TWISS FUEStflS Success in Busin ess t ý _ýRy iwisu For over 12 yemr, our company lima sught ta do.1l in its power to botter serve the. needs of its customers. It han been aur constant aim to provide them with greeter convenieice, mère comfort and more value. It is the. major reason that Twlse Fuels .Ltd. ha a positive record of growth and why we are recoginzed uwherever Twis Fuels Ltd. vehicleài travel. Tol keep abreat of the changing times we have installed cellular phones in aur vehicles and our.officqis completely computerized. 1&IM FSb Ulbd Fois u*m uW bw - wIcngo ai.idni toomr.000 axmrin ft IMon As0 &W mgwdn s. 18~k~a BULK 1 OUTSTANDING U 4t Tws Fuels, every member atour comj aervcang the cuatomer Staff enthuaiamm originte from this uhared dedicison to ci commtient to customer satisfaction prûý " Couvenions Busines I Modyto Fride Smudy 9:00 a. " Y., Ceus Boch Un Qui " Bern Day or Ne"t Dmi * Automtlc DelIvery E * 24 Heur Emmemuy Bi * Tbehn1cal Produact Inl * 'lophone Sup * Vlsitm'oum * af = mmdo ovi i j' i. I i