1! ICM UNITS SOLO AS OF PRESS TOME .AGE PARC ON THE*POND. 9'18% MOWGAGE FOR 2 YEARS! ZERO MAINTENANCE a PAYMENTS FOR 3 YEARS! Village Parc on1The Pond ofîcr% greut % iew%- nimbe Nlilipond, th' Ni gara Escarpnienti. Lake <)ntarin. and thé (.N. lower. 1-1We ýfnul find Iuxurious %tlitts with quality finishes and a Iabuinu% reeréatioa clubi in the charming town of Mfihutll!I'N 4Jum n is mi Sîrtkt. Milton, Vqitage Parc on The Pond id within mep% of shops ang servk(e-;ancrpubIic transportationf (El the Çý.(> Traie! Coîuntry corrnfort. yet cimIe <o il ail! SALES OFFICE 1$OURS monday Io Th..541 ', IhmiloemP! F,9v 12 noo #03 30p-l Soua.day MWo S.d..y 11 amn Io a Pm LES.OFFICE FOR ETAILS. _-EEE SUTE OL SE SA "En