Music Mytenis can loo au great as they sound cimihomilleiasatdc !M boirec~eu a m Sophissulesei .qlpissi di -ls voysior a u ec e prels. ý.~ swlngb-umdeWD l Ne*s -o caa ues aiekl u w. OUM mod uly gliasse a s ev~eualiedLTiesp leysm e o r~ aipr cairuis. lin 0' àb u Dolby 0av mitlls an sMurly tasse èa u- ItU pi i aim spusa ir*lots il e peidse casr roundsoue teahiol nces hé"a li ila nîdlsaey bo neli. elnernc In *note ;iii*iisl4iassous. pumas io a b mims Ie. M spake niai !rudi sits hlte b oui eiigI agiensnid h Dýyrls aob 1 be se If' a mai mirsc vidaies aun ut Usti. veil eu élu deitd ie, dw. esiaçel. fo riiist a is a"t roasdmea ,by dMo les, Un"iSI biacs o la i sio ca e de A fôl cele FI~~ e fif er ru a ofl a miqse smr s co usi elve i elleff os IeC)pai a sb la.a of alfen htlyoescc i& lase fsch disc play ihbosi an adapier. So.if >sa woas à uniquae angle ales- El o tiose euflw p esiilti Astomatie Masic Progra ese lic sera diaihtos aid nmaends Fusit Cose MC o00 (îom Sassai. a cold- (AMPS) alon, ye 10 asfiosslly leton as$70, end Mli in aaly rseus ilu «mode «Jeanniei maisseni scvetàpofsiiu speakers, racle mosssa i lestthn Moi = » duosu ,nem It 'lem office - udition the Sucs. MClOOOr l<Vb richesu = by Muibui gai- vetrj ~ai ouuree îls arcasi De ci. 01 elle çîmîlar %lalemq You 7't. incIieS hg. Att our asnis, art trvi capuelltiltMm irie vide- o ho lie yole ape ism miIe dicamoiaiddîcpbap liser lus etectom comeensioelt cm loieb reiicattyr cm on top of ie cielleo asstwAmly. seby si&. 1le &p~i e lho e sud bosamely ce mesical y isis flexibiliy gitn.i o w placeosesafiemm' ita acl DOWi t es utie Sic. font n Masse filts de rcetr. art duw secen And tise -ussnda asl =s Msc iiMe Thise s t ke c n m terr M oyîaleueey csee y resposser cf( M1 se th ie as, sa k esînce la, inliia pertesa denasieri bas bris çcinelleih ansitîrer tisa sole tise ciC~ I*p3oinwmnl serait speer scnd suelli ue rRMGâ W ymu bo convenIeve enginering do.,, 1 Its Mri à poearraio Iow% ysr fo w, in wh*l or ini pwr, unpr unit fic 21 kty ressnte cen ob ~ ~ y ed assoie yn- gel elle lise ptiiçrnane a my Wi . tls th ee raq S am of efort. sins iaea uama hi o 5 insal.Wb alaiSknd la hv - 4 engilnere hast pronsded fi". presaCuune tenir. rosi ma pn. nosuWd is <te an." bluy- in - il si nia tqalai.àscf for elie mccýi popalar raiste-nsteIWIs ymitsX. Andmmu - R k au hiendi cf Music -(Wa (rnn equalua-- oigne.- b.O" e.utmu istaMPhsone dCcimi en &Il). rck. jav. cieanteul iii ý cas.« Us y-su ple wiar * -et, vols. n. hapt UcMM o vous peri -ca -1 A" y-st pitle toit Thse voisine cen nis bomi-~ a aU .wiopimitat, Molnet deises fou pfeme selting end MIL ~ ~ - . d smiih bas à litf LED duo lmn Yom Wzs lleo ~ I<<JiF. hp n hh sectt bougame frnts achats do, ieons tla~auns ,~,ss~' ,a irua llie tuner liai 16 FM and AM does Aod PM anslAanai - p is go yoa cas cils op yca ý aieu saiun ý* snd cs iÇses, le le staion veilie jus a soucis or *»PaiuMisid tos5aaem. the ema .Tise duel coince deck neCltL ple am yov cm Moite tape coies, a misiedsu UROYAL 1BANK lm E CTR1 sipsaca 875-2560 tise Panula MC-lmO con & Carrnage Square atak.d veetloely If dsmud. lise apawsuent sc h.e sd -ls verWl DowUtoU'I Milton coleo hotlam.auiy HIilS Palm mi c. ~CU ad -"ma MR" IEATF TE GST accm WAILL SYUWM li l 1 sri m 'n ~AU L088 ru hoin tw CL § u-cm ia 111111XL onm aff ULLUf qLmaiaiq muai1y a ýn FinRLM 01131l frspluori ro saves i.. I i j' I I .1 How To Realy Turnn Your Television Jumpostart your set with oe 200 channels from satelite TV benwT- -mpw FREE Inllation.à wthe puecha.. orsoea Cmappd -e*age liammer Cieumo n MAdio Symeni, TY.AvcRu- Channi mt Antean 8>ct.u SALM a SWTICE 0 ?4sTkAÀflON 43 Badomoch StL, Mlerlabans 1 (519) 763-0060 pvail-n nagteimssj Superior- Propane's 'Great 'Pay No Interest1 Offer Absolutely do0 interest for one year* Integrated Heating System *F Maimlze the economles of propané wiih the advarnced sa technolagy of a GlowCore "Unicoie Iiitegrated Heating e Systcm." Space.heatingand i. Water heating are combined into a unified, highly efficient home comfort systerm that uses hydronic or forced air ( Financig tertr of Up ta 5 years avait")4c. i0% flnanclng avaullable. Pay no interest for onu yeur. Slrtply make 12 equal paymts fram the date af purchase. Or for furnacrea. walI furnacca and integrated heatlng systems, choose à terni ai 1 taS5 yeaml. wfth competitlve flnàncir«.: A minimms of 10% downpayment ls required. Pussuding credit approvasi. 011cr ends November 30, 1990. Sec your local Blanchi Nanage for full dielailà. I v See the complete selection- at Superior Propane today!1 13U ThOIpSOf ROMa rAmoEaco 51ase $ am iSYVE OSIE I t MSt iso ffus Stan 151 50010 SOYsit I ST2