay (Ort. 23> midi à reaçadon geteàrlhiflti4MiPFre Deaiarnit galon=Tie .ceraoe get underwiy ai 7pa. aitT255Falrvfa ituai. On a rdated note, "u associaion won'i b. oféfefia la B~a Druding Pro- =aa oa of Miltn Dfistict Hospital dra lail, Tire programin mai acelli drifrufficiant intamai Tihe maccliori experta to ofSi tire OBting Pruparin a&pin in due apari ia' geard toward people wih chmonfe hing prefia iaad a athman d ernpliyuana. ntien in t- uin11 aa.idrig dlioilcomia due Hafon Liang Aoiian trn Burrngton as 32.499. 1PAMONl)S FOR Y"~ OaINW PIIAR«. GRAND PIANO LOUNGE PRESENTS LAURIIE WALCR Frlday - Salurdaey. 7.0 PMI. Rawiamber le call us for yu BIASONAL PfiVATE OR *USINESS PART1ES 478 STELISAVFE.E 811 Dimuly B,, mi. LaitSl~i- af Siapob& Aýt,-4cainCrn.ia- TrnpaVa .; J Ea. LYwnl. - Frully lic-.J Un.i. LLB 80 878-8814 439 Main Singe., Milton (Corner 09 423 lllghwày & Main) FAST à FiEE DELIVERY IN LOCAl AMUIS APtE S M PM FR F000 (* DStwER Si5 .a 10% DIS C0IJNT ON. ricx Ur oREioo osiER 8il < CAI i(*&Y)l APOLOGY ZeIlers would like to apologize to any- one who may have been offended by by the aDoils" Advertisement in our Zellers Day Circular, dated Oct- aber 10Oto l3th. Dateline _________ Millin PiFk Lâmay mil uI*r Admilmi Io fhm. 11M aM avl- ain -au by d Umm 8"1 emmumt an10 mrdu. odur losaid of wm ui.u e du fshathdgHugiFi IMilUpi. Mlhom Art Pdrdch ui i ils g coscim ui du Hm dudai by, V&ma FddbrII as Màii Bapat Churcir (iomipson ad NipiWang moal. Tickets for the 8 F.M cocro817 or S12 for mi- ion mad studants. and aie avaflable aith d ço o by caUi=878-4604. new mil: Distrfict -optal Fon- dation wli hoid a (0l an show «Ad sale front O .m. I m4 PM m.llaWin include art carda, poséere braci anrd unfraaned pints and argUulo by Cariadran arht. Fraud mWi- 1wlnts Win un foir s»9. For nom Inomto il Laina jdhu" as M7 2383 ML. 2170. hîYrl Oc. Io-go Thre Ummati hnn,. Fol Ami and Crait. Sais mli b. hald gt Lawv,». Ungad Chumb i day fim6 Fa. aid wrdy ftmei1am. Io 3 pi.. AboiL 28 lo1 ars wlll dfpa ther work For fiur bifornmio Cali AI Uurbfdg ai 336-m or PM HaI et33S-2136 or 84e-9461 saturiay Ott 20 Tiie flan Pruabytedan %Afsec wfit liog a harvea iia a lage "le ai Ch"d a cm Se Wba omm 09 rmd drm41101h11111111111111111 4"W WNIT du l'lVa mil b lawiua gy lamahs a am.And p f C u àp laIà 09yi dramiau t au. Cr.A lamiWd ai. 3"1 Fudoi&aw% behahdd - mii hal an omuuiu aid amuampa ornuy ghm Win.Sad g7664 r iomfr anda b" iii. b u W"". vpaar-,.6 d crafi alaw and mie,~d.a by due Naaaagaweya Maman. a Intt N mn utna aNeimorkais and Green ram anomur Wo commumty propKas frr il hait a b.uau &bd Acleafa baim na mie kak tand a O. mlii amagn Maien the Cuidd Drive Racnm»o. C cmi " Ceta theCila Hou> kt a&:. froin 9 amn. to 2 pan. Thre evMr mti Adiiiuaon fa Sé Ciii Cathy parlera Osure 10 vidoirs. Piormda go Io 87-261 to =: 'orLe Las 87&- the Drivert Ajuodilon lenevoenti 3477 for mou m. h Fund. algn.Caut du E.a- huld ai Ali'a place on Man SIta ID aken a - ,oimni Citu on halp rai. hard, lor dS y'a Saem Yhw Lie P erf c i fCiapb.6- Cit., Pm"ad (Nov. 25). M1 bg. villa poa& gs 730 PM an. Bo iur ar. front9ai &M-ID2 mi. mi ndude = o 09i c iail scncesai orkt cbdoiinrau &M CLir "Wla UmlVem% and Tom Muai. environ Daaier wl le . ordaie Royal bO rie"afnt éii mi.NEW Canaduar là"o on CGarM iuai .izti Ad=ian free Rdefi- front à p.m. I ami &in. vuin an- ania Win b. m y . clud. dit jockey; prilad bfe maturduy Oct 27 6 E bwdmeFwüottan Tii. affutoaComrm n r S. 'Iwradeu For V&elm cald Noua mdll hold is second an- B"d&Y Ott il nual baaa aid boîte sale t due Mihon Peform* Mut for Acton Arméaian Paeuci pari f voue Clüiain pemit. du jase iq no.mt4p m k w Free Business Information Session for people ln ail types of business. Help and information on bow to register, and apply the proposed GST in your business. A registration olfficer wil be avalable for assistance. Your questions will be answered by representatives from Revenue Canada. Don't miss this opportunity for a clear understanding of how your business can adininister the proposed GST 'bu'll learn about:r- -- - .- - a Rebates on the Federal Sales Tfax< Town: Milton e What is taxable and tax-exempt Date: October 25, 1990 e How to recover the GST paid on business Tlme: 3:30 pm. purchases ,1Location: Muddy Duck Rest. e Available options for f'îling <38'! returxss 360 Steeles Ave. E. Sa Where and how to get additional assistance Sur demsnde, cette séance est disponible en français Communiquez avec le bureau de Revenu Canada, Accise le pluas près de chez vous Pa m R ie emuC. nulbm enduEtas Canadâ Your business and the GST zz