~us1 Nabu 11M0, Nana Duth P*. hua Na~ls. Toi LMiSaV w--. _ ~ - ~êlu~ ~n - ~ ~ss.~uh ~*-_____ 'Policing the budget Lookinback Wh omde polie budget? flte' uFd M bike $W 19" eud ire Um whlci. ti4 lwpe. Winl sust w." Fm the ffl Io lwmiipolie ommimn a Mnlbdmid pi hum -a -~u -iu -bdon arua pouce1~fhU5 rubbe sismpluu. whabro*ctoh local omminsloi hod luve bon buuud out beld dow dors. nwtu ufryM oc budgets ruts wtth due On- Mecommisaïon -bau the fia§y in polce udSt Mu-O tated aoome dw prvne t con ovemuleth o onyawidpat trdk Wby mhold th, police force or for thât u.t teunder a "lferent am ai Even thetSords of eduSllon, while noi undur thie contrai oi regioalSudDr'. * subject ta the. supervision af elect. il _________ offiial scolboard trustecs. in à - .bon ot entrlle bymarket~ forces, by coem dw.re ter4eukyo deingnd mare i ader to rs oprevd r5 = = angm m ta a morepérsnne. 1 a VUt oremoey for moreprograms The bureaucrats bustilfy such meuisu ob- jetiel i üea wn mids anqyy b>' saytrl tht'ey M reMmdirif t pbic and, b police brasa rais due Li i l1c iif tii.> don't get wlut they want. lvWnuj;=dutalmest evelyciw who sets digu I such a trop la bdbbin a manne wh"c they viaw as l me,1m tives. bhd..d wer. myt ra W. umaai nature to dom sey dm neudce ofalsl"4à Pares of the Past abuit>' ta o.unioete lis fundinpe Io i _ ablhy bcSa " con Nlei s dispbeasure writh du mmarn l-_t rý"S.êubs4. iuà offial - pmhI> Cff Wufl sadeu" on ha "mtoi mp.dafLywtdh chui jau Hardin ai du --- Un@ WM hnn butaa.e olc du , aoun itseu ta l bituM h "A md i en thm cd polttcw owdom 0"l îai &h' mm Vlu - ieW a u" etm a rugioial oundlan Imm % nud Moo h ao omaIMMA- mend à"hqoeniy wamdww a mmiW c ba . huihibe a oh, *,0 é W. woud iuiabu duauCo= 01%11.opoee &" Io mp la un iam. Pa" eoahWuuM" t M - et wbeis bu ta Mda choo Pb>é b~~~~i "ia ala ppM *mm W b"i b" Ilng te :bcuiso 1 da uw u at o -Dom#@W b -Mt Pd&~ Z 1 by Oum HO r ;.-. j Nam 00Ou bu *MWi -ÉC u wM Cuul uy 0 a dimé. 20 Vears Ago Vsm 8 Oomue?, mm. ~ a À bq u dm &W -e M d bout dom Md *4 f-qWÉ@ tu a. W RM u atii ;M à àam a fm~ MMM 50 V«e Ago 4éuiDuIsw<si. I B a. - J -» -h 1