Town gets new corpora te emgé with $3,OO 1og Krantz say» coat of amins won' get lost i the shuffle MLO lb = 4e <,u na by=ý maead dpw b3v 14-a la teb0 ~ rnIS haie of Ualm Wb"e uhld usI ugi toatm un on Or je g." mmdam rau o m- &Melo d Ma"a Kau Sowhyamadaçuekp? .r" ut, u mith a éan«&& haolhdfu aolya #Vownwoun have ohm. Wo huanua lb Onalogwnaoiona b mttr appiufleall bu mum 1 for fam4mu b. phammi ln as noi Iumm ame ordi. Wh&I urecnpn.sadhwedid a thoumandf oat oRue Produca esou~a aaado i don à 83Wbu worlda out à duI 'emm Coeuuaop Collae. 11woffetNIUd lbdulgala cd ffMI's morporl lago k9t a mupe Wi L*Ua, ddodad lb d«cal. m m ute a coninwcla.uc '61 tuariti bUIIU gP wm O«ud lm<..I am» ftkb mti~ ew m hk Umplyuuadq in lbdooaaipelBui, ha ad.c", abotâSAOXt mouM uro Oui Kim«M mm. LOMME a (»Wkgm CuY 11111,1101m11. au "W aWidotI l.way rat aIlehaadded. dmdut - Pedi lesphu. SavsRej'ion Incinerator sites need green light from public e naii.ieffim o0 ta ekgha auùxyàq Oh. air owrl tu PIeu 10 indawa.u .F oot a Wosdoi etudy gaibag mmlkpflm bwbt = Meniu t om. road aid Hlgbway he nice MrMoaeifile. atwwmid uhei thae' dLXoeida- qulud. Win ha te "Iddy Ohm.e aw n*Y 8Wt Wa mmonehow beum arme wli lb" et imavlm.eaan. duaigNatai fix & pou"li uegiona l. i affects Thtis gap wauld leqji tlnrin faduty. field smys aad rMajut nad Iuy uiaaSemÊly baded topdS caauld.alal publI oawhati arui aà,u aw as Ilunaiaonuan oldb ghd C t'ou Ejoimrnmua <Ioe Mnahll" h d lbe Ragla la end ud tmit oi fen uxl=la two aheruiative ecamadia bro oim M Itau - oaaulil St. Laueaoe Ceaient in 1%e Ragon's pubi& waks dheocou Misaluuaug and thaler ah à « Bob Moa,. explalaad that 15 "ut.- operative appevccl with oihu daIà the W" had, incdnd. hua Toronto aneinmunkutimclt - thai cmm thugh a two-séap pmus. nê ay alio ubsly die Regains tai- In the Aire scap, ha sud. arm uer. ckbuetion reuiement altnuaa.ud frou omenud toi uhoch Thm , ugeiui lu meaiudai, oenuiai a, coerva6a. landAu How to 18MN 1JUmN f shiink» YOUr6M TO niaiou. us PAU" VINmeP Ou moSn - dU anmly inei ue -ateII~ am m wlR. toiP'" cd bonu MIl90gi Wl 1 - 02ilaIm mmCanua aleadr hoOpm hotertam Cantal Sqaae Mai mm Martindo MILlO 87"541 dnuU*> edmwe.wnbtyYme 0o 'etetc"a a i -M q ,.%